Chapter 45: These Mӧtley Years Part 2

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The past four months have flown by, and my belly grew ever rounder for Jupiter, she, and I both have done so well. It hasn't been easy, not always...but I had my beloved husband: Mick and our oldest daughter Luna to see me thru. And now, now here it is May...May 14th, 1989, to be exact. And I have just given birth to Jupiter, Jupiter Iris Mars. My curls are still damp with sweat, Mick looking at me in awe, such awe and love and the looks he too is giving our newborn daughter, watching out for her as they clean and measure her.

My labor was long, and rough.... Mick was right there at my side, Luna was picked up by Eric the other day, young James was thrilled naturally. Luna was worried for me; still is I'd wager. Still, she is so much like Mick, just taking care of me despite her own worries. And now, now we are a family of four and my SO beyond otherworldly beautiful.

"She's here Paul! And she has your lungs!" Mick laughs and cries both and his look is so tender as he tells me, "Thank you for giving me another precious little angel...for doing this for us. You damn beautiful. So beautiful. I love your moonbeam."

"Oh Mick! I-I love you too. We're a family of four now....and I'd do this for NO one else but you, my moon." Mick and I share a loving kiss and after what has felt like an eternity, I am carefully handed little Jupiter, who is still showing off her lungs but is feeling the warmth of my chest. I rock her gently, admiring the little girl in my arms and I speak to her, "—Shh, you're ok sweet little Jupiter. Mommies got you; I've got you. Daddy does too and just wait till you meet your older sister." Jupiter's cries downgrade to fussing and I am smiling, I have been albeit tearfully. "---You're perfect. Absolutely perfect. I see in your face daddy and I.... You've got my curls. You're so beautiful and warm. I love you SO much."

Mick carefully pulls me in for a kiss once more, and I smile into it and then he kisses Jupiter on her little forehead, smoothing back her curls and it is that that causes her to open her eyes and Mick is in awe. "Look Paul she has YOUR eyes. God, I can't believe she's here. THANK YOU for giving me her Paul, her, and Luna. I can't truly express how much that means to me, how much YOU mean to me. And I can't wait for Luna to meet her little sister."

Luna is now completely calm, and I swear her eyes are trained on Mick.

"We have another daddies girl on our hands." I'm very much amused.

"Well, I would argue that both our daughters are mommies' girls." I am very exhausted, and of course my husband notices and is very much concerned. "Paul? You're exhausted, get some sleep. You've more than earned it..." I go to protest when Mick then says, "If she needs you, or if I do, I will let you now. I'll wake you for her first feeding, ok? Wow. Her first feeding.... I love you."

"Ok, you're right." And I add on, "I love you too." Yawning, I loathe to part with Jupiter and Mick knowing this lets me kiss our youngest on her little forehead and I murmur sweetly to her before giving into sleep, and I go with a smile on my face.

Mick would carefully take Jupiter from me, taking care of our daughter and rocking her to sleep before putting her in her little bassinet and making sure it was close to me, where I could see her. He also kissed me, (no he and I can't get enough of each other then or now) and he told me in my sleep, "My beloved moonbeam.... I will see you while you dream, I'll meet you there. And I know you'll see me and our girls. I love you." After getting Jupiter to sleep, Mick would tell me he cried when they came to give her first bath and take her to the nursery for a bit. He took care of things, going above and beyond.... letting our family know.

I find myself waking after a period, how much I have no clue and Mick rocking our wailing youngest daughter and he says to her, because of course he KNOWS things. "I have a feeling mommy is awake now, let's get him to feed you ok my little moon angel?" These seem to be magic words as Mick turns to me, smiling and Jupiter reduced to fussing. I smile back and pull down my hospital gown and Mick helps me get her settled against my chest and Jupiter immediately latches on to a nipple and begins to feed, quite greedily and one of her precious tiny hands rest where my heart is, as she looks up at me. "---I can never get over, how stunning you look, especially like this."

Mick's words make me melt and bring tears to my eyes. "I love much."

"Oh! I took care of whatever I felt you and or we needed, and I let everyone know that you and Jupiter are doing well, and they insisted on coming, they should be here soon. Luna is excited to meet her little sister."

"You my moon never cease to amaze me."

"The feeling is very much mutual."

Jupiter is still feeding away and softly I say to her, "Our family is coming Jupiter, your older sister is coming to see you. She loves you so much and is excited, I can't wait for you two to meet."

Jupiter finishes feeding after a wee bit, I have her burped and once more settled in my arms, her making cooing noises and not too long after, the whole family arrives....and Luna runs straight to Mick, who picks her up.

"I missed you Luna, me and mommy."

"Miss ew too daddy an' mommy. I wuv ew two...I ready see sissy now."

"You got it princess, now be really careful with her, ok?" Mick intones seriously.

"I will be wit' Jupiter, Pomise." Luna responds, as Mick and her come to my beside, my husband carefully placing Luna on the bed, Luna who has a look of wonder looking at her new sister.

"Hey Luna, meet your little sister.... Jupiter Iris Mars." I tell her softly. "Talk to her sweetheart."

Luna shy reaches her little hand for her little sisters and Jupiter meets her and what she says to her sister, well there's not a dry eye in the room. "Hey Jupiter, I Luna. I your big sissy, waited so long to meet ew. You are so small an' pweety an' I will be good big sissy. I pwotect, I wuv, I pway with ew. I jus' wuv ew. Mommy and daddy, ebbyone love ew too. We hab brudda an' angel sissies wit us' they wuv ew too. Send daddy to mommy." Luna looks to me, "Can I give kissy mommy?"

Choked I reply, "Of course you can Luna."

Carefully Luna kisses her little sister's forehead, and my heart is so very full.

"Luna? Would you like to hold Jupiter? I will help you." Mick asks our oldest softly.

"Pease daddy?"

"You got it, sweet little moon."

Luna holding Jupiter, God.... that hit me, it was one of the most beautiful moments of my life. Luna 'held' her sister for a bit, before eventually Jupiter made her rounds with our family. I loved every moment of it, every moment.

A/N: Jupiter Iris is here at last! Just one more chapter left after this one. 

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