Chapter 22-Our First Christmas Part 2

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I know you just must be dying of curiosity about Eric Carr's and Tommy Lee's first date. What I can tell you, is Eric told me it was magical.... he was nervous, but that Tommy was such a sweetheart. Eric cooked for him, Italian naturally and then took Tommy for a walk on the beach. Eric told me then and still does today, "I can never thank you enough Paul, for giving me a chance at our friendship, it is because of YOU that I found something I didn't know I was looking for and that I needed, Tommy...and love, true and pure love where differences...NONE of that exists when Tom and I are together."

As for mine and Mick's first Christmas? I can never to this day get over our first Christmas Eve together, me having a brutal and heartbreaking nightmare...but MICK, my moon was right there even though I was so out of it for a while, but he stayed with me...comforted me and then there was the memorial he'd had made to honor the memory of the children I'd lost. It floored me then and still does to this day, but it goes to show just how much he loved me and loves me still and that he was and is a true partner in every sense of the world...and where you will find he and I, is on Christmas Day and you will see....

How times have changed.... how I have changed.... I went from unwanted, unloved, beaten, abused in every which way. The hidden shame of my once Demon.... but now, NOW, and really since that fateful January night, which just so happened to be my birthday...Mick saved my life, and I found a family, a place where I belonged which was and is at HIS side...the ultimate point is NOW: Now, I am warm....cozy, loved....treasured...I can NEVER forget what Mick has done for me this Christmas, a memorial....a stunning tribute to the children I lost, him comforting me from such a painful nightmare......

And now, I am unsure what time it is...maybe afternoon, doesn't matter....what does, is the man whose arms I am lying in, who is still sleeping....long raven hair fanned out, silky & Straight....though really its red, and I'd love him in any form....those EYES, those eyes of the moon which are closed and I cannot help now but cry, I never wanna let this go...let HIM go....

Suddenly I feel long spider-like fingers running through my curls and I find those eyes I so love is looking at me with concern and too a knowing gaze. "—are you ok Paul?"

"I-I.... just don't ever let THIS go...US...YOU....and what you've done for me and what you did last night.... words aren't enough to express what it means to me. I am warm, loved...treasured...HAPPY." I whispered tearfully.

"You will NEVER have to let this go...US go, but I hear you very much so. I wanted to do that memorial to show you that what's a part of you is a part of me. THEY are my children too; I really feel that way. And I can see in your eyes how much the memorial means to you Paul....and, here it is CHRISTMAS....and I am not alone, not anymore. And too you are very much treasured and loved and it means the world to me to see you happy. Merry Christmas my beloved moon beam...." These last words are breathed across my lips before he captures mine with his own....and a low groaning sound comes from him or its me, in any case it doesn't matter, all that matters is being with HIM....

Eventually Mick and I do get out of bed, making our selves taming my curls and Mick exclaims taking me by surprise and making me blush by saying, "I hope when we have a baby, well I'd love for them to have your would be so adorable."

I respond with, "Well I would love them to have your natural hair color and your eyes...those stunning eyes." And that Makes MICK blush, making his eyes pop.

Then hand in hand we go downstairs, both content with one another before Mick leads me not to our Christmas tree, but else where telling me to close my eyes.... i do so pouting playfully of course....and then after a moment I feel we've stopped.

"Ok, open your eyes Moonbeam." Hearing those words makes me melt and I open my eyes and they widen upon seeing what is in front of me and fill with tears: all new cookware...a pizza stone, everything I could ever need to cook...he remembered.... Mick remembered.

It renders me speechless and I finally after a wee bit manage to find my voice, "MICK.... you remembered....and, for the first time.... I mean, you've made this the best Christmas I have EVER had in my life! It's been everything, emotional.... sweet, comforting.... I'd never, before you experienced"

A gentle spider-like hand reaches up to caress my face, its owner in tears. "I will always remember, I want to make all your dreams come true Paul, I mean that....and I could say much the same when I am with you, since I have been I mean. I love you."

"I love you too." I lean down and kiss him, Mick meeting me...and I am lost in feeling...such feeling. And my stomach growls after almost as if on cue, making me blush and Mick chuckles.

"Do you wanna try out some of your new cookware and I'll help you with our Christmas Dinner or do you wanna open more presents? We can do what ever you want...WE want." Mick asks, smiling...a true smile taking my breath away and I cannot help but be touched at his words, his asking me.

I find myself smiling back and saying, "I would love to get started on dinner...I have to after all use my new Christmas presents after all and then after we eat, more presents."

"Sounds perfect." Mick fairly beams, though I can see in his eyes the pain from his back.

"Mick? I can see in your eyes you're in pain.... are you sure you'll be, ok?" I am very much getting worried.

"Paul, I PROMISE you my love.... that I will be ok. You numb my pain." I still insist on him at least sitting down or laying down, me fussing over him just taking care of him and mercifully his pain is brief and the both of us get started on our first Christmas dinner together...

I wish this day, this moment.... could last forever, but it WILL for I will always carry the memories with me, always. How can I not? That is very much how I feel. This feels...all of it does, feels like a dream.... however, dreams cannot compare not truly.... This is real, SO real and if it is indeed truly a dream, then may I never wake up.

There is so much more to come in our Christmas tale, mine, and my beloved's.... you ain't seen anything yet....

"I remember that First Christmas of ours very well, so many precious memories created...but the following Christmas was even more memorable."

"It really was." I agree with my husband, tears in my eyes.

"Together we'd MADE the best gift of all." I whisper. "And I was so scared at first. So scared but you Mick...made all my fears, my triggers go away."

A/N: Part 2 of Mick and Paul's first Christmas together is up with a taste of things to come included. Next chapter will be the part 3 to this from Mick's POV.

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