Chapter 28: Will you be Mine? Part 2

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I am exhausted so very exhausted but, in THIS moment, I am very happy and in love. Locked in a loving embrace with my fiancée, my moon: Mick. I will treasure this night forever....

At last, we do part for breath, Mick resting his forehead against mine.

"This, has been one of the best and most magical nights of my life...." I smile tearfully feeling fluttery little movements from our baby, and I take one of Mick's hands and place it on my stomach, "Our.... little moonflower is happy Mick, so happy."

"I know, I know.... I-I feel it." Softly, then the tone shifts to concern as I let out a huge yawn and feel a bit nauseous again. "Hey, lets get you in bed ok Paul. And get you some more tea or ginger ale." I close my eyes and the next thing I know I am in bed, covered with a soft blanket and my fiancée hands me a can of ginger ale and some water and I guzzle both in moments, laying back exhausted.

I burst into tears, "Y-You....! and.... i am SUCH A MESS!" I wail.

A gentle spider like hand on my face, "Shh its ok.... You ARE NOT a mess Paul. Now, baby you really should rest as much as you can, ok? But...before you do, do you need anything?"

"I gotta pee!" I cry feeling mortified at my mood swings.

"You have nothing to feel bad about Paul." Mick says picking up on my I helped of bed and pee for an eternity, wash my hands and am back under the covers and I FINALLY give into the call of sleep but the echo of, "I love you my amazing, beautiful fiancée.... i can't wait to be yours forever, you me and our baby a family." These words follow me into my dreams....

I wake up with a start, groaning as quietly as I can with my eyes closed, feeling super nauseous....and no clue what time it is, but I think it's still dark.

Ugh.... i love my baby, I do...but I really feel miserable right now. And I really HATE to bother Mick, even though I KNOW he would argue and make me feel otherwise.... he is so sweet, such a beautiful romantic soul, such as I have EVER known...I....

My internal monologue isn't ENOUGH to distract me as I bolt from Mick's hold, clamping a hand over my mouth....and managing to drop to my knees in time to heave into the toilet, my morning sickness rearing its head....and I am in tears and am vaguely aware of hands holding my curls back and that VOICE I love and know so well to try soothe me.

"Oh Moonbeam, you could NEVER bother me.... i know how miserable you feel, I love you so much always..."

I continue to heave until finally I am done and am naturally a crying mess. Mick taking me in his arms, as I cry into his chest...

"I promise you Paul, this wont last forever. I know it feels like it and remember you lose sleep and so do I, now let's get you cleaned up and back in bed, something to drink.... i am gonna take care of you."

"T-THANK YOU..." I whisper, Mick helps me up off the floor supporting me, as I get cleaned up mouth included and am helped back under the covers, feeling Spent AND I feel the little fluttery movements of our little moonflower, I think Mick is getting me something to I gently cradle my stomach, just loving the feel. "So...its.... its mommy. I can feel you move...I've NEVER felt this before, I wish I had...I really do, but...I do know its magical. Everything about you is, this, this really hasn't been easy at all for me, but daddy is right there...HERE, he cares and takes such amazing care of me and you. You know you would have brothers and sisters? Sadly, a very bad man.... made me lose what I held dear, but I know they are watching over you, over US and daddy, loves them too...and loves ALL parts of me, as I do him."

"Oh PAUL...that was, that was beautiful." Mick sniffles, not bothering to hold back his tears and has a bottle of water and tea, which he gives to sighing with relief, with so many emotions as Mick sits as close to me as he can get in bed. "I know this hasn't been easy to say the least, but you're doing it anyway and I am so fucking proud of you, more than you could ever know. Before you, I was...lonely, unloved, relegated to the shadows, but WITH you I feel and am seen, you truly bring out the best in me."

"I could say much the same." I whisper, as I down more tea and water till I'm done, Mick being relieved that I have more color in my face after, but then of COURSE I have to piss, the baby still moving, so I do that, get clean and am in bed once one, Mick having made sure I am comfortable and I would LOVE to get back to sleep, "Mmm. I love you and baby, but.... i am SO sleepy." I murmur to my fiancée.

"I've got you moonbeam." Mick loving rubs my swollen stomach in circles speaking to our baby, his voice very soothing, "I love this, love feeling you move sweetheart.... I love mommy so much and now he's giving me you, try and ease up on him huh? You're already moving, I bet anything you already have or will mommy's personality and I LOVE THAT. Now get some sleep little moonflower, daddy is right here for you and mommy if you need me." Gentle kisses placed on my stomach and the baby calms, and I give into sleep......and I dream....of ALL my children and of my beautiful, out of this world fiancée.

Mick would tell me when I woke up again that he'd whispered to me, "I love your moonbeam, and I can't wait to marry you. I want to give you the wedding of your dreams, I know how much it means to you, cause baby you deserve the fucking world."

To this day he still tells me that, he never fails to remind me of me deserving the world...deserving everything...I...

A gentle hand on my face now, "I tell you that because its true Moonbeam, has been for 40 years." My husband Mick Mars.

"I won't argue that moon. I tell you that second leg of the Shout at the Devil tour was really one for the ages, it was rough.... yet there were so many magical moments, like you asked me to marry you, you took care of me and our daughter.... she moved, then she kicked.... i just.... love it."

"Me too, me too. I still remember every moment even after all these years, and if I recall our homecoming was also memorable."

I chuckle, "It really was."

"You know you loved it, Paul." Mick teases, smirking.

"Don't tease Mick..." I trail off suggestively. Next thing I know is I feel his lips upon my own and I am lost in the best of ways, and you can you your imagination for what comes next.

A/N: Part 2 is now done!

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