Chapter 15-The Demon's Trial Part 2

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Breathe.... Breathe...Breathe....... Gene.... looks like he wants to kill me, he almost did.... he almost DID. I am afraid of what I will find.... of what this will do to me, I must respond.... being addressed by 'his' lawyer....

"Please state your NAME for the record...." I cut him off looking to the judge as I break down in tears and it seems its ok...

"My NAME IS PAUL STANLEY...Stanley Bert Eisen is NO LONGER my legal name." My voice shakes.

"On the Night of January 20, 1983.... the night of these alleged..."

I cut him off giving into my anger, my MOON giving me strength, "Alleged MY ASS.... i was beaten bloody, I nearly DIED.... any marks in question made on Mr. Simmons were from defending myself, I was FOUND..." My voice falters, "By the most amazing man I have ever known and my FRIENDS...if not for any of them, I would be dead...and I have to say buddy you are doing a piss poor job trying to intimidate me and ask me questions, I was NOT born yesterday." I snap my queen's accent highly prominent. Gene looks murderous, and I shake...., but manage to find my voice, "Go ahead and ASK then."

"Were you or were you not Mr. Stanley..." The tone mocking, "On the night in question...did you not start an argument with my client?" Is he fucking serious? He's got it twisted and its all-GENE'S FAULT!!!

"I DID NOT.... i screamed at him YES..." I sob, "to STOP...he'd taken everything from me, my baby.... i miscarried because of HIM...I was threatened by him, I got the courage to finally say I'd had enough.... i was hidden, did you tell you I was his partner? And I ain't talking musically.... judging by the look on your face, your CLIENT omitted...I feared for my life that night, I fear for it still...he was going to kill me that night...he was gonna kill me..." I sob harder, "It was the money, it's ALWAYS about the money...he is the one...that tainted Kiss's legacy. I am worthless...I was always worthless...."

And so it goes, I recount each painful event....although Gene's lawyer doesn't "question" me too long and mine actually is factual and compassionate and has done his homework, and I found out that Doc was bribed, I didn't know...contracts were voided, and Gene had my signature forged, which is how he stole money from me and then the Demon makes yet another MISTAKE and asks to address me directly and I note Mick is being physically held back from going after Gene as Gene says....In hindsight, he'd already dug his own damn behavior spoke VOLUMES.

"Paul..." Hearing the WAY, he says it, gives me chills and I know that tone, the 'Loving' tone that really promises PAIN. "---I am willing to forgive you if you come back to the band, you still have your contract, you after all are obligated. You OWE me. Your so called 'losses' are your fault." So cold. So callous.... it's not my fault, is it? No, no i know what he's doing.... How could he DO this to me?!! My 'losses' referring to the baby he caused me to miscarry....and then, then there is the other baby....or babies, that I haven't even told Mick about and that is why I am terrified to have more children, even though I do want them....i feel dizzy now, barely able to see from my tears, my eyes swollen....loss, hurts like a bitch....

"Mr. Stanley..." the judge I think concerned.

" say.... somethings...PLEASE." Sobbing trying to BREATHE, "The l-losses.... were...I never...never, Gene...never CARED.... i lost babies, BABIES...twins around 75' once, I didn't even KNOW...I don't remember...I don't remember what HAPPENED, besides pain...being left there to DIE, lied...and manipulated to.... believed it was't ME, it WASN'T MY FAULT!!" I look wildly around in the direction I think Mick is, "I'm moon, I am sorry..." I whisper before, the world my world comes crashing in....and all fades to black...

"Mick.... I'm sorry! So Sorry, it's not that I didn't want this.... i am TERRIFIED, AND ITS.... WE have so much going on with the band and... I am sorry I never told you before the trial about.... the other babies I'd still HURTS..." panicking now....

I feel him cradle my face in his hands while brushing back my curls, "Paul, I told you then and I tell you now, you have nothing to be sorry for, you never did....i love you, I love the children you sadly lost, because they are a part of you and always will be...which is why...." Here he brings his hands down to my stomach, which is ever so slightly rounded. "THIS child, our loved...and I PROMISE on my life, I won't let you go thru this alone.... You BOTH will be loved and cared for. I never thought I'd get to be a father or wanna be, but moonbeam you changed all that. as for the band? I'm gonna make sure you take it easy, and YOU and OUR child are my biggest priorities, and the guys.... will tell you THAT is what matters MORE. Never forget how much I love you Paul...never forget..."

"Why couldn't I have met you sooner? I...I just want.... need..."

"BREATHE, this isn't good for you...and I hear you, I hear you.... i wish I'd been able to save you sooner, what matters though now is we are together, we always will be."

It begins to fade...the bitter-sweet scene before me....

I wake up panicking, beeping noises....and am freaking out, only vaguely aware of being in the hospital....

"Paul...Shh, Shh.... It's me...Its're ok now, you're gonna be ok..." I feel arms, arms I know so well and long spider like hands caress my face, voice filled with tears and is desperately trying to soothe me, and it only makes me cry harder, practically hyper-ventilating. "Paul baby, MOONBEAM.... i know, I know you're scared.... I'm here, ok? I am here...and...if you are wondering Moonbeam, I am NOT angry at you for not telling me about the other children you lost...the twins..." Mick's voice cracks, "I can't even begin to imagine the PAIN...and baby, I understand truly why there are still somethings you haven't told me, that you can't speak of. I want YOU to be ready to tell me, I ain't never gonna force you. And I need you to know Paul, that I love THEM because they are a part of you...Calm baby, calm.... I am here. Moonbeam..." Gradually I begin to calm still crying but no where near as hard as before.

"M-Mick...I.... PLEASE...don't.... i can't, I can't go back there!!" Beginning to get upset again, I bury my face in Mick's chest, feeling his heartbeat and Mick's next words shock me and I pull back enough to look at him, him refusing to let me go...

"You wont fucking have to, I wouldn't do that to you, or let them do've been out for hours, believe me your testimony said it all...and Simmons has dug his own fucking grave....the point is I spoke to the Judge and your lawyer, gave written depositions.....and I am under the circumstances not leaving you here on your own, they are gonna keep you for a few days in the hospital....and Eric I believe is still there giving testimony, he'd dug up some more dirt on Simmons and that other asshole that tried to attack you..." This last part about Eric, well it really made me trust him more, it was a huge step in repairing our friendship and it would result in an unexpected romance between him....and Tommy Lee....

"Y-You mean...." My mind is reeling in shock, and I realize how very much I am exhausted.

"You need some more rest Paul.... but before you do that, I want to tell you how proud I am of you, I know it was scary as fuck and beyond painful moonbeam. I will see you have justice, you will, and you ARE. I love you, never forget that babe...never forget that."

"I-I love you too...I've never had anyone defend me so fiercely, love all part of me and do the things you've done for me.... i just don't let me go Mick, don't let me go...lay here with me."

I feel his lips cover my own, and I know its my moon's way of saying 'yes'....

I did eventually fall back asleep, I was as it turns out suffering from severe exhaustion to the point they had to sedate me for me to get sleep, but Mick I remember never let me go, lying there with me, and comforting me from the nightmares that sadly came.....what is coming next is the outcome of the trial, and justice at last being served....and it is then I began to truly try and heal or rather I could begin to...

A/N: A dramatic and painful trial for Paul, Mick comforting him and so much more. Stay tuned for the part 3 to this!

When You Wish Upon a Fallen Mӧtley Star (A Paul Stanley x Mick Mars tale)Where stories live. Discover now