Chapter 59

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Another one.

At the end of this chapter, in the Author Thoughts, there are a couple of points I would like you to take a look at (obviously after you finish reading the chapter).



House and I had to test my theory before House could brag about it to Dr. Cuddy.

"I warn you, kid, there's a lot of sexual tension between the nun and me; it might be hard for you to process," House warned me, overly serious, as we walked to the patient's room.

"I assure you, I'll be fine," I said, unamused by his jokes.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," House said, shaking his head while opening the patient's room door.

"Ah, Dr. House," inside the room, there were only two nuns: the patient, Sister Augustine, and the 'pretty nun,' who greeted us kindly as we entered.

"I told you," House murmured arrogantly, stopping at the doorframe and catching the nun's attention, who hadn't noticed me behind House.

"Augustine told me you're PJ Duncan from the newspaper. Now I can see the resemblance," the nun said, smiling in surprise as she saw me.

"Enough of that," House said, taking a few steps forward and interrupting, "I need to know what kind of tea you were drinking during the consultation when you arrived," House continued seriously, taking the nun by surprise.

"It's just figwort tea," the nun admitted quickly, looking worried.

"Perfect, can I have one of the tea bags?" House asked, smiling broadly.

Puzzled, the nun took a small tea bag from one of her habit's pockets. "Thank you," House said, taking the tea bag and walking out of the room again, seemingly without any intention of explaining anything.

"We think the tea might have had some reaction with the epinephrine that was administered to Sister Augustine. We need to investigate further, but for now, it would be prudent for the sister to stop drinking it for a while," I quickly explained to the puzzled woman before following House out.

In one of the hospital corridors, a few steps away from Sister Augustine's room, House and I met the other three doctors from the diagnostic team. "Ah, the other kids from the divorce," House said sarcastically. "How's your mother? Has she brought any man home yet?" he asked, pretending to be annoyed, making the other three doctors shake their heads, especially Dr. Foreman.

"What are you doing up here?" Chase asked.

"I have a better one: what did Cuddy order you to do?" House asked, ignoring Chase's question.

"We're going to put her on forty percent oxygen until her oxygen levels stabilize and administer a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory," Cameron quickly said before anyone else could speak.

"He's off the case; it's unethical to discuss case details," Dr. Foreman said seriously.

"Oh, relax, that's about to change," House said sarcastically to Foreman, "cancel that," he ordered Cameron, who nodded slightly. "Come on, you can accuse me to Cuddy with all of us present; I don't think that'll be a problem for you," House continued, smiling at Dr. Foreman as he walked.

Fortunately, the other three doctors followed us. Who knows what Cuddy's treatment might do to the underlying condition we now had.

When we entered Dr. Cuddy's office, she was pressing the sides of her head, reading some type of document. The small crowd caught her attention. "What's this, a boycott? I'd expect it from Cameron, but Foreman?" she asked ironically.

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