Chapter 2-Crushed Hopes & Dreams of Fallen Stars

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"G-Gene...PLEASE, don't.... its.... it's Christmas and i-I thought, this.... would be a n-nice present." My voice trembles, me cowering in the corner. I just told him I was pregnant, presenting the test in a box with his favorite colors and a teddy bear, a small one.... but though I'd hoped it would help things, it didn't.... HE threw the test and the teddy bear at me. His eyes cold....and shaking his head in disappointment. My already in shatters....and I can't calm....

"You THOUGHT wrong, but.... huh, this explains why you've been so fucking clingy, and you've been getting fat. I never wanted children, least of all with YOU." I try and scramble away, but he catches me, my head rocking to the side at his blow. "And really who'd ever believe you here? You're supposed to LOOK good, but we both know whose the real front man."

"G-Gene.... i didn't.... didn't plan this, but.... i thought.... i mean I wanted...Ch-children...." Something isn't right, of that I become vaguely aware.... i start cramping, my eyes widening in alarm as Gene hits me more and I beg him to stop.... next thing I know, Gene is's dark and I look down in horror, as my pants are soaked with blood, I feel it trickling down my thighs.

"NO!!!!!...." the pain is unbearable, sharp...the air smells metallic....and I am slowly realizing my baby, my baby is gone....and somehow, I feel it's a boy, or it would have been....

"STOP!!!!!...." I wake up screaming and crying, I am having a major panic attack and I wrists are restrained, "Let me go.... Damn it.... let me go.... just.... let me DIE...." The prick of a needle and my eye lids feel like lead, and I give into the darkness.... the painful darkness.

Little did I know but would come to find, that the nurses alerted Mick who'd demanded to be apprised of what was going on with me, I didn't know then....he was there, when I woke up...he was there every night I was asleep, as well as Nikki, Tommy and Vince came.....Mick though was the one who I would eventually come to know, he just KNOWS shit...and not only that, you give him the tiniest hint....well, if you didn't know him, you'd be amazed at what and how he found out stuff on his own.

The night......i woke up.... or the next night I should say, I'd realize I wasn't alone....and that the Starchild, was dead.... well and truly dead....and well, you'll see.

My wrists I can feel are still restrained.... i get the sense that its night, my breathing eyes open, as suddenly I feel.... tears, so many tears......

"Please.... let me go.... he'll.... find me, m-maybe I should go back...." Frantically tugging at my restraints and I nearly scream as I realize someone is with me, someone that for some reason is very familiar.

"Fuck.... SORRY. I didn't mean truly to scare you. You've been thru enough...." His voice is deeper than I'd thought, I get the sense he's a lot shorter than I am....and his hair, shiny.... that.... CAN" T be....... the man from my dreams! This makes me panic more, "Whoa...whoa, breathe ok. You're restrained because you'd hurt yourself in your sleep...yanking your IVs out....and I wouldn't go back to that DEMON."

My eyes widen with shock, and I go to speak when he says....

"I never would have would be Gene Simmons that did this but then again.... I..."

I narrow my eyes, not trusting him and snap, "How the fuck would you know he did this?" The oddly familiar stranger sighs and I shrink into myself crying again, "S-Sorry.... i shouldn't have snapped.... did.... you KNOW?"

"You've been having nightmares, night terrors.... I've been staying as much as I can at night. I am so glad the band is in our 'off season'. To answer your questions, you'd be surprised at how much I can figure out on my own, you scream his name in your sleep.... you cry out for him to 'stop' and I want to kill the bastard. And to think, we were told we'd open for Kiss, that ain't happening anymore now." He snarls before softening his tone sighing, "I know you're Paul Stanley, I and my bandmates found you the other night, 3 weeks ago.... its February now......"

"It's WHAT?" I gasped, alarmed. Dropping my gaze, "You should go..." I whisper, "I'm not.... good for anything.... a waste of space." I whimpered, not thinking he heard me, but he did.

"That's Bullshit Paul, you're not a waste of space. I know how you feel though.... sadly, I do.:

I shake my head, "You don't.... i don't KNOW who you are..."

"Mick Mars, guitarist for Mӧtley Crϋe."

Some level of realization forms as I go back to what he said about.... his band opening for Kiss.

"Mick.... You don't know me; the world doesn't know. I'll only bring you shame by you being here. I am A FREAK...if the world knew what Gene has done to me...." I shake my head, feeling myself tremble, sobbing. "No, I CAN'T.... I've relived it enough in my so-called dreams, the star child is dead, if he ever was truly alive." I don't know who the hell I am anymore, I was bullied because of my ear or rather lack of ear, no one knows THAT either. It was held against me by more than just my childhood tormentors. And why on Earth would, WHY would Mick stick around? hurts to even think his name, my demon.... won't leave me ALONE....

"Calm down, you're about to have another panic attack..." This doesn't help me, "You're nothing like I thought or any of us. We have more in common that the world realizes, wearing a 'mask', relegated to the shadows, the world sees what they wanna." Mick continues speaking voice heavy with bitterness. "—I should have known better about you, and for that...I am sorry. You're not a freak.... I highly...doubt.... that..."

I cut him off, "No I AM......" I don't know why I am telling him this, "I was born with out a right ear, deaf on that side....and....and, I miscarried a baby...MY baby on Christmas, because of HIM...I.... never.... NEVER.... will find.... peace. I RAN days ago, a lifetime was...." Gasping sobs now, "My fucking one.... will ever know or CARE.... Where is my baby?!! I.... have no money, no child to love.... NOTHING that truly belongs to me because that 'demon' took everything from me!!" Black edging my vision now and Mick...I believe is desperately trying to comfort me. And I can't hear what he said.... before I give in once more to that all too familiar darkness....

Mick would eventually come to tell me what exactly he was trying to tell me which was, "Paul...Paul, I believe you know that's not true. I and you aren't heartless, I really hate being the alien.... but I promise you, will get better, you will get justice. I need you to breathe, just breathe...."

For so long, my hopes and dreams were buried, crushed....and I believed all promises were made to be broken, I was broken.... Mick would eventually become the exception; well, you will come to see.

The restraints by the way, were to my shock removed when I woke up once again, apparently Mick requested it and I'd learn too, he'd talked to my future bandmates and when I next woke to my painful reality, I would meet the Crϋe.

A/N: Seeds have been planted or are for things to come down the line, poor Paul.... suffering so much. Next chapter he will meet Tommy, Nikki, and Vince, so stay tuned! 

When You Wish Upon a Fallen Mӧtley Star (A Paul Stanley x Mick Mars tale)Where stories live. Discover now