Chapter 10

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During the meal after returning home.

"How was your day, honey?" Bob asked while serving potatoes to Gabe.

"Good, there wasn't much to do during my shift. We didn't have many patients in the emergency room. There was a boy who went fishing with his father, and the hook got stuck in his lip," she said while trying to show where on the lip. "Also, Mr. Johnson came back for his sponge bath. It's amazing how quickly his body hair grows," Mom continued.

"Great, now we have to hear about Dad's insects and Mr. Johnson's body hair," Gabe said disgustedly, putting down his utensils on his plate.

"By the way, Dr. House finally accepted a patient," Mom said, ignoring Gabe's comment as she served food on her plate.

"Oh, really, dear?" Bob said. "What's so special about this patient that the awful Dr. House finally accepted him?" he continued.

"No one knows for sure. Rumor has it among the nurses that she's related to someone at the hospital, but I think it's because of the challenge. Everyone says House is a medical genius, but it seems he only cares about special cases," Mom said.

"So, he won't see anyone unless he finds the case interesting," I said, now more annoyed with this Dr. House.

"What happened to her, Mom?" Teddy asked suddenly intrigued.

Pausing for a moment, Mom stayed silent.

"Well, according to the head nurse, a month ago, she had a seizure in front of his entire class. She was a teacher, and during one of her classes, the children said she started speaking strangely, then she wrote on the board to call the nurse and passed out," Mom said, trying to add suspense to her words.

"That's awful. Why could that have happened?" Teddy said, scared.

"Brain tumor," I blurted out without thinking, still angry with Dr. House.

Everyone at the table fell silent and looked at me.

"Yes, that's what they thought, but they ran tests, and there's no visible tumor. Besides, she's still young, only 29 years old," Mom said, eyeing me suspiciously. "How do you know it could be cancer, PJ?" she asked, surprised and intrigued.

"I read it in a book," I quickly lied.

"A book?" Mom said. "Why would you read a book about that?"

"He's been studying to become a doctor. Sometimes, he practice 'suturing' fruits in our room," Gabe quickly chimed in.

Bob and Mom seemed surprised.

"Well, since my head injury, I've been thinking about studying more about the brain, and in one of the chapters of this book, it mentions symptoms of a brain tumor that sound like what you described," I lied again.

"Oh, PJ, you don't have to study medicine if you're worried. We can take you to the hospital if you need it," Mom said with concern on her face.

"Actually, I'm not just studying because of fear. I mean, sure, that's how it started, but after reading a few books on the subject, I find myself developing an interest in medicine. I've been thinking about becoming a doctor," I said resolutely. I had been waiting for the right moment to tell my family, and now seemed like the best time.

Once again, my words seemed to leave everyone speechless.

"PJ, a doctor?" Bob finally broke the silence. "I never thought I'd hear that," Mom added.

"Yeah, I've been considering it. I've improved a lot in my studies, and I'm studying every day. I might even get a sports scholarship, so I thought, why not become a doctor?" I said, looking at them, waiting for their reactions.

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