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(Harry's P.O.V.)

It was lazy afternoon for all of us. My lads and I together with their girls are chillin at Zayn's place watching movie that Liam picked and waiting for the pizza to be delivered. I am still thinking about what happened last night. About the girl I slept with. Who is she? Did we had sex? Why did she left without waking me up? Louis and I thought it was Megan. But .. But it can't be. I've hurt Niall once, and I don't want to hurt him again. I remember what Louis told me. Megan is not that drunk, so I think she knows everything that happened last night. I decided to text her.

*How was last night for you?*

Since I was seating beside her, I can see that she read my message and starts to reply.

*Yeah, it was alright, thanks for the drink :) What about you?*

I knew I was drunk last night I barely remember anything. I wanna get straight to my point with her about asking if we slept together but this feels so awkward.

*Yeah, not too bad. Can't remember most of it though* I replied.

*Wake up with a mystery blonde?* She asked.

*Definitely blonde. Could've been anyone. Could've been you for all I know.* I replied. These are the words I decided to put together to ask Megan about last night. She may thought it was a joke though.

But when I got a reply from her. I was shocked. My eyes widen. Looks like my own joke hit me.

*Maybe it was ;)*

I read it a hundreds of times and a lot of things came out of my mind. Maybe she was just joking. Maybe she wants me to get confused. Why Megan? Why? What about Niall? You'd hurt him again. We'd hurt him again.

I do not know what to reply on Megan's message. Luckily, the pizza delivery saved me.


( Megan's P.O.V.)

"PIZZA'S HERE!!!" Niall shouted as if like he is a kid that is excited for food. Well ofcourse he is Niall, he's always excited for food.

We decided to eat in the living room since we were watching a movie. Four large boxes of pizza, for the nine of us. That's a lot. But guess what? Ofcourse we finished them all. These boys eats like there's no tomorrow.

"Since it was Megan's first time here in London, what if we tour her tomorrow? Since we have no schedule for anything" Liam, out of nowhere suggested.

"Do you want to tour in London me love?" Niall asked me.

"Sure I'd love too" I excitedly responded.

"Sorry guys can't be with you tomorrow. I'll be with Perrie and the rest of little mix I promised I will accompany them with a radio interview." Zayn said.

"It's alright mate" Niall responded.

More Than This ~Niall Horan Fanfiction~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now