Chapter seventeen

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My fault about yesterday.
Thx for the gift Akya.

Akia looked at the DM he had just received from Khalan. Should he respond? Should he text back? Does he expect me to text back? Akia didn't know what he should do. He wanted to text back, but he didn't know what to say. Should he just say you're welcome? Should he bring up them having sex? Should he say that he enjoyed it and that Khalan didn't have to apologize for something Akia clearly wanted too?

Akia's eyes scanned the message once more, and that's when he realized something that made him pout. "He spelled my name wrong." Akia mumbled to himself. And it was as if Khalan could hear him because he received another DM.


Akia smiled and finally decided to type, but he was interrupted when there was a small knock on his door. Akia closed out of Instagram and set his phone down, making a mental note to text Khalan back later. Akia had already opened it, so he would have to reply anyways so Khalan wouldn't think that he's being ignored. Not that Khalan would care.

There was whispering back and forth on the other side of the door. Akia could easily make out their voices. It was both of his mothers. Akia opened it, causing the two on the other side to immediately straighten up and smile—they were fake smiles, and Akia knew that.

"Akia, can we come in?" Rory asked the question. Akia got a weird feeling from his mothers asking to come into his room. They almost never did because that was his safe place, and they felt like they were intruding. The only time they ever decided to go into his room was when something major needed to be talked about—or if Akia was in trouble, which is also very rare.

"Am I in trouble?"

His mothers walked into his room and shut the door behind themselves for privacy, even though the only other person in the house was Damien. "No, you're not in trouble—but it's there anything you want to tell us?" Shayla asked her son.

Akia looked between the two, frantically thinking about all of the things he could have done wrong for them to come and talk to him.

Did he not mow the grass right? He was a little tired so he might've missed some spots.

Did his teachers call? He has been slacking a bit in physics—science wasn't really his cup of tea.

Or was it the fact that he didn't finish the dinner Damien cooked the other day? Damien should just stick to baking.

"You're not in trouble, Akia. Unless you think you should be?" Rory raised a playful eyebrow.

Akia thought about it some more and shook his head. He hasn't done anything major recently—he never does. "I don't have anything to tell you. I didn't do anything." He answered even though his unsureness was evident in his voice.

"Are you having sex?" Rory blurted out the question without thinking.

Akia's heart dropped to his feet. Did they find out about Khalan? How? Akia started to stumble over his words as his face began to turn a bright red. He didn't want his family to find out about his attraction towards Khalan and the things that they did together—that was something he would have to take to his grave in order to keep things good between him and Tyra.

"I—I'm a virgin—me and Tyra didn't...we didn't do anything together yet."

Rory and Shayla looked at each other before looking back at the reddened boy, who is currently stuttering crazy. They wouldn't be upset if Akia was doing what most teenagers find fun. He's 18. he's learning new things and getting to know his body. They know that their son is far from stupid. They just never had the talk with Akia, and although they know Akia is smart enough to know the do's and don'ts, they just want to make sure their son is being smart about his decisions.

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