Chapter 43: The Year of the Moon (Luna's 1st Birthday)

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There have been many milestones if you will in my life: musically, artistically, finding my place in the world, finding true love, belonging and acceptance such as I've ever known all thanks to 3 precious guardian angel and my beloved moon, my everything: Mick Mars. The most rewarding, moving, you name it, milestones came by way of Luna, our first daughter. That would never change for our other children either, but ah yes. Luna's milestones: her first smile, which I remember very clearly her smiling when we were watching MTV and a Mӧtley Video came on and she smiled when she saw Mick, the way her little eyes lit up...priceless. Her crawling, her giggles, developing her little personality which Mick says is a combo of both of us and I'd have to agree, and God as if I could EVER forget her first word! The moment in question took place on Thanksgiving, 85'...Mick and I working together to prepare dinner for a family gathering and out of the blue, she said... 'momma', getting my attention. Mick and I stood in shock a moment, and she said it again and Mick and I cried tears of joy, scooping her up...her giggles filling the air and well I should have said first WORDS, for she also said dada AND moon, fucking adorable I tell you. 85' was a memorable year, the birth of the Carr-Lee twins on May 8, little Charlie & James.... adorable little hellions as Mick quips, but fondly of course and the birth of Nikki and Vince's daughter: Skylar Elizabeth on September 18. It was a year of family growth, a year of music, song writing for our band, videos, just living life and doing what we loved with who we loved.

Where you find us, or rather me, is sharing a moment on the morning of Luna's first birthday on December 13. 1986...another year of love, family, touring, you name on with the show.

I am cuddling Luna in her rocking chair, her bundled with a blanket. I am relishing this, these special, precious moments forever seared into memory and today is a huge milestone, for it is my precious little moonflower's birthday. It's hard to believe that Luna is a year old, a year. Honestly it blows my mind, her growing too fast. I know Mick feels the same way, Luna looks so much like her father, and I love that, she has my lips and hair but otherwise is my husband's twin. Mick is still sleeping, and I wanted to let him have some time.

"Ma-Ma?" Luna's tone is curious, and I KNOW.

"Daddy Princess?"


"Mommy wanted daddy to get some more sleep. Today is a special day, just like you." I told her.

"Pecial' (special)?" Luna questions looking up at me, her eyes a version of my moon's beloved eyes.

"Special Luna, a year ago today mommy gave birth to you. It's your birthday sweet girl and later, we have family coming over to help us celebrate. Everything that's brought me to this moment has been more than worth it." I find myself tearing up, and I feel surrounded by such warmth, and I hear and see: Mick who greets me with a kiss before giving Luna affection.

"I just had woken up; knew you were in here Paul. I couldn't miss THIS, US you know? And its our daughter's first birthday, how lucky am i?" Mick's tone coated with emotion.

Before I can form a reply, Luna beats me too it. Looking at her father excitedly and proudly says, "Mama say pecial' daddy, birday! I pecial'!"

"He's not wrong Luna, and you are so very special and loved baby girl. Always."

"Wuv ew daddy an' mama!" Mick and I share a look, both of us with tears in our eyes.

"We love you more." I whisper but she hears me, "You want birthday cuddles with daddy Luna?"

"Pease?" Sweetly.

"Daddy will never say 'no' to that princess." Luna leaps from my arms to her father's burrowing into his chest, her little head resting on his silken raven mane, as he runs his fingers gently through her curls, my heart melting at the sight. "So, what does the birthday girl want to eat for her birthday breakfast?"

"Cake daddy!" Mick chuckles.

"That's later Luna." He teases.

"Pa-cake daddy! (Pancakes) Pease?"

"I think that sounds wonderful." Softly, Mick echoing me.

We effectively cuddle for a while longer before we head downstairs to the kitchen, Luna in her favorite highchair, armed with her stuffed moon, as we get started on her birthday breakfast, me feeling on top of the world and so much love, Mick pulling me down to him in a kiss, Luna fairly beaming at that, her smile just like mine.

"I just had to feel you, Paul." Mick states, hand gently caressing my cheek and he glances back at our daughter, fondly. I couldn't ask for a better father for Luna, nor a better partner. "She loves seeing us in love, she just loves us period. Her heart is so much like yours. I love you and her so much, my worlds."

"You're both my worlds." I whisper, "I wouldn't be here without you Mick. And I know I will never have to be."

"Never." Fiercely.

We work in tandem to fix Luna's breakfast, her chattering away about her birthday, Mick and I sharing kisses, spending time together as a family and I often think of how strange it is that there was a time, that I didn't have this, nor did I ever think it would happen. But it has, it IS, and I love it so much more than words can ever express.

The morning of Luna's first birthday, passed in a blur. All I knew, then and now is ALL of us were together and later, oh later her birthday party. Her running around playing with the Carr-Lee twins, Nikki, and Vince's daughter...her friends, her family. Lots of laughter, love, you name it. I cried constantly that day. It was bitter-sweet, because I wanted it to last forever...her being little and it reminded me how precious time is, especially with family and friends, and making the most of every moment. Love and family come first, always.

But ah yes, back to Luna's birthday. The kids were all making a huge mess, but what a beautiful mess it was. Luna's smash cake, now that was got everywhere and she was so chill about it, chill and excited both. There were so many presents she got, I could never list them all, but they were everyone, much loved and appreciated. And then came a moment that was HIGHLY amusing and adorable both. Little James Carr-Lee, declared he was going to give Luna a kiss for her birthday, now James a dead ringer for Eric aka the Fox did just that and then proving he was also Tommy's son then declared afterwards, "I marry!" And funny story, that happened.

"Stuck forever with the world's most hyper-active drummers as In Laws." Mick grumbles, but fondly.

I laugh, "Don't act like you don't love that."

Mick laughs with me, "All right fine." His tone turns tender, and his look makes me weak kneed, him looking at me like only he can. "I love that I admit, but nowhere near as much as I love you, Paul."

"I love you to the moon and back." I whisper, before our lips connect working together in harmony as they have for so many years and I know the feeling, I know it will never change.

A/N: Luna turns one!! Next chapter, still working on ideas for it but was thinking of a time skip maybe of a few years at least, we shall see. 

When You Wish Upon a Fallen Mӧtley Star (A Paul Stanley x Mick Mars tale)Where stories live. Discover now