Chapter 61

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"Boston?" Teddy asked excitedly.

"Isn't that where PJ went by plane?" This time it was Gabe's turn to ask, getting excited for a completely different reason.

"Yes, the kind couple your father and I have been talking to are the ones who hosted PJ in Boston a few days ago, Dottie and Dr. Thomas," Mom explained excitedly.

"They wanted to meet all of us and invited us to spend two weeks in Boston," Bob added.

Ah, I remember Dottie had said she wanted to talk to my parents about it; I had completely forgotten.

"That's so awesome! I have to call Baja and Bianca; they're going to be so jealous," Teddy said, still excited, as she ran towards the house phone.

"I'm going to fly on a plane," Gabe murmured, completely lost in his thoughts, walking with his gifts hugged tightly.

"Are you happy?" Mom asked, smiling slightly as I was the last of her children present.

"Oh yeah, the Thomases are some of the kindest people I've met. I didn't expect to go back to Boston so soon," I replied, smiling happily.

"They're also excited to see you again; they couldn't stop praising you," Mom said proudly, pulling me into a tight hug.

A couple of hours later, the neighborhood kids, with their new toys received as gifts, came out to show them off to the other kids, as if it were a planned event.

Among all the kids, obviously, was Gabe, who, along with the younger Cooper kids and the Sparks, was in our front yard comparing toys, except for Sheldon, who had received books.

"Does your family do a talent show every year?" Cam, who was surely accompanying Georgie all day on the Coopers' orders, asked, surprised and a bit jealous.

"Yup, every year Dad does a magic show and Mom sings a Christmas song," I replied, amused by Georgie's discomfort with having his uncle with us.

His uncle was eager to fit into any interaction. With any other person, it would be quite easy to include them in the conversation; we would just need to continue talking about a common topic. But Cam was strangely desperate to be included, so much so that it was almost painful to watch.

It only took a few minutes for him to feel confident enough to change the topic of conversation to focus on himself.

"I wish my family, our family, had that kind of tradition," Cam said longingly, pointing at Georgie. "Instead, all we do is eat dinner as quickly as possible and go to bed to open presents early."

"I don't see anything wrong with that," Georgie said immediately, strangely offended.

"Yeah," Cam said, nodding slightly as he looked at his nephew. "You know," he continued, very excitedly remembering something, "I won the Cutest Baby contest at the Jasper County Fair in '74, which is kind of a talent show."

"What kind of talent did you have as a baby?" I asked amusedly, as Cam had once again found a way to steer the conversation towards himself.

"I was very cute," Cam explained proudly.

"Certainly a useful talent," I said, patting the robust boy's shoulder with amusement.

"Oh yeah, it is," Cam responded, laughing nervously.

After that, as usual when Cam was around, an awkward silence ensued.

"We should go do something," I said, tired of just sitting on the porch, standing up and lightly tapping Georgie's shoulder, causing him to stand up almost immediately. It seemed he couldn't stand being there any longer either. "I'll go get my keys."

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