Chapter 21

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After making fun of my strange relationship with Regina, my friends began to talk about their typical teenage topics, as always, every now and then, Alan or I ended up as judges of strange disagreements between our other two friends.

Alan and I were so engrossed in watching an argument about which magazine was better that we didn't notice when Georgie, our fifth friend, had arrived.

"Hey," Georgie said, greeting us with a big smile.

"Hello," David and Brock quickly responded to continue their discussion.

"Good morning, Georgie," I said to our newly arrived friend. "Are you nervous?" I asked as I watched him move things from his surprisingly messy locker.

Surprised by the question, Georgie froze for a moment with a notebook in hand. "What?" he asked aloud, nervously. "Nervous, me?" he asked again, furrowing his brow and looking around. "No, not at all. Why do you ask?" he continued hastily, closing his locker hurriedly.

"He's definitely nervous," Alan commented with a small mocking smile.

"Don't tease him," I said to my calm friend with fake annoyance, giving him a light shoulder punch. "It's normal to be nervous, Georgie," I continued, giving my nervous friend a one-armed hug. "If you need anything, you can always count on me; after all, we're friends," I said with false sweetness, placing my hand on my chest.

Seeing the strange expression Georgie gave after my comment, I couldn't help but laugh, accompanied by Alan. "Idiot," Georgie said as he pushed me with annoyance, which only made me laugh even more.

"What's going on?" Brock asked, who had at some point stopped his strange argument with David.

"Oh, nothing, it's just that Georgie here is a little nervous," Alan said, condescendingly mocking in his tone, causing my other two friends to exchange puzzled looks for a few seconds before breaking into a big smile.

"Is that true, Georgie?" David asked with feigned concern in his voice as he quickly approached Georgie and trapped him under his arm.

"No," Georgie immediately responded defensively, trying to dodge David's arm but failing.

"Come on, Georgie boy," Brock said, imitating David's falsely concerned tone. "You don't need to hide your feelings. Tell great Brock how you feel," he continued, also trapping Georgie under his arm and starting to walk alongside David, dragging our friend with them.

Beside Alan, watching the situation in front of us, we chuckled and bumped fists in a small celebration before following our friends.

"PJ!" I suddenly heard Sheldon's voice a few steps away from us. Turning and searching for my little friend, I found him, or at least his arm raised among a crowd of teenagers. It took him several seconds to extricate himself from the mass of people in the main corridor.

Dressed like a full-fledged insurance salesman with dress shoes, pressed pants, a button-up shirt, and perfectly combed hair, moving strangely due to a briefcase that was basically the same size as his torso.

"Wait, please," he said, practically shouting over the endless noise caused by our schoolmates' conversations.

"Good morning, Sheldon," I greeted my little friend when he finally reached us.

"Good morning, PJ," Sheldon responded elegantly, straightening his back. "Friend of PJ," he continued, also acknowledging Alan with a slight nod.

"Mini Cooper," Alan said, returning the greeting with a strange haughty smile.

"I'm nine years old, obviously, I'm small," Sheldon commented, offended, straightening his back even more in an attempt to appear taller than he actually was.

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