Chapter 32: Honeymoon Part 1

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I find myself waking up with a slight groan and the sight that greets me, for a moment I forget how to breathe: MICK, whom seems to be in much the same state I am in...the way he's looking at me does something to me only he can, I feel Luna begin to move and the spell is broken somewhat, by me...voice husky from sleep, and I find myself being held by my beloved moonbeam.

"We did it Mick, we did it.... we really are married, and I can't tell you how much I love that and how much it means to me, especially because it's with YOU."

"I could say much the same, it was very magical." Mick pulls back only to pull me in for a kiss, placing a hand on my swollen stomach...Luna moving even more eagerly at her father's touch and speaking of his stirs DESIRE and I remember what I said to my husband before he brought me up to the Cabin.

"Mick..." I begin lowly, voice husky from desire, "My moon.... i wanna keep the promise I made earlier tonight..." I trail off, shivering from pleasure at the looks My new husband is giving me.

"Far be it from me to deny you moonbeam, I could never say no..." Mick's look grows concerned and I know exactly why but before he can say anything I do...

I caress his face gently with one of my hands, "Mick, it's OK...I will be ok, yes, I am tired, but I want this.... need this and I promise you too Luna is ok."

"I know I can feel her...." Mick says in wonder before his look turns desirous for ME once again. "I love you, Paul."

"I love you more Mick." Leaning in, and our lips meet at first starting slow and sweet but then quickly grows more heated, and his hands and mine begin to explore before reluctantly we part for breath and I lean in to whisper in his ear, "Lemme freshen up a bit, and of course wear the jacket you got me Mr. Mars." Mick counters with placing kisses up and down my throat, nipping gently at the flesh and whispers heatedly in my ear....

"Did I mention Mr. Mars, how much your Queens accent turns me on? And oh I look forward to seeing that." practically purring by the end....the anticipation is killing me, my exhaustion being out on the back burner as my husband carefully and reverentially removes my dress, pausing to kiss me and caress my stomach where Luna kicks at his hands and then I saunter practically to the bathroom, with the jacket in tow and wink over my shoulder at my husband whose eyes follow me hungrily, so I don't take too long...refreshing my eye shadow, fluffing my hair and managing to put on the jacket, closing it so it for I cant lie plan on teasing Mick and at last I enter the bedroom to find Mick waiting on me, whose eyes fairly glow and his jaw drops.

"Holy shit, you look.... oh, baby HOT, so damn good." I can feel myself blush, as I open the jacket and walk towards the bed, Mick meeting me and my eyes and hands immediately being to wander, which causes him to slam his lips against mine and I can feel his need against me and I moan, head thrown back slightly, him deepening the kiss and next thing I know I find myself in a comfortable position and I cant help but be touched that Mick is being mindful of Luna...his every touch, god...I can't take much more.

"Just fucking take me!" I cry.

"Your wish is my command my love." Mick's voice deep, as with a little prep he enters me and I fucking forget how to breathe and I relish in being SO full, already screaming his name....and our dance continues for quite some time, I can't tell you how many times I came or Mick did, us chasing our high was and is perfection. And at some point, I think, Mick took the jacket off or I did, honestly, I don't know, and it doesn't matter...

Next thing I know, is I wake...Luna moving gently, her waking up....and I am unsure at the time....and I hear and see the most beautiful person and voice in the world belonging to my beloved moonbeam, my alien...Mick and I find myself in tears only vaguely realizing the sheets are clean and of course Mick is right there, and I cling to him as I sob feeling in the moment so fucking emotional.

"I... sorry!" I wailed, really hating my mood swings. "I...don't remember falling asleep, and...I wish I could have stayed awake, and I don't know what time it is..." I ramble.

Mick pulls back enough to look at me, eyes filled with such love and concern. "Shh, its ok Paul. I took a lot out of you last night and you were exhausted on top of that. and you are working so hard to grow and nurture our daughter, I've got you...I've got her and if you are wondering my love.... It's later in the afternoon, the next day. And I know you've gotta be hungry, so I brought some snacks in and something to drink and I thought too, you would love a shower or a bath before I fixed dinner, or we fixed dinner."

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you more." Soft, thin, and perfect lips cover my own before we part for air, Mick giving Luna affection, rubbing my belly her kicking eagerly. "Hey Luna, our little moon flower.... Mommy and I love you so much. Daddy is gonna take care of you both." Kisses to my stomach as Mick then helps me eat the snacks he'd brought and I drink my favorite tea of the moment before my husband gets my bath started, helping me into the shower...and his gentle touches making me melt as he helps me bathe and wash my hair. "Though I know the answer, I still will are you enjoying our honeymoon, Paul?" Mick smiles and I find myself smiling back.

"It's been MAGICAL, it IS...its everything. We're married, you take such amazing care of me, of Luna...I am loving being here with you." I find myself tearing up, Mick in much the same state. No more words are spoken, for we can FEEL one another...his heart beating in time with mine.

Mick does manage to bathe himself as well at some point, and before long I find myself in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, Mick clad in t-shirt and sweatpants, as hand in hand he leads me to the kitchen, insisting on getting me comfortable before asking me, "So what are you in the mood for Paul?"

I tap a finger against my chin before exclaiming as it comes to me, "Well I would love pasta, something spicy and garlicky, salad..." I practically drool at said prospect, hands resting on my swollen stomach, Luna cutting flips at the idea of what I am craving, she is so excited and i love the feeling. 

"Oh, I think I can do that, we can do that."

And suddenly I find myself asking shyly, "Can I cook with you? Help?"

Mick says softly smiling eyes glowing, "I would love that. I love you."

"I would too, and I love you so very much." Just as softly.

A/N: A spicy beginning and the start of Mick and Paul's honeymoon. Next is part 2, which will pick up basically where these leaves off. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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