Chapter 40: Our First Evening Part 1

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I have experienced many firsts in my life, especially with my husband Mick: true love, doing anything to take care of your partner, listening to them...everything really and most of all? For the first time, I was loved and cared for during my pregnancy. Mick there every step of the way, it wasn't always easy with my mood swings, weight gain etc. but again Mick took care of me in all ways. I carried Luna, Mick gave me Luna...just so very much. It was my and our first-time taking care of another human being, our precious little moon flower.

In any case, I cherished every moment in the hospital despite being sore from birth, anxious, you name it. Mick was my rock, he still fucking is. And talk about priceless, we were visited by the Carr-Lee's, Eric, and Tommy.... Tommy who was pregnant with their twins, four months at the time and it turns out, both babies were boys, and I just knew they'd have their hands full, but God was I happy for them!! our family, was growing and meant so damn much to me.

A few days after I gave birth, I and Luna with a clean bill of health at last went home where I'd find the best surprises, but that was and is my alien, my everything. To be exact I went home on December 18, 1984. And where you will find our new family of three, is our arrival home....

I am still sore from birth, but never have I been happier, especially since I am home. We've just arrived, Mick helping me out of the car, carefully handing me Luna who is bundled in her moon blanket and dressed in an adorable onesie covered in moon flowers and matching socks, head covered with a cap to keep her head warm, and I sigh, feeling the onset of tears and Mick who is unlocking the door, bags slung over his shoulders pauses in concern.

"Paul? You, ok? Luna?" He shakes his head and his gaze turns knowing and soft. "---I know that look, you're home. We're home, for the first time we are bringing our daughter home. We're a family of three now and I have two of the greatest Christmas presents right here with me."

That's my moon, my alien...he KNOWS. Being led inside now, the house decorated for Christmas and my eyes widen as we enter the living room and I see....

My wedding bouquet, the same flowers and Mick sets down the bags and once more is at my side, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"I wanted to surprise you with your home coming Paul, there is of course more. This is just a start, and I have an early Christmas present for you, well US...but let's get you and Luna settled first. Now, do you wanna stay downstairs, there's a bassinet or go upstairs?" Mick looks up at me, with that some look of love and wonder, making me melt. Luna coos in my arms, her eyes focused on her father.

"Mick..." I croak touched to my core, voice husky from tears. "—This means, so much to me. You make every day special. And the greatest presents are you and Luna and our little moon angels sending you to me, I am thankful everyday for that. and to answer your question.... downstairs please." Mick gently strokes Luna's head before I lean carefully down, and he meets me in a kiss.

Mick gets me settled with Luna, making sure I am propped up with pillows covered with my favorite blanket and Luna starts wailing.... So, I start rocking her, feeling a bit frantic.

"Shh, you're ok, you're ok Luna. aw sweetheart don't cry!"

"Here let me check her diaper, and she's been fed but maybe she's hungry again." Mick takes her from me, murmuring to her...her wailing reduced to fussing as he checks her diaper, where it seems she's peed, so she's changed and all nice and clean, but the wails start back up again, "Hungry Luna? Mommy will feed you, ok? Shh, its ok daddy promises..." I pull down my shirt to where she can nurse, as carefully Mick sits down and helps me cradle Luna to my chest and sure enough, she latches on and begins to feed.

"Thank you, Mick..." I murmur softly feeling much less frantic, loving the feel of my daughter, her warmth. "—You're SO good with her, with me. I just love the feel of her, ya know?"

"All the thanks I need is you and her, I love taking care of both of you. And I never thought I'd be a good father, but you Paul? You were meant to be a mother and you are doing amazing with her and I do know very well how you feel, I love her little warmth, her little hands....and its mind blowing I had a hand in creating her and here I thought Christmas couldn't get any better and this one? You've given me a daughter, and we're a family now...of three." Mick is in tears at this point, and still, he smiles one of his priceless smiles and my heart is so full. Luna is at last fed and burped, sleepy but not yet wanting to go to sleep.

I rock her in my arms, "Come on..." I yawn. "Sleepy time Luna. "A noise of protest.

Mick chuckles, "She's stubborn just like me..." Mick pauses a moment in thought, "I've got an idea, why don't I show you the present I got for us?"

"She is." I agree before adding, "I love that by the way...and I would love to do that, but first I need a kiss." I get a nice, slow kiss.... Luna then gets affection, before Mick leads me to our Christmas tree and shows me.... wow, a Christmas ornament...custom made...this...I have no words.

"I had this made to commemorate our first Christmas as a family, 'Mars Family Christmas' 84.... etches done of moons and moon lilies on it, I just really wanted something special to do something special."

"I will cherish this always and Luna when she gets old enough, I know will too." I yawn again.

"Luna isn't the only one that needs sleep...let's get you laying down moonbeam."

"OK Mick, love you."

"Love you more." He counters, carefully taking Luna from me rocking her in his arms, murmuring sweetly to her, placing her in her bassinet and she falls asleep. Mick amazing father, and husband truly he is. I can't help but admire him, even though I feel dead on my feet.

"I swear I fall more in love with you, every passing moment." Reverently.

"I could say much the same Paul." Mick's eyes shine, as softly he smiles and gets me settled/laying down on the couch, me with my arms wrapped around him feeling his heartbeat and unwilling to let go. And I find my self giving in to the call of sleep, warm, safe...loved, dreaming of my worlds: Mick and our daughter Luna.

There were still more surprises to come, our first evening home. Good ones, of course. And how could I EVER forget that first evening? We'd come home early afternoon, and I slept a long time, and Mick would tell me Luna'd woken up a time or two, and she fed from me. It was a testament to how exhausted I was, that I didn't wake. Mick took care of her, rocking her back to sleep, bonding with her and of course taking care of me.

"I remember that very well, our first together home." Mick muses, tracing the fingers on my hands lovingly. "Feeling happy, whole.... just that feeling of being together, that feeling of HOME."

"I do too, still so fresh even after all these years. You Mick and our children and now our grandchildren are and always will be my Home, my home sweet home."

"Forever and always Moonbeam, forever and always."

A/N: Luna is home! Stay tuned for part 2!!

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