Chapter thirty

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"I gave you more than enough time to think about your answer. What's it going to be, Khalan?" James walked over to Khalan and attempted to put his arm around his waist, but it was slapped away.

James chuckled and nodded his head, getting Khalan's message clearly.

"So it's just fuck your sister, then? I don't know why you act all high almighty, but you're a ran-through corner nigga who will never get his life together. You lost your mother, your dad got a new family, and your sisters can't stand you. There's nobody here for you, and so you result in fucking someone who's in a relationship."

Khalan scrunched his face up at the little rant James just did before he started to walk away.

"You didn't even come home last night, and I know you were with that boy while your sister was over here crying about her breakup." James followed every step Khalan took, clearly having no intention on leaving him alone.

Khalan just got in the house, and James was waiting at the door waiting for him like some psycho.

"Come on." Khalan motioned for James to follow him. A smile creeped on James face; he was clearly getting the wrong idea. Khalan walked all the way to James room before he opened the door. "Get to packing." He stepped out of the way so James could walk in.

James looked at him confused. "What do you mean? Packing for what?"

"You getting the fuck up out of my house." Khalan shrugged and walked away right after he said, "You got one hour max. You barely got shit anyways." He chuckled and shook his head.

If James wanted to do things his way, then he could go and do them somewhere else, but damn sure not where Khalan pays the bills.

At some point, James called Tyra and told her that Khalan was trying to put him out for no reason. The girl got home from wherever she was—clothes and hair a mess, hickeys all over her neck, it was clear what she had been doing—and started to argue with Khalan about letting her dad stay.

"You're just being petty. He didn't even do anything to you; you really got some problems up in your head." Tyra said to Khalan as if she were disgusted with the way Khalan was going about things. "You said you would do me a favor, and now you're taking it back. This is why I don't trust you in the first place!" She raised her voice a bit

Khalan shrugged his shoulders. He didn't feel like arguing. It's 12 p.m. The day barely started, and he had to go meet Marbell at the hospital to check in on her and the baby. The baby has not been named yet because Marbell wants to ensure who the father is before she does so. It's between two people.

"It's sad how your younger sister has to speak sense into you, you need to do better." James chipped in.

"Grow up!" Tyra backed her father up.

The father-daughter duo is obviously trying to make Khalan feel small by antagonizing him together.

Khalan decided to just sit on the couch because everywhere he went, they followed. "Bitch, you talking about grow up; you go grow up, hoe. And do it fast because I'm done doing shit for you."

Tyra cocked her head to the side and said, "Nigga, are you going to let your sister struggle while you live lavishly? You are dead-ass wrong. This is why Mama didn't like you!"

"Living lavish?" Khalan asked before he laughed. He wasn't living lavishly at all. Realistically, the one who's living lavishly would be Tyra. She doesn't have to work, she's in college, and she doesn't have to pay a damn thing. Khalan never asked her for anything. "You don't even know why I'm kicking his ass out. He tryna fuck on me—someone he claims he raised."

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