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Today was the best day in my life.I will never forget that.But i didn't even know what I felt when he comes close to me.But whatever it is I love it...

"Adonis!"a voice came from behind.It was Perseus."Hii Per!"I said with a cute handshake with him."You look cool,Adonis"Perseus said."Because i am cool."I said with a small laugh."I was just kidding and you take it seriously." Perseus said.I didn't say or do anything rather than staring straight into his eyes.But it didn't last long.Someone's voice interrupted us.It was no one else.It was my friend,Ivan.

"Hey Ivan"I waved at him."Hi Adonis. How are you? Long time no see.You didn't even come to my house in holidays. You went to everyone but not mine."He said with a sad face."Ivan,I am really sorry.after i went to axe house.Only few days were left and i have to stay at home too.My mom forced me to come back.But i will come in summer for sure."I said with a smile."Fine.Soo today I am sitting with you not axe.Okay."He said and went on the other side to sit with me.There was a bag there but he thinks it  is of axe soo he threw it on the ground.He didn't even ask that it is of him or someone else.

But I was too busy in talking to Ivan that i didn't notice that per was not there.

"Axe,Where is per?"I asked him."I don't know.When you were busy talking to Ivan.He went outside and didn't came yet."He replied."Adonis,Who is per?"Ivan asked with raising his eyebrows."His name is Perseus.He is a new student.I met him yesterday."I replied."Ugh! Adonis why are you caring for a new student if you have friends waiting for you.Are you going to choose him over us."Ivan said with a angry face."Ivan,He is too nice to me.He has no friends yet so this is my responsibility to take care of him.We are friends with him.Ask axe."I said."I don't care.But no one is coming into our friends group and that's it.And if you want to add him soo I am leaving."Ivan said and left from there."Ivan,Pleasee don't overreact at these things.Finee i will not became friends with him.Now come back please."I shouted from back.

I didn't notice a thing that Perseus was standing there.He was starting at me continuously.I can see in his eyes what he want to say or what he feels right now.He didn't say anything and pick up his bag and sit on the first seat cuz there was no one sitting there.

"Everyone,Get to your seats.Why are you all  standing in between the class."Mrs Maudie said while keeping her bag down on table."Perseus,What happened you came to first seat.Didn't you became friends with Adonis."Mrs Maudie asked him.

He stayed silent for sometime and than speak."Teacher,I want to sit alone.I didn't became familiar with anyone and i don't want to interfere in anyone friend circle."I was shocked at that time.Does he really think that i use him for one day or he is not worthy of that.

Why did i did it i should not done it at any cost.I am really sorry per.U didn't mean to do that.

Whole day finished and he didn't even talk to me a bit.I think i should apologise and talk to Ivan for once so somehow he agree.


I knew it.I should not trust him.Why did i did why why why?

I got home.Changed into something cozy.After this tiring day,now i can relax for sometime.And I have to revise my Science test too whether the teacher will eat me alive.

I can't stop thinking about him.Perseus, focus on your studies. Don't think about him.You have to move on that.

I suddenly woke up from sleep and see the timing.It was 11:45pm.And i was sleeping on my science book.I can't study science at all.No matter how much I try.But now I was sleepy so i throw myself on the bed and go to sleep...

Next morning,when i wake up.I saw my alarm was off and i was getting late.I get up and got ready in 15 mins and now only 10 mins was left.I was in too hurry that i forget to get my lunch and eat my breakfast.

But I get relieved when i reached the school on time.I didn't even have time to check my phone that does Adonis text me or call me.

I entered the classroom.Like always our class is on the top for Shouting and screaming.Today I make my mind that I will sit wherever i want to and no one can stop me.Afterall it  is not only their class.

After sometime,I watch Adonis entering the classroom with his friends.I can't stop myself from staring at him.and his eyes were  looking for someone that is really want to meet and talk.Is that mee??

"Hey Peri or whatever your name is.Get up from our seat."Said Ivan."Calm down,Ivan.You can sit next to me.Why bothering him.He is really kind and that is not the way of talking to someone and especially him."I heard axe taking my side.

Suddenly Adonis came near me and put his bag down."See Ivan,I don't want to argue.I didn't want to say anything because you are my friends and he is also a part of our friend circle."He said.

After taking too much time of thinking.Ivan spoke."Fine.From now on Perseus is our friend."He said with a little smile.I can't stop myself due to excitement and i hugged him tightly.
"Thanku soo much Ivan.You are the best."I said with a smile.

"What about me per."He said with crossing his arms."Thanku soo much Adonis.If you will be not there that would not happen.You are the worst."I said with hugging him."Yeah.I am the worst."He hugged me back.

"Soo guys i want to tell you something"Adonis take everyone attention."What?"Everyone asks.

That, Perseus Alastair is my b........

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