Chapter 33: Honeymoon Part 2

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Bliss, love.... just pure happiness such as I've never known and have never known until my alien, my moon rescued me and now here we are, newlyweds on our honeymoon with a child...our daughter on the way. A sweet and spicy, with a dash of romance.... such romance to kick off our honeymoon, it was perfect, and every moment is. For instance, THIS moment me and my husband (God I never tire of saying or thinking that) working together to fix my cravings for spicy and garlicky pasta and salad as well as Lemon Mousse...a sudden addition because I was craving something tart as well. And ah, Luna is moving around happily...kicking up a storm and I find I love that very much and can NEVER get over the feeling....

"You look so happy Paul, so fucking beautiful." Mick says softly, eyes shining.

"I am." I blush but grab his hand and place it on my stomach and the way his eyes light up, the emotion in them melts me, DOES stuff to me only Mick can, "She's really kicking and moving in there ya know? I can never get over how it feels, and she and I are crazy about you."

"I love feeling this myself...So much." Mick's voice cracks as he rubs my stomach, "I am crazy about you both too." I lean down to kiss him, him meeting me and I smile into it as we then continue fixing dinner and dessert...Mick insisting on getting me rested, massaging me since I am sore and I watch my love as he finishes up everything and dishes up the amazing dinner we made together, kissing me before he sits down.

How lucky am I? after a lifetime of hell, pain.... being told time and again I was a whore, meant to be seen and not heard.... suffering and then fate brought me the man that's taught me the true meaning of love, who'd do anything...truly for me and I can never truly express what that means. I found myself with Mick, because of Mick.... i no longer hide my Queens accent like I used to, I can be ME...Mick sees me in a way or ways NO ONE ELSE CAN.

I inhale deeply in appreciation groaning at the mere smell of the pasta and salad before digging in, eyes rolling in the back of my head...groaning in bliss.

"God this is so fuckin' good!"

Mick chuckles and aims a fond smile at me asking, "And how is our little moon flower enjoying it?"

"She loves it...mmm..." I groan and suddenly I decide I also want olives, but my moon ever the alien knows and sure enough....

"I know that look Paul, you want olives, right? Kalamata?"

"MMM, mmm." I pause and swallow and find myself in tears and the next thing I know, is Mick...Mick holding me, comforting me and I can never get over this feeling.

"Shh, I've got you.... talk to me Paul."

"Y-You' wonderful. And.... I'm...not g-getting on your n-nerves, right? Hormones don't...h-help!" I cry.

"Paul, you are extraordinary.... PERFECT. Here you are at MY side, carrying our child. How fucking lucky am I? I ask my self that everyday and for the record..." Mick cups my face in his hands gently, "---You are not and could NEVER get on my nerves and I realize you are going thru so much right now, and you are doing so damn well, so damn well."

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you more.... now let me get those olives but before I go..." Here Mick kisses me, and I revel in the feeling, so very moved by my husband's beautiful words and just HIM. Mick does get the olives for me, and I feel SO much better than I did. I have a couple of helpings of pasta and dessert, but then I find myself worn out and my husband insists on getting me comfortable on the couch, propping my feet up and making sure I have plenty of pillows. "You need anything before I go clean the kitchen and put things away?"

My hands are resting on my swollen stomach and Luna is moving gently and I can't help but smile.

"She's moving, isn't she?" Mick beams, eyes shiny with tears.

"She is...and um, I'd love that fuzzy flannel blanket."

"You got it moonbeam." Mick covers me with the fuzzy flannel blanket but not before he kisses my swollen belly, whispering to Luna who gradually I believe goes to sleep and as it turns out so do I....

I find myself waking up and in my field of vision I see Mick, me unable to tear my gaze from him and Luna is beginning to wake, and Mick also has hot cocoa with marshmallows and whipped cream.

"You made Cocoa? Wow......thank you Mick! And if I don't tell you enough, I love and I do mean love and appreciate everything you do and have done for me. You take such amazing care of me and of Luna, just thank you." Mick hands me my cocoa which is cool enough to drink before managing to join me under the blanket and nursing his own cup of cocoa, us snuggling together and naturally Luna kicks a lot since daddy is near and God, do I love that! "This has really been the most amazing honeymoon so far." I state after taking a sip of cocoa.

"I have to say I agree my love, I agree and also what you'd said a moment ago?" Mick's eyes darken with tears, the dark and yet light side of my moon. "THANK YOU.... i swear I fall in love with you more with each passing moment." I get my husband's message, loud and clear and I feel the same way....

Gradually we finish our cocoa, and I sadly must have a 'piss' marathon as I groan about and when that finally is done, I ask Mick...., "Can we cuddle under the blanket some more?"

"We can.... there is nothing I love more than US together." Mick replies tenderly making me melt and once more he and I snuggle under the blanket together, our hands entwined over my stomach and together we feel the most precious little girl move within me.

Our honeymoon was sweet and fire, romance.... passion, you name it. I savor the memories made to this day even now recounting them. Mick was my rock, he took care of my needs and then some, always supported me...LOVED me in every way even when my mood swings struck, he knew just what to do. He took care of me, of US...Luna and I. We explored the depths of our emotions, of our intimacy....we took our walks, Mick and I played guitar, we cooked, I drew and paint....Mick for sure my favorite subject....each and every moment was amazing and where you next find he and I, is a few days will have still on our honeymoon and my beloved moon will take the reins in our tale.

"Has it really been 40 years? It feels like yesterday." I squeeze Mick's hand, he squeezes back.

"It Does feel like yesterday, I'd wished it had of last forever then but then it DID, it HAS ya know?"

"I do know moonbeam...and if it wasn't for all my wrinkles, I'd swear I was still in my 30s." Mick quips.

"Hey, we've earned these wrinkles and still look damned good." Mick laughs and I laugh with him, my heart so very full.

A/N: Part 2 of Mick and Paul's honeymoon, I really loved writing all their moments together! Next is part 3 and then perhaps the following chapters will see a baby shower for Luna and more, stay tuned to see what comes next! 

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