Chapter 58

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As I said, "Chapters" :D



Unfortunately, House was right. The vast majority of charts in the unfinished pile were from cases I had been involved in.

A couple of hours after carefully filling out the charts, House returned to the clinic. I saw him leave Dr. Cuddy's office only a few minutes after entering, probably to meet with the other three doctors on the team. "Come on, your siblings are ready," the man said, leaning on his cane. "Did you do all those charts in these few hours?" House asked, surprisingly impressed as he pointed to the charts in front of me.

"Yeah," I replied, placing the chart I had in my hands on top of the tower of charts.

"You really are efficient," House said, raising his eyebrows exaggeratedly. "Maybe from now on, I should let you handle the charts, to learn, of course, as my apprentice and all that," House said sarcastically as we walked out of the clinic where the three doctors working under him were waiting.

"P.J., Merry Christmas," Cameron said, smiling cheerfully. She was the first to greet me, handing me a small stack of papers, a CBC from the patient.

"Likewise," I replied, silently thanking her for the papers and beginning to read them immediately.

"Hey, mate," Chase greeted me, raising his hand amicably, which I mirrored.

"Can we start working?" Dr. Foreman asked, noticeably exasperated.

"Oh, come on, Foreman, where's your Christmas spirit? We had to wait for the kid," House said sarcastically, pointing at me as he walked as fast as his cane would allow. "He's here now, let's start. Ideas?"

"Her hands were red and swollen," Cameron spoke first. "Maybe she has a skin infection, cellulitis? That could manifest with tachycardia."

"No history of fever," I quickly negated while reading the data they had given me.

"And the CBC results didn't indicate an infection," added Dr. Foreman.

"The eosinophils are mildly elevated," Cameron continued, accepting Dr. Foreman's and my negation. "SED rate's up a bit. Could we be looking at a systemic allergic response?"

"It's not allergic," House immediately denied. "Allergies don't cause cardiac arrest like this. Could be inflammation of the blood vessels."

"Vasculitis?" Dr. Foreman asked incredulously. "That wouldn't give you an elevated eosinophil count," he continued.

"Churg-Strauss vasculitis would," I said, finishing reading the papers.

"And that's why we wait for the kid," House said sarcastically to Dr. Foreman, smiling amusedly. "The blood vessels of the heart, lungs, and skin become inflamed, causing asthma, rash, and heart problems. It covers all her symptoms," House continued as Cameron opened the door to the diagnostic lounge.

"You need a biopsy to diagnose," Cameron said calmly, following House into the room.

"Chest CT would be quicker," Chase argued.

"The lady just came in with a rash," Dr. Foreman said, completely incredulous.

"What the hell are those?" House stopped a few steps from the door, staring at a bowl of small candy canes on the table.

"Candy canes," Cameron responded nervously as Chase took one.

"Candy canes?" House repeated, "Are you mocking me?" he asked, pointing to his cane again, joking with Cameron.

"No, it's Christmas, and I-" Cameron began to explain nervously, "I thought-"

"Relax," House interrupted, "It's just a joke."

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