Chapter twelve

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Akia did end up staying the night at Khalan's house. After cooking the spaghetti and attempting to leave, CJ woke up from his nap and basically begged Akia to stay. Originally, Khalan had told him to stop begging, but the teen eventually gave in since he had clothes and a toothbrush in Tyra's room.

Akia slept on a small couch at the far end of Khalan's room, while CJ and Khalan slept in the bed.

It's the next day, 9:00 a.m, and Khalan just woke both Akia and CJ up from their sleep. He cooked breakfast, doing a little more than usual for CJ. He then left the two to take a shower and get dressed for the day. Tyra still wasn't home yet, making this one of Khalan's most peaceful mornings.

Akia was next to shower. Then it was CJ who finished his food last.

After all three were dressed, it was only 11:23 a.m. CJ's birthday dinner didn't start until 4:00 PM, so they decided to watch a movie.

Tyra ended up coming into the house a little while after the three boys sat down and got comfortable in the living room. She stumbled into the house before stopping in her tracks, looking confused.

"What's going on here?" She asked with her face scrunched up.

Khalan glanced over towards his sister for a second deciding if he wanted to reply back with the same energy or not. He decided not to. "I told you CJ was coming over. It's his birthday dinner today."

"...okay? That's not what I'm talking about. Why are you just chilling here when I'm not here, Akia?" Tyra tilted her head.

Khalan rubbed his hands down his face, annoyed. He's been slightly annoyed since he woke up. He doesn't want to smoke while CJ is around, but he's about to say fuck it and do what he wants. He might take two pills later too, so he can be calm while Chris is around. Chris isn't going to be civil, no matter what the event is. Khalan can hold his anger a bit better than the other, but again, Khalan doesn't like to be disrespected. Especially not by someone who doesn't even know anything about him.

"I wanted him to stay the night, Aunty! You ain't even said happy birthday. It's too early for this." CJ let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Little boy, who you talking to? I was gonna get there. Happy birthday, CJ. Now I'm going to shower. Akia, come on." Tyra motioned for Akia to follow behind her. Akia looked at the now paused TV, looked at Tyra, and then nervously scratched the back of his neck. He wanted to finish the movie he was watching with the other two, but he also didn't want to upset Tyra.

It's not like they're taking a shower together; he's just going to be sitting in her room.

When Akia made no moves to get up, Tyra raised an eyebrow. She's been paranoid about Khalan possibly having the ability to turn Akia out—or the ability to just get Akia in his bed. She doesn't believe Akia would go for it, but she also doesn't want to risk it. She didn't want to lose to Khalan, and if Akia was never around him, then it would be much more calming for Tyra.

Tyra didn't like seeing her brother and boyfriend together. But the only thing keeping her sane was knowing that Khalan says a lot of shit that he would just never do. She doesn't believe that Khalan would actually go for Akia. Hell, from her perspective, he looks like he can barely tolerate the teen.

"I want to finish the movie." Akia mumbled. He truly didn't want to upset her, but he was fine where he was.

"When I get out the shower, are you going to come up?" She asked, this time expecting a yes from Akia. The teen smiled softly and nodded his head. As long as he could be down here for a little while longer he'd take it.

When Tyra walked off satisfied with that answer, CJ turned to Akia and whispered, "I told you her attitude be stank!"

"CJ, do you want to open gifts now or after you eat cake?" Taija asked her son.

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