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I straight went to my school reception desk and told teacher that I am not feeling well and i want to go back home.I don't want to stay here anymore.

"Teacher,please can you call my parents."I said."What is your name?"She asked."Perseus, Perseus Alastair."I replied.

"Perseus,I am soo sorry but our phone is not working and teacher phone is not allowed.Soo i can't do anything.You can take medicine."She said.

"It's okay teacher.I will go back.I don't want medicine."I said with a sigh.

I don't want to watch that faces again specially of that idiot.

"Per!I told you to wait for me but you were not there."Adonis called me from back.I ignore him and walk away.

And there in class, arguing for seats."I will sit with him.I make him leave this seat."I heard Ivan arguing with Kelvin.

"Per,what happened?why are you looking sad?"Axe asked."Nothing much just a little headache."I replied in a slow voice.

"Per,I was calling you and you didn't hear me."Adonis said and hugged me.

I don't know why but i really want to hug him.And on the other side,I was angry with him.

"Adonis,leave me.Go from there."I said pushing him."Are you mad at me that i leave you alone there."He said putting my face in his hands.

"Yeah,so what.Did you do this first time that i forgive you.First go and deal with your friends they are fighting with me that they are sitting with you."I said."See my fans are waiting eagerly for me.Hope so that I come fit and fine from there.Whether my crush will be shocked that he was not the one and specially a special person will get sad."He said turning his eyes to meet mine.

I couldn't help but laugh at this.He is really something.

"Everyone go back to yours seats.No more argument."He said and everyone gaze go towards him.

They ignored him and start fighting.They was like,who is he.I laughed at this.

"Bastards, don't you know to respect your friend.I am the one for whom you are fighting."He said slapping Ivan shoulder.


"Why are you arguing friends.Just sit wherever you want.First tell me who is not getting up and where do you want to sit Ivan."I asked them.

"Say this to your bestfriend he is the one who is not getting up and the reason of the argument is Perseus."Ivan said pointing his finger towards him."He is innocent.Why the hell are you fighting with him?"I asked.

"Because I want to sit with you.I don't want you to sit with him."Ivan said.At that time my anger was about to burst out on him but he stopped me.

"Adonis,don't fight for me with your friends.I don't want to argue."Perseus said with a sad voice."I am sitting with Perseus and that's it.I don't want to sit with you.And you are the one who start this.He have no interest in doing things like this."I said.

I pick his hand and left the class.He didn't say anything.

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