Chapter 3

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The night at the hospital was very calm, with the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medications they administered, the pain disappeared quickly during the night, allowing me to have a pleasant sleep.

The next day, my mom and I were in the hospital room meeting with the doctor. He was conducting the final examination to authorize my discharge.

"Everything seems to be fine, Mr. Duncan. Does it hurt if I touch this area?" said the doctor as he gently touched the general area of the bruise with two fingers. "A little, but I can bear it, doctor," I replied.

"Perfect, well, that would be all. Some recommendations would be to take the prescribed painkillers if the pain returns, and if anything more serious than the pain occurs, come immediately. That would include dizziness, vomiting, or vision problems. For now, that's all with you, PJ. Now, if you don't mind, please leave the room for a moment. I have some matters to discuss with your mother. It won't take long."

Thanking the doctor, I left the room and headed towards the waiting area. As I reached a corner, a little kid stumbled into me, "Oof," I heard after feeling the impact. There on the floor was a little boy, no more than 5 years old, holding his head as he had collided with my hip.

"Sorry, little buddy, I didn't see where I was going," I said as I helped him up.

"It's okay, I'm not hurt. I'm very strong," the boy said while smiling and flexing his imaginary biceps.

Laughing at the child's cuteness, I let him continue on his way. But something caught my attention about his gait. Something wasn't right, I thought. His walk was very unstable, and he kept tripping over nothing but his own feet.

"Wait, kid!" I stopped him quickly but gently. "What's your name?" Surprised, the boy turned and looked me in the eyes as he replied, "I'm Oliver, nice to meet you," extending his hand to introduce himself. However, I noticed that besides being a well-mannered boy, his hand was misdirected towards me, as if he had aimed wrong. That wasn't a good sign.

"Hello, Oliver, nice to meet you too. Can I ask why you came here today?"

"Sure, while playing Superman, I fell off my bed and hit my head. My mom got very scared, but the doctor said I'm fine, so there's no problem. You know, I'm very brave. I hardly cried when I fell because I barely felt it. Like I said, I'm really strong," Oliver said, smiling.

"Wow, impressive, Oliver. Hey, I noticed that your eyes are special, like Superman's. Do you mind if I take a closer look at them?" I crouched down to his level and asked.

"Sure," the boy said as he comically opened his eyes wider, trying to help me see better.

They were beautiful, big green eyes, but that's not why I asked to see them. As I suspected, one of his pupils was dilated while the other was not. This is a problem, and it had to be here, of all places. Mom is going to work here. Why does there have to be a negligent doctor?

"As I thought, Oliver, you have eyes like Superman. Hey, would you mind taking me to where your mom is? I'd like to apologize to her too for accidentally bumping into you. I don't want to be a bad person you know. Would you help me with that, Superman?" I said as I got back on my feet.

Perplexed, the boy seemed to think for a moment until he made up his mind and nodded, saying, "Sure, PJ, come with me. Mom was with the doctor. I had to go to the bathroom, but since I'm a big boy now, I can go by myself." The boy chatted with a cheerful expression as we walked towards the doctor's offices. Once again, I noticed his unsteady walk; it seemed like he couldn't measure his steps properly, constantly stumbling and having to correct the direction he was walking as he got closer to the wall on one side.

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