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"Good morning, you two." Rory smiled upon seeing the two walk into the kitchen.

Both Akia and Khalan had just gotten done brushing their teeth and freshening up before they went down. It took a lot of convincing from Akia for Khalan to actually stay for breakfast, but he was able to do it in the end. Akia grabbed Khalan's hand and pulled him to the table to sit down.

"Good morning." Khalan smiled a bit at the older lady. He looked around the kitchen and took in the clean decor. "It smells good. Thank you for cooking." He spoke, placing a hand on Akia's thigh for his comfort. Khalan isn't a person who likes breakfast food—or eating in the morning in general. It usually makes him nauseous, although the food doesn't have to necessarily be nasty.

"Oh! Thank you. I don't know if you know that Aki can cook, but he gets it all from me." She said it smugly, with a smirk on her face. Just then, Shayla walked into the kitchen with a face that showed she clearly disagreed with the statement her wife had just made. "Don't make that face; you know it's true." Rory continued to boost her cooking skills.

Akia laughed a bit at his mother before turning his attention back to Khalan once the wives started to have a conversation of their own.

"Are you okay?" Akia asked lowly, making sure that Khalan was the only one who heard the question.

Khalan shrugged his shoulders. He remembers the majority of what happened last night, and he didn't care to bring it up. "I'm good. I'm chilling."

Akia raised an eyebrow and was going to say something, but his dad walked in. "If it ain't cool boy Khalan! How have you been doing?" Damien walked over to dap up Khalan. The younger man stood to dap up Damien, and then he sat back down. "Why do you keep calling him all that?" Shayla asked. "Because he's cool and he's a boy named Khalan, what else would it be?"

The two women shook their heads and continued to do their own things.

"So, Khalan, you're not dating anyone?" Damien asked, pulling out a chair next to the two.

Khalan looked over at Damien before he shook his head. If Damien wasn't in a relationship and the father of Akia, Khalan honestly would've tried something. Damien looked good for his age; he's fit and fine as fuck. Rory is a naturally beautiful woman, and Shayla has her own beauty too. Akia had some good-looking parents.

"I'm not in a relationship right now. I have to work on myself and my ways first." Khalan answered.

He and Akia looked at each other for a quick moment before they looked away. One was blushing, while the other paid it no mind. The way Khalan said it was suggestive. It was almost as if he was planning on being with Akia at some point, but Akia was sure that—he didn't mean it in that way.

"A handsome man like you is single? I would assume that all the pretty women—or gentlemen—would be all over you." Rory smiled as she started to serve everyone their food. Shayla attempted to help, but all she got was a pop on her hand from her wife. Rory truly liked doing a lot of things on her own, cooking being too on the list.

Khalan paid no mind to the fact that Rory hinted at him liking men. If Akia told his parents what went on between the two, then it was fine with Khalan. He wasn't the one hiding this in the first place, and he's completely comfortable with his sexuality. In other words, he doesn't give a fuck about what others think of his personal life.

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