Chapter 35

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It was almost poetic the way Mom yelled and scolded me for several uninterrupted minutes. It seemed that, besides my siblings who were obviously listening, if the silence in their rooms indicated anything, the entire street had decided to keep quiet, allowing the pregnant woman's shouts to be heard everywhere.

"I can't believe it, losing your hard-earned money on a stupid bet," after several minutes of yelling, the pregnant woman with a red and sweaty face took a seat wearily.

"Oh, he didn't lose her money, darling," opportunistically embarrassed, probably for not mentioning that little detail earlier, Bob said.

"What?" the furious woman asked again, standing up, "and you waited until now to say it?" she asked again, pushing Bob on his shoulder, the height difference making the action extremely comical.

With the new revelation, fortunately for me, I wasn't the only one under the wrath of the pregnant woman. Unfortunately for Bob, he was placed next to me, receiving the same amount of hormonal woman's shouts.

The shouts continued for several minutes until the seemingly breathless woman had to stop to rest. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Bob quickly sat next to his wife, soothingly caressing her arms, trying to be forgiven.

"If he didn't lose the money, what did you do with the winnings?" after a few seconds to catch her breath, the woman asked.

Again seizing the opportunity, Bob began to explain everything we had discussed and done at the bank with Mr. Lynch. Occasionally, I had to add details that Bob overlooked.

"Oh, PJ," with teary eyes, the woman stood up affectionately, placing her hands on the sides of my face, "I'm so glad you're thinking about your future," she tenderly affirmed, "but don't think for a moment that I accept what you did," she said seriously, losing her smile, "my eldest son, making bets," getting angry again, she began to shake my head, "I didn't raise you that way," and the scolding continued.

Several shouts from the hormonal woman later, Bob managed to shift her focus. That day, for the first time in my two lives, I discovered what it was like to be truly punished.

The next day, Bob sent my car with Mr. Sparks, who had to remind me he was the father of the chicken boy, as the man had a mechanic workshop where they would inspect and fix everything the car needed, and, of course, I would have to pay.

As the days passed, my already routine life became even more routine. Discovering that I really did nothing but go to school, the hospital, and home, Bob and Amy found other ways to punish me.

They couldn't do much to reprimand me at school, so ironically, it was the only place where I was free from problems. In the hospital, my hours with House and his team, along with the time I spent writing for Dr. Donnall's research, were cut short as Mom dragged me into volunteering, cleaning, organizing, cutting nails—basically, the worst part of working as a nurse in a hospital, at least the part the nurses didn't want to do and avoided whenever they could.

"Do you know what the best part of the hospital TV is?" House asked while eating from a bag of chips, sitting in one of the lounge chairs in the obstetrics staff room, "that it's basically free cable TV." Seeing that I was ignoring him while doing my volunteer work, House responded.

Apart from being punished to do volunteer work at the hospital, I was punished every day with House being House. From the first day after Mom explained why he couldn't be in charge of me for too long, House enjoyed pointing out and mocking what I had to do.

At home, the punishment was different. After doing my homework and having some time to study, Bob and Mom made sure I didn't have any free time—cleaning cars, dishes, taking care of the garden—basically anything that could be done by me.

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