Chapter 17-Chasing the Getaway Moon Part 1(Mick Mars)

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My beloved Moonbeam is now, dozing.... rather asleep here beside me. We are on our way to the mountain cabin I'd told Paul about. It's beautiful and peaceful and that is no lie, but honest to God it doesn't even come CLOSE to the man at my side. He's been through HELL this year and if anyone deserves a break, and FINALLY to move on and to heal its HIM. I can't believe it's OVER, that finally Paul has gotten the justice he deserves and I sure the fuck wouldn't give up until he got it. It's the least I could do for the man, the partner who I met by fate in the most unusual way, granted I wish and so does Paul we'd met sooner, but the point is.... He SAW me, sees me when no one else ever has and he's done so since I'd rescued him. For the first time in my life, I am in love...I Mick Mars am in love, and I AM LOVED. Paul is my moonbeam; I am his moon....and little does he know I have some surprises in store once we get to the cabin. And those surprises, are things he deserves.... he deserves the fucking world and then some....and we're almost there......and it seems now, my beloved is stirring.

"Mmm...." Paul groans slightly, pursing his gorgeous plump lips.... FOCUS MICK! Those brown doe eyes open and land on me and I swear they are GLOWING, and I forget how to breathe with the look Paul is giving me right now, "---Mick? You, ok?"

I take one of his hands and entwine our fingers together using my free hand and finally give a response to him, "You.... take my breath away Paul." Paul blushes.

"I could say much the same Mick."

"We're almost their moonbeam...and I wish to god that I could kiss you right now...." I trail off alarmed when Paul bursts into tears, "---What's wrong? Baby, PLEASE tell me." I plead.

"I...I...just...I mean.... I.... want...did you..." And it comes to me what Paul is trying to tell me or rather ask.

"You mean Sex? You want me to make love to you Moonbeam?" Paul gaped at me through his tears.

"Yes..." He whispers, "I am READY to feel you Mick. I need this.... want this..."

"I've got you Paul....and I promise if at any time, you need to stop or need me to...I WILL. Cause I'd wait a lifetime for you if I had to....and I PROMISE you, that you will be worshipped as you DESERVE TO BE." I find myself now in tears and realize we've arrived, so I park, "---Because I love you Paul...I love you and.... look up my love, for we are HERE."

"KISS ME." Paul whispers, and I oh so gladly do so until we are forced to part for air, and he does at last look up and look around and gasps, eyes wide. "---This is beautiful. So.... very peaceful...." Here Paul turns to me tears spilling down his cheeks, "—Mick you have no idea, no idea truly what this means to me. Being romanced.... being FOUGHT for, cherished.... with you I matter, I feel seen, I feel LOVED..."

"I could say much the same Moonbeam..." I whisper, we kiss once more and herculean effort part (for now) from one another and get out of the car.... Paul insisted on helping me by carrying bags and once inside he stops short, at the sight of my favorite flowers or I should say OUR favorite flowers, the moon lilies. "These I thought would be a good welcome, I know how much you love these flowers, and these are just one of many surprises I have for you on this getaway." Paul is speechless but I can tell he's very much touched, we find the bedroom depositing our luggage and I reveal some other surprises I have hidden, "---Since you didn't bring your art supplies with you, I thought I'd bring plenty of them for while we are here, I figured it would be therapeutic or could help in some way.... I...." To my surprise, Paul practically tackles me in excitement, being mindful of my back and I find myself looking up at him laying down, as I reach up and play with one of his raven curls.

"THANK YOU...." His look grows shy, "you really didn't have to go to so much trouble my moon, but it means a lot that you did....and..." He starts trembling and I know EXACTLY why, I move to caress his face and he holds on to my hand.

"Hey...Hey, I've got you ok Paul? That's a promise."

"I know Mick, its...just, I was...I mean it's been.... I've never truly made love....and will you enjoy it?"

"YES, because it's with YOU. We can do this together. I love you, never forget how much I love you, Paul."

"Never..." he whispers, as slowly we sit up together, his chin resting on the crown of my head. "Um...I freshen up if.... that's ok?" Paul's voice is so shy and scared.

"More than Paul." Paul stands up only to lean down and kiss me, then rummages around for some things in his bag and heads into the bathroom. Meanwhile, I get to work lighting some scented candles that I had hidden and stripping and laying under the covers, filled with such anticipation, love.... such PURE EMOTION.

I can tell it's more than just nerves with Paul. I know he has those lingering fears because of that DEMON, that used and abused his body for so long and for his own gain.....Paul is still getting used to all this...and he's had so much to deal with to say the least this past year....but I am proud of him, how far he's come....i am just proud to be HIS, to belong to my moonbeam. I feel TALL when I am with him, I will show him that there is nothing to be afraid of. And he wants me, needs me as much as I want and need him.... this is about US not just my own pleasure....and hmm, Paul is taking a bit....

C'MON Moonbeam, your moon is waiting for you......

I here a gasp and there in the doorway of the bathroom stands the most BEAUTIFUL sight I have EVER seen: Paul. His raven curls gleaming, eyes highlighted with blue shadow.....lips pink, full and sparkling and its like time STOPS...AND nothing else exists but him, and I can feel myself now turned on beyond belief and time starts again as I get out of bed, Paul's eyes roving over me.....eagerly if I didn't know better and the look he's giving me is doing things to me....

"If you're wondering..." I breathe, hooking a finger under his chin making him look down at me, "---This is the most amazing surprise of my life.... you look fucking lie, a work of ART. Moonbeam, I love you." Paul's eyes filled with tears.

" moon.... I.... NEED you...and I could argue that YOU Mick Mars are the work of art." I see the love, the lust and hear the sincerity in his voice and I too am in much the same state as him.

"You shall have me.... all of one has ever said that about me or made me believe that.... it's YOU's you....and are you ready?" I whisper.

"YES." He breathes meeting me in a searing kiss, hands shy exploring....and the world around us disappears, and the feel of on skin, I will remember this forever....

A/N: I know a cliff hanger and I PROMISE it will be worth it! Stay tuned for part 2!! 

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