Chapter 16

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Quickly Meemaw and I reached my family inside the house.

With hugs, Mom and Mrs. Cooper were loudly greeting each other, while Mr. Cooper and Bob exchanged a friendly handshake.

"There he is, my quarterback and now my hero," Mr. Cooper said as he approached my side and offered his hand in a firm handshake. "Hello, Mr. Cooper, how are you?" I asked politely as I shook his hand.

"Well, son, I'm better now" Mr. Cooper replied cheerfully, patting my shoulder lightly. "Thanks to you and your parents," Mr. Cooper continued with a big smile on his face, turning again to Bob and Mom. "I don't know how to thank you enough, Amy, Bob, really," Mr. Cooper continued to Bob and Mom.

"You don't have to thank us, George, I'm sure you would do the same," Bob replied after greeting Mrs. Cooper and placing the beers on the Cooper's table.

"Yes, George, you and Mary are our first friends here in Texas, it's only natural that if you need help, we'll help you," Mom affirmed with false modesty.

"And thank God for that, or I don't know what would have happened," Mrs. Cooper said cheerfully.

"Well, enough of thanks, the dinner is getting cold," Meemaw interrupted, who hadn't said anything throughout the exchange.

"Thank you," Gabe exclaimed, raising his arms, causing Teddy to give him a light tap on the back of his head.

"You're right, Mom," Mrs. Cooper said quickly, remembering. "Missy, Shelly, Georgie, come to dinner!" she shouted from one side of the dining table, heading to the kitchen, presumably to bring out dinner.

"Please, take a seat," Mr. Cooper said quickly, noticing that we were still standing, and he took his seat as well.

Bob quickly sat across from Mr. Cooper, opened a beer, and passed one to Mr. Cooper.

The first of the Cooper kids to arrive was Sheldon. "Greetings, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, thank you for helping my dad after his heart attack," he said elegantly, strangely smiling at my parents. "Hi PJ, thanks to you too for your help," he continued more naturally as he approached the same spot at the table as last time.

"You're welcome, Sheldon," Mom replied cheerfully as she also took a seat at the table.

"Where's your sister?" Meemaw asked Sheldon as she took a seat beside him.

"She was behind me," Sheldon said, looking puzzled and searching the corridor behind me.

"PJ!" I heard my name being called as two arms squeezed me from behind. "Thanks for saving Dad," I discovered was Missy, still clinging tightly to my body in a big hug.

Patting her head calmly, I said, "You're welcome, Missy," managing to make her let go of me to greet my parents with a smile before approaching Teddy, who had already taken a seat beside Mom.

"Hi, Missy," Gabe cheerfully said from the kids' table.

"Hello," she replied superficially, then ignored him and talked to Teddy.

Seeing how this answer had surprised my brother, with a bit of pity for him, I took a seat next to Meemaw and Bob.

"Hello," Georgie said, entering the same hallway his siblings had a few moments ago.

"Hey," I greeted back as we fist-bumped.

"Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, thank you for helping my dad," Georgie quickly said.

It seemed the Cooper kids were instructed to thank Mom and Bob.

"You're welcome," Bob said, patting Georgie on the shoulder.

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