Chapter 27: Will you Be Mine? Part 1 (Mick Mars)

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Paul changed everything the moment I found him.... True, he and I wish it had been under better circumstances and I wish that I had found him much sooner, the point is I found him and together we ended up finding Love. Paul's pregnancy with our first child, was so rough on him mentally and physically...we were admist the second leg of the Shout at the Devil tour and tours can be strain enough. My poor moonbeam though, the morning sickness was rough...there was the pain of the past, him feeling like a burden, like he was too clingy or that he felt bad for struggling so. I did as I always did and I was THERE, he couldn't help how the hell he felt and I did whatever I could to look after him as did the guys and after that June night, I had a surprise in store for Paul...something I'd mean meaning to ask him for a long time then: to marry me. He had no clue what was coming, it changed both our lives forever, for the better AND for the first time he made a huge milestone or met one in his pregnancy, he made it to his 3rd month, we both cried...I mean it was so special and that wasn't the only surprise when I asked him to marry me on July 12. 1984...exactly one month later from the night Paul opened to me about his fears, and I just comforted him...took care of him. I still fucking do...

Another month has passed, and we have just entered the 2nd month of touring and the best part of all? Seeing Paul's belly grow, and you bet your ass we as a band celebrated (No booze) and Paul and I celebrated in private, both of us crying tears of joy that Paul's made it to his 3rd month for the first time. It kills me what he went through before and NOW he is still struggling with morning sickness and mentally, still I do whatever I can to make sure he and our baby are as healthy as can be. I am fucking glad more so for Paul's sake that we've finally reached the hotel portion of the tour and Eric Carr has been visiting Tommy Lee, at least during the past few days he has. In any case, I have a surprise or surprises in store for Paul...and tonight. Thank GOD we have a day or two off until we must leave for the next city...Tonight, I am so nervous...I am going to ask Paul to Marry me, and I have managed to have a stunning ring made for him.... breathe Mick, breathe...

I am brought out of my reverie by Paul, who groans on the couch I have him layed out on...his eyes closed, worrying me. We'd already showered and changed into regular clothes post show and are fixing to head back to the hotel...and of course I rush to Paul's side...

"D-Dizzy...." He groans, crying at the same time.... his eyes out of focus. I sit down carefully and caress his face.

"Shh, close your eyes, ok? I've got you...and breathe. Just keep em' closed." I whisper to soothe him, shakily he does so and gradually color returns to his face, and he falls asleep. "Don't worry, I've got you Moonbeam, I am gonna take care of you and our moonflower." I whisper, gently kissing him...and poor Paul doesn't stir and I ignoring the pain in my spine, carefully VERY carefully manage to carry Paul bridal style to a waiting car and the next thing I know, I find myself laying him in bed in our hotel room, stripping him down to a big t-shirt and a pair of shorts, making sure he is ok before getting started on what I have planned for him....

Candles now being scattered around the room, unscented....A vase of Paul's favorite Blue Roses that I managed to find, the ring which has stones that mimic my eyes, shaped like the moon in my pocket.....readying water and Tea, ordering take-out and by some miracle managing to find something light that Paul can eat and too I make sure and have his favorite cravings of the moment: Cherries, Chocolate and olives...yes olives, Paul isn't a huge fan...he loves them now though and I suspect our baby loves them because I do....

Time passing in a blur and now.... the food has arrived, Italian...and Paul, Paul is stirring...

"Mmm...Mick?" Paul groans, I panic a moment worried he will get sick because he DOES look pale, but then it seems to pass and I relax enough to join him on the bed, taking him in my arms. " hotel?" Paul whispers, focusing on me...opening his eyes and I can tell he needs some more sleep.

"Yeah, we are, baby you are tired you feel ok enough to eat? I got something light and your favorite cravings, plenty of tea and water on hand if you want."

Paul looks at me with an expression of awe, "If I have never told you Mick.... you always amaze me, taking such good care of me and our little moonflower.... i feel ok enough to eat...and..." Paul trails off as he takes in the room, "C-Candles...and.... take out? Smells like GOOD...and... you did all this for me?"

I smooth back his raven girls which I SWEAR have gotten even silkier since he's been pregnant...

"I wanted to do something romantic, special...a date night in and since you feel ok enough, we can eat and then it's back to bed with you ok? And Paul? I'd do anything for you, I love you."

"I love you too my moon..." He whispers, pulling me closer his breathe ghosting across my lips before his soft, soft lips caress mine and I quickly take over not that he complains mind you...and then I kiss his swollen stomach after, feeling him run his fingers thru my long locks. When suddenly he freezes..., " don't know...." Beginning to panic, tears roll down his face and I have a feeling...I place both hands on my stomach and I smile tearfully.

"It's OK moonbeam, I know its early...but I read about this, it's perfectly's amazing...our little moonflower is MOVING...does it feel fluttery?"

"Yes..." Paul says in amazement, "Yes..." We feel the baby move a wee bit more and at last we eat, Paul eats some pasta (there are leftovers) and he finishes off his cravings (I have more stored away) and I take his hands in mine, getting choked up...

"Paul.... I just need you to know how very much I love you. I was meant to find you that night..." My voice cracks, "And I wish to God, I'd met you sooner...saved you sooner. You give me a reason to live, to LOVE every day. I see a lifetime with you at my side, I am so proud of you...of how far you come, I'd die for you...kill for you, do whatever you need baby. I can't picture my life without you in it and here we are my other half, the mother of my children..." I grunt getting down on one knee and Paul's eyes widen as far as they will go, tears spilling down his cheeks. "Will you be mine? Be mine forever and marry me?"

"Mick...I... never thought that ANYONE would want me, want to marry me....and to answer your question...I will be forever yours and yes I will marry you." He sobs, as I open the box and place the ring on his finger, "I will treasure this reminds me so much of you Mick." I get off my knees and take him in my arms, my fiancée in my arms and we kiss the world around us disappearing....

A/N: There will be a part 2 to this, which I plan so far to have it pick up where this chapter leaves off. 

When You Wish Upon a Fallen Mӧtley Star (A Paul Stanley x Mick Mars tale)Where stories live. Discover now