Chapter 44: These Mӧtley Years Part 1

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The years passed, rushed by, and yet lasted forever and of course I mean that in the best of ways after Luna turned one and it meant more Crϋe albums recorded, more tours but of course at the center of it all was: family. The guys and their kids and especially my own family, my beloved moon, and our daughter Luna. I remember most, I had my days, but I had Mick...I had Luna, I wasn't alone anymore. I also drew and painted more, and in fact Mick is the one that would come to convince me to stage gallery shows and sell my artwork. Admist the tours and albums, my bond with my entire family only grew and after Luna had turned 1, I longed so bad to give Mick another child though he told me if all we had Luna, then that was more than ok. I never loved him more for saying that, however where you will find us is January 22, 1989, two days after my birthday and I will be pregnant with mine and Mick's second child.

Some more things to know before we get started: Albums i.e. 'Girls' & 'Dr. Feelgood' were huge hits and a tour was arranged in 89', more towards fall. Luna had just turned 3 in December 88' and on that day of January 22, 1989...Luna would learn of her guardian angel siblings and my past and even as young as she was then, she KNEW.... she understood. She takes after Mick in that way and God do I love that.

Here I am, at last pregnant with mine and my husband's much longed for second child. Five months to be exact, Mick is of course thrilled to the bone and Luna is very curious and excited about her coming new sibling, her little sister as we'd found out officially before Christmas it's another precious little girl. But of all times, today I've just felt overwhelmed and well bundled against the cold, I told Mick that I needed air. He's worried, but he let me have my time and I am now, here at the memorial that my beloved moon made for the children I lost. And I feel guilty though too right now, for wanting to have time to myself.... yet I also feel selfish.

"Today is a bad day for mommy, one of my 'sad' days, I wanted air...time to myself and I also kinda feel selfish." I pause as I feel the precious little girl within kick me and I smile albeit tearfully. "—You're littlest sister disagrees with mommy. If you didn't already know, you're getting another sister. But I am sure you DO know, and I know you'll love her just as much as you do Luna. thank you, thank you for sending me daddy...for rescuing me from the one that hurt me SO bad, just thank you." I whisper, rubbing my swollen stomach.

Suddenly I feel a weight at my side, a warm one and I find myself looking down into my oldest daughter's eyes, her eyes reminding me so much of Mick's and speaking of which he appears a moment later, as Luna climbs into his lap and Mick KNOWS of course, but before he can say anything Luna DOES, Luna looking super adorable in her warm toddler sized Mӧtley jacket.

"Don' cwy mommy, I wanted to cheer ew up. Daddy say ebbyone need time....and mommy? I have kestion.... why hab angels here?" Luna asks, pointing at the memorial.

I sigh heavily, "Daddy had this made for me before you were born. It's a memorial, which means its to honor someone or someone's that went to be with the angels. There are 3 angels...." I explain tearfully, and I feel Mick reach for my hand and squeeze giving me strength. "---Because I lost 3 children a long time ago before I met daddy."

"I hab (had) brudda an' sissies? Why babies be angels?"

"Oh honey, I lost them because.... a bad man that hurt me, emotionally and physically caused me to lose them. Daddy put the bad man away. And you know something? Your siblings are our guardian angels, always with us...watching over us, they sent daddy to me." I sob.

"They wuv ew mommy, I know....and I glad daddy put bad man away."

"Me too sweetheart, mommy changed everything the night I found him." Mick's voice is choked from tears. "As much as it hurt, mommy and I learned what love was...together and it brought me you and your sister." Mick tells our daughter before looking at me, "You NEVER need to feel bad Paul for wanting time to yourself, you're not being selfish. Let's get you out of the cold, ok?"

"Ok. I love you. "I whisper.

"I love you too moonbeam." Mick and I share a kiss, before he helps me up...Luna doing her best to help him and next thing I know, I am sitting up on the couch covered in my favorite blanket.... Mick on my left, Luna cuddled against me on my right, and both are rubbing my stomach feeling the baby move.

I feel so much love right now and so much better than I did, for I am not alone.

"Thank you, Mick...Luna for earlier.... i love you both and I love our precious little girl inside me....and she needs a name. I want it to be unique."

"The only thanks we need Paul is THIS, just us being together....and she does need a name." Mick pauses a moment and his eyes light up as I can tell he comes up with a name. "We have our Luna, why not continue the celestial/space theme? What about Jupiter? Jupiter Iris Mars?"

"I love it." Softly, "Its beautiful and unique." My youngest daughter, my precious little Jupiter kicks eagerly, I do believe she loves her name!

"I wuv sissy name! and ooh so does sissy!" Luna giggles.

"She does Luna, she really does." Mick agrees.

We spent time cuddling together as a family for a bit, I ended up drifting off to sleep and taking a nap, Luna followed suit. Both of us slept for a while, as Mick watched over us: me, Luna, and Jupiter and took care of household things, checking in with the guys and when I woke along with Luna.... He took care of us, bathroom and included and I insisted on helping fix dinner, even as my husband and daughter fussed over me. Still, I listened and took it easy, as we spent time fixing dinner, so much love...laughter and just being together and along with that came the thought, 'From the moment Mick was sent to me I've never been alone. I am SEEN, I am loved, and even at my lowest points, I have my husband and my daughters, Luna, and Jupiter and finally, my little guardian angels.'

SO now you know that mine and my husband's second child, our celestially named and beautiful little girl.... Mick named her Jupiter, Jupiter Iris Mars. I remember very well the day Jupiter was named, I'd been feeling of my days and I had the love and support of my family. I can never get over it after all these years, how lucky I am. Where you next find us, ME.... will be the day Jupiter Iris Mars makes her grand debut.

A/N: Another precious little girl and member of the Mars family is on her way! Next chapter she will make her debut and then after that I am thinking about an epilogue for this story. Stay tuned! 

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