Chapter 8

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Quickly the week had passed.

With my constant morning runs, training at school, and adding some strength exercises as recommended by Coach Wilkins. Gradually, I was gaining endurance; I didn't get tired as quickly, and I could run as fast as I can a few seconds more. Along with the strength exercises and Sheldon's advice, my throws were gaining more power every day, enough to please Mr. Cooper.

"I'm sure that if you keep improving the way you are doing, we can win the game coming up in two weeks," Mr. Cooper commented after Friday's training with a wide smile.

I put all my effort into each training session, giving my all in the passes, trying to execute the plays as outlined in the book, and supporting my teammates when they needed it. Coach Wilkins and Mr. Cooper noticed my dedication, often congratulating me in front of everyone in the locker room after training.

Regina also noticed, along with the cheerleading team, who constantly cheered my name on the field.

This seemed to trigger some jealousy among my teammates, as they started viewing our activities as a competition. They frequently challenged me to races or asked for more challenging passes. Overall, the training sessions were very productive for both me and my teammates.

After school, Georgie and I played with Gabe at home, practicing some of the plays from the book while having fun. Occasionally, Mr. Cooper or Bob would join us to spend quality time together.

Throughout the week, I continued to help Teddy with her homework. Even though she seemed not to need my assistance, she was always happy to accept it while telling me about her day and the school gossip.

Gabe would continue to practice his guitar for a few hours before bed, which helped me relax a bit.

In other words, I was living a happy life with my family and friends.

Today is Sunday, and I'm at the comic book store with Gabe, waiting for mom to return with the purchases.

"PJ, do you think if a radioactive spider bites me, I'll get powers like Spiderman?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the comic book.

"I highly doubt you'll find a radioactive spider, buddy. But even if you do, no, I don't think it'll give you powers," I replied, flipping through a Doctor Strange comic, which apparently is his real name, not just a nickname.

Leaving the comic where I found it, I looked through the other shelves to see what caught my attention. Superheroes were never really my thing, although I heard about some famous movies in my previous life, I never got around to watching them, so I don't know what the big fuss is about.

Near some action figures, I picked up a book with a guitar on the cover. On the book cover, I read "Learn to Play Guitar: A Guide to Playing the Best Songs." This would be perfect for Gabe, who was just strumming the guitar without much guidance from me. I can't teach him much, so this book will be a great help.

"What do you have there?" Gabe suddenly asked, standing behind me.

"It's a book to learn how to play the guitar," I said as I handed it to him, "take it, it can be useful."

I noticed in his other hand he had several comic books and some dollar bills. With a frown on his face, he was evaluating what to buy.

"Leave it, I'll give it to you as a gift," I said, taking the book back.

"Perfect, thanks PJ," he quickly replied and ran off, probably thinking I might change my mind.

Mom didn't give me money to buy comic books, but PJ had a few hundred dollars saved up hidden in a sock and since Bob knew I made it to the team, he had been giving me money daily. "You deserve it, quarterback, my son. Don't tell your siblings; I'll keep giving them their allowance only on Sundays," I remember him saying with pride.

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