Chapter 7-My Demon Comes to Haunt Me Part 2(Mick Mars)

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There are things you wish you could forget.... things that HAUNT you and for me that was true, for Paul even more so. For a long time, hell even today I still blame myself sometimes for letting that DEMON nearly rape Paul. I took precautions trying to protect Paul from where I could and the phone call, I got that night? I remember to this day, the feeling of fear, the fact I REALLY fucking hated being the alien, being driven by adrenaline...hoping that I got there in time. The sight of.... what greeted me when I broke down the hospital door, forever haunts me: Paul sobbing, begging Gene not to do what he was doing....Gene on top of Paul, I could FEEL his fear and it was made all the worse Paul's wrists were restrained once again, because he'd tried to hurt himself....Paul's face was once more black and blue, covered in those damned all pissed me off and hell hath no fury like an alien scorned in a moment that felt like forever, I told Gene, "He would PAY for hurting Paul, I will take you down." The moment was quick, I was backed up by cops.... i didn't go in blindly, I'd been getting the 'dirt' was it were on the DEMON.... the fucking point I am making is: I lost all reason, I could have KILLED him, maybe I should have.... but I made it HURT, made it HURT for PAUL. And I would learn, Paul had a small wound in his side that at the time I didn't know about from the switch blade Simmons pulled on him....and where you will find us, find Paul was unconscious, and by the way I fucking made sure they took off the restraints.... Where you find me, is standing over Gene, as they cuff him....and well, you will see......

I am panting, Knuckles black and blue.... vibrating with rage...standing over Paul's 'DEMON'...aka Gene Simmons but before they haul him off, one more right hook...and I watch as Simmons spits blood....

"How you feel now is but a FRACTION of what you've put Paul thru...." Here I lean down to whisper menacingly, "I PROMISE you've only begun to pay and this.... you will not get out of." I straighten up and glare down at him and I barely restrain myself from finishing him off as he says....

"He belongs to ME."

"The fuck he does. He is a PERSON! Not a fucking object....and congratulations! You not HIM just exposed yourself." My voice a hiss I am so angry, vaguely I am aware of the nurses and such checking on Paul, and I hear words about him bleeding so I turn back to Paul as Simmons is dragged off kicking and screaming....

I doubt we've seen, sadly, the extent of the damage Gene has done to poor Paul, who hasn't or DOESN'T deserve any of this shit. The fall out that will result from this....i KNOW Paul will blame himself, I HOPE someday Paul can truly be free from his 'demon', they are stitching up I hear a small wound on Paul's side, something about a switch blade.....i refuse to leave Paul, someone should stay here and be in his corner....but maybe I should let Nikki, Vince and Tommy know all this? THAT I am sure will not go well....and there are so many questions and factors to all this.... on some of or a lot of this, I don't know where to begin....

More bruises, given something for pain.... which doesn't even BEGIN to numb the pain in Paul's mind or heart, I bark at them to take off the damn restraints.... oddly enough, Paul seems to do a little bit better with someone they fuss over me, hands aren't broken.... just bruised, I do request some ice for my hands, I'll live....

Paul will sleep for I don't know how long, and the nightmares will come....

Sitting now, watching over him.... i quickly give the nurses the number to the Mӧtley house and a message for them to come....

I now feeling spent but feeling I shouldn't leave Paul...break sobs and words both filling the oppressive silence...

"Paul...God, I can't imagine the world of pain you're in NOW more so than before. I am SORRY I didn't get here sooner, its...its my fault. I just wanted to help take care of things for you at my house.... i stopped him before.... he could r-rape you.... something tells me it's not the first time.... STILL, you got hurt.... but I beat the shit out of the fucker, and I made it HURT FOR YOU, it's the least he deserves...."

The guys arrive in record time or so it seems to me, I hear them more than I see them, unwilling to move my head...but finally I do, and I see the anger on their faces, the sorrow in their eyes....

"We figured you needed us Mars-Man, so we fucking booked it." Tommy, a subdued and angry Tommy Lee.

Nikki cleared his throat nervously, unusual for him or it would be if it weren't for the subject matter, "What exactly happened? You look like you've been crying."

"That DEMON Simmons showed up...I was making things ready for Paul at my house, when I got a phone call that he was HERE.....i rushed here and found....Simmons on top of Paul, Paul screaming and begging Gene to stop....wrists restrained, that look in Paul's eyes.....i told that bastard, that demon I'd make him pay....i beat the shit out of him, pulling him off Paul....i didn't know at that time, he had a switch blade on Paul...he got stiches....and that BASTARD had the balls to tell me that Paul belongs to him." My anger returning, I breathe in and out and manage with herculean effort to calm myself enough to continue, "—He exposed himself, but....this, this isn't over, we've not yet begun to scratch the surface of what Simmons has done to Paul, what TONIGHT will do to him...the fall out from all this, and Paul doesn't DESERVE any of this shit....this....tonight is MY fault, I should have been here sooner....and maybe Paul wouldn't be physically injured."

"Sadly Mick, you're probably right.... but the end there, you're WRONG." Vince is very vehement, "Its not your fucking fault what happened, from what we know.... sadly, this was fucking inevitable, and I wish to fuck it wasn't. you got here soon as you could, you beat the shit out of that fucker.... we got your back man." Vince is very much right, I know that...yet at the same time, I cant HELP but blame myself....

They all end up staying the night, no room for argument from hospital staff or rather we don't allow it. I doubt I will sleep.... or any of us will really sleep and I delve back into my thoughts:

What will Paul remember? Will he remember?......will Paul still want to join OUR band? It doesn't matter, I want it to be HIS decision.... if he doesn't that don't fucking matter, I and the guys are gonna fucking be there for him.

I hope that he likes his room, I think it suits him.... I tried to go off what he told me when I took Paul for air the other night. I get the feeling that he lacks even the most basic comforts......

I wish to God, that Paul's life for him wasn't both a living and sleeping nightmare.... I wish it wasn't. I really fucking do.... cause he deserves fucking better.

A/N: We are only at the beginning of the downfall for Gene, who is finally getting a taste of his own medicine. Next chapter, Paul will awake and perhaps make his decision on joining Mӧtley and well you will see. 

When You Wish Upon a Fallen Mӧtley Star (A Paul Stanley x Mick Mars tale)Where stories live. Discover now