Chapter 46: A Fallen Star Epilogue (Paul and Mick)

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So many times, I've asked myself how has it been 40 years since that fateful night of my 31st birthday on January 20, 1983? It feels like everything since that night happened yesterday, that's never changed. 40 years ago, that night the 'Starchild' was well and truly dead and Paul...Paul Stanley emerged from the ashes or would eventually. Or Paul-Mars Stanley as I've proudly worn that name for all these years. That night changed everything...I got the courage to leave my former 'demon', who'd taken so much from me: my life, my spirit, my heart, my children, money...everything. I didn't know then those 3 precious guardian angels sent the man that unknowingly became my other half: Mick Mars, my beloved moon, my husband. Mick saved my life just in time, and I would come to know him and the men I have seen as brothers all these years: Nikki, Vince, and Tommy Lee. All our lives really changed or would. I'd spent far too long, being used.... abused, broken.... beyond broken by the one who was supposed to love me: Gene. I STILL hate saying his name to this day, and if you are wondering yes, he is still in prison.... paying for his crimes. Gene though, in the beginning with him and Kiss...everything was seemingly 'all for one, one for all'. Everything was exciting and new. Or so I'd thought, I was so fuckin' young and naïve then. I didn't truly know my Demon, who would one night come to take my innocence from me, that infamous 'Hotter than Hell' Shoot, and would LIE and hold it over me for so long. Things took a turn, for the worse....and I thought that's what my world, my life and love was. Then came Mick, him rescuing me...not long after I'd lost one of my children...he was there, thru my absolute darkest moments, never wavering in his support, his kindness, he taught me love.... We taught each other what love truly was. I'd never known anyone like Mick. He did things because he wanted to, and I would find my place at his side and in the world's most notorious band: Mӧtley Crϋe. A band with members that as it turned out had hearts of gold and balls of steel. And back to Mick: he got me justice, he raised hell.... He punished and banished my demons. He never gave up, never. And he'd also put Vinnie Vincent away, Gene's co-conspirator and former lover and Vinnie was released from prison around 93' to come after me and at the time, I was pregnant with mine and Mick's 3rd and final child and daughter: Aurora Nebula Mars and was scared shitless, but Mick? Eric Carr? The guys? Oh, they made sure, Mick especially to put Vinnie back behind bars and Aurora was born healthy and made safe.

The years passed after Jupiter's birth, my daughter's milestones.... Seeing them grow, it was bitter-sweet. It was beautiful still is. And our family grew, thrived.... everyone really coming into their own. Tours, taking time for family...which came around 92', the band took a break for a bit. Solo stuff was done, after the massive success of 'Decade of Decadence' and 'Dr. Feelgood', and the like....... solo projects were concentrated on, and especially raising my daughters alongside Mick and its also during all this, I finally started exploring other mediums like with my art, doing gallery shows. Exploring Music, producing and more.

Then one day, it was like holy girls are grown. Luna, Jupiter, Aurora.... each pursuing their passions. Luna of course, became involved with music...playing and learning guitar and eventually along with her sisters, Jupiter and Aurora formed a three-piece rock band. Jupiter playing bass, Aurora on Drums. Jupiter inherited my love and talent of art, so she does that as well. Aurora also has written a novel and produces music. I am SO proud of the three of them and love them more than words can ever express. And of course, as you know, the three of them made Mick and I grandparents. Luna ending up with one James Carr-Lee and having three children. Jupiter married Vince and Nikki's son: Jamison Decker Neil-Sixx and they would go on to have several children and Aurora would marry and rock with her sisters of course, but so Far only has one child. Life, our lives...are beautiful and its strange to think a lifetime ago, I never thought I would know what this was like, that this was all meant for me, and it IS, my life what it would become.... Mick and I. all of it was meant to be.


"It was moonbeam, I've never once doubted that. Look at the impact you've had on my life...on all our lives. You changed things, you changed ME for the better. I was...lost, addict until the night unknown to either of us....3 angels sent me to find you. Sent me with our family.... Tommy, Nikki, Vince.... the drugs, well without all could have gone very differently. I can't fucking imagine, nor would I want to, a life...a world without you in its Paul. For the first time in my life, I worried about someone more than myself...I had someone to protect, but more than LOVE. I fell in love with you.... We taught each other what that truly meant. We've got 3 beautiful and talented daughters...grandchildren and we've built an extraordinary legacy...that's bigger than just the band, it's really our family.... THAT is the legacy. Not that we don't love the music of course. Time has only made my feelings stronger for you, and that will never change not even into eternity." I am crying now, Paul in much the same way, as we hold one another.

"God...I.... Every day, I am beyond thankful that you sent to me Mick. You've taught me so much and not just about love, but acceptance like with my ear and all. Our supposed differences, they don't exist to us. And you my moon are still MY moon, my beloved moon. I love you." Paul whispers and I find I must claim his lips, me still loving the feeling of them more than ever and that's never changed in our 40 years together.

I gently run my fingers thru his curls, still stuck by him.... its more than his physical beauty. It's the light, he brings...his heart. Paul blushes, "You are more beautiful than ever Paul. I can't get over it."

"I could say the same about you Mick." Paul says softly. "Everything I have ever been through was worth it because it led us to where we were meant to be together. I love you Mick Mars...I love you." Paul then grins thru his tears, "We've more than earned our wrinkles and still we look damn good."

I laugh, "I second that with the wrinkles and we still look good AND I still can move it where it counts." My tone then shifts back to tender, "You still rock my world and that will never stop. I look forward to our next 40 years together."

"Same here." Paul echoes, laying his head on my chest. And I love the feel of him in my arms, our hearts beating together in time, in harmony with one love. And we don't need the words right now, we can feel them. everyday, we live them...and live them together.

I went from the lonely, bitter...'unseen' someone who is SEEN and loved. I feel tall with Paul, I became a better version of myself and to think it all goes back to that fateful night of January 20, 1983. If I would change anything, it would only be one thing: finding Paul sooner, saving him sooner and I truly feel that either way, we would have regardless found our way to one another.

And so, for least here, the tale of When You Wish Upon a Fallen Mӧtley Star Ends...Mine and Paul's tale, but that by no means, means that that our journey together ends, there is still so much more to the story. Only now, you know how it all came to be. 

A/N: Sadly, here the story ends...but there is so much more to come with my other ongoing book. and there will be future works. thank you all for the love and support for my work! 

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