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I quickly picked up my call and we talked for hours.I don't know about what we talk but we talked very unnecessary things.It was so good to talk to him.My comfort zone.

It was already 6 pm and mom arrived."Good evening mom."I greeted her."Good evening Adonis."She replied with a smile."So how was the day at the school?"She asked.

"Good indeed."I said and I got a notification on my phone and it started coming continuously.I finally checked and it was my crush."Carry on,I am going to rest for a little and tell me when dad came i will prepare dinner."With a last smile,she went to her room and so did i.

I checked the messages and I can feel my heart getting broken into pieces.I was drowning,I was crying.My tears were coming continuously.

It's over Adonis
I know your feelings were true for me but sorry I don't have any feelings for you anymore.
You can find someone better than me
I know it will hurt but I can't do anything
And if you care for me don't message me again and not even try to
Think whatever you want,if you think I had found someone else,so it can be true or it can be no too
I know it will be your first thought but for me telling you this is not important though
So have a good life byee,

The whole night,I was reading the messages again and again.I can't sleep.Mom came to wake up me in morning but i said I am not in mood of going so she left.I didn't text Perseus about not coming,I was so lost in that fucking breakup that I didn't even said a word to him,to my supporting system.

I picked my phone that was lying in a corner
of my room.I checked my phone,And I saw 70+ messages from Perseus and 20+ calls.I again started crying.I called him and he picked up after one ring.

"Hey Adonis!What happened?Why were you not picking up my calls and not even replying?You know how much afraid I was and how stressed I am? Will you speak now? Tell me what happened?"He speaks in one breathe and i can't speak a word other than sobbing.

"A-mI-I that ba-bad Per?"I only managed to speak it.


He was crying continuously ,not speaking anything.I was asking him continuously but he was repeating only one thing, am I bad? Will everyone leave me? Will you too?

I can't even go to his house, it's only 7:00 in the morning and what will I say to my parents.I took a deep breathe and tried to console him.

"Okay okay,Stop crying please for me."I said and he stop crying after a while."Take a deep breathe and smile a little."I said and he do the same.

"Yeah it's good but-"He said but i stopped him."No buts just do as I say.Will you not follow your darling orders?"I said as he laughed at my words.

"Thank you."He said."Ah,Thanks for what? For your smile?For your not crying?For your  laugh?The things that i never get bored of. For that you are saying thank you.Don't say this word to me ever."I said in a little rude tone.

He told me everything about his breakup with that shitty girl."I know that fucking stupid girl will do something like this.I am sure she must have found someone."I shouted but i realised too late that he was again crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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