Chapter 38: Our Little Moonflower Part 1

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The waves are choppy, the water cold.... i am SCARED, panicking.... i am vaguely aware there is a boat, and I am drowning, drowning.... i can't swim, I CAN'T....... BREATHE.

I wake up screaming, I can't believe I dreamed about when I almost drowned in 75'!!!....and WHY IS THE BED WET?!!

"Paul?!! Paul.... shh, baby I'm here...I'm here. You need to breathe moonbeam. You had a terrible nightmare and I believe your water's broken and...."

Mick, its Mick.... his words only make me panic more; a bit more aware now...Luna isn't due for 2 weeks...2 weeks....

"No... NO.... she...she's early... and.... i dreamed about my drowning.... I... MICK PLEASE." I ramble, choking out a sob...scratch that, sobbing incoherently really and it's a wonder my husband remotely understands me, but he DOES. 

I feel my face cradled in my husband's hands, his eyes filled with tears...with worry, with that look of love and wonder....

"I know how scary that was for you, how scary this feels now. I know baby you've been miserable and feel bad about missing Nikki's birthday. Paul, I swear on my life Luna is ok, she WILL BE...she's just eager to meet us. You're doing something extraordinary, now let's get you ready for the hospital, bags are in the car.... I've got you, got Luna."

I manage a nod, reaching for him...needing to feel him, he gets the message as he helps me up and gets me changed and cleaned off as he can and soon as that's done, I am robbed of breath...hands clutching at my swollen stomach as I get a true contraction.

"OW!!! FUCK!" I pant and scream, clutching at Mick for dear life as he helps me through it.

After an eternity it passes, or what feels like sobbing and moaning. Next thing I know I'm in the car, clutching at my husband's free hand as he hightails it to the hospital....and I really leave planet Earth for a while......

Labor, I am...Labor.... beeping noises.... hospital.... things coming thru in bits and pieces...MICK?! Luna, is she OK?

"Paul.... Oh Paul.... breathe moonbeam, breathe, I know it HURTS, but I promise you, you will be ok, Luna is ok as can be." Mick's voice grounds me which I very much NEED and brings me back to planet Earth, and despite it being tear-filled is one of the most beautiful voices.

As my brain clears of its fog and I manage to focus, Mick comes into view.

"M-Mick...I...I..." I manage to get out, or moan out whichever, but that quickly becomes a scream as I reach desperately for Mick, who holds me and helps me ride out the contraction breathing with me, and I am sobbing, panting, moaning all at once. I've sadly never experienced this before, and this is one hell of a first. I am SCARED. I am scared, sweaty, exhausted and in pain.... yet at the same time, and I have MICK, my moon by my side. I couldn't do this without him, I really couldn't. its more than worth it, all of this for it will bring me Luna. Soon, soon she will meet us.... soon.

I ride out my contraction and for now it passes, and without words my husband gently wipes my sweaty face off with cold water, doing his best to cool me off and pulls my hair back with a bandana, HIS bandana...Mick's scent soothing me.

"I love you." I whispered tearfully.

"And I love you...Paul you're doing so wonderfully. I am proud of you for doing this despite how scared you are." Gently rubbing my stomach, my hands join his. "She'll be here soon, and I feel like our precious little moon angels are here with us."

"I-I feel that way too...and THANK YOU." Mick kisses me, me tasting our combined tears.

The hours that pass by are eternal and rush by at the same time, the contractions gaining in intensity, Mick being my absolute fucking rock, my oracle, my everything. At one point to try and help with the pain and distract me, at least somewhat I walk the halls a bit and Mick holds me as we 'dance' together, swaying a bit back and forth and each moment that passes I only fall in love with him more.

Mick looks at me, and I can never get over HOW he looks at me, especially admist my labor. He looks at me, in a way that makes me weak kneed, like I am the most beautiful person he's ever laid eyes on and God, what that does to me! He's an amazing husband and he's already an amazing father.

Then it's TIME, time for me to push and I look at Mick tears streaming down my face and his.

"I know its scary Paul, but you've fucking got this baby. Moonbeam, just a little bit more and soon she will be in our arms, I've got you...I've fucking got you and her."

"L-Love you..." I pant, moaning before bearing down with a scream. Holy shit, does this burn! And the pressure.... Yet, it's the most BEAUTIFUL experience, scary but oh so beautiful.

After a period of pushing Luna's head is out and Mick laughs and cries both, "Paul...Paul, she's got your curls, our hair color.... she's so beautiful, just like her mother." A quick and loving kiss, "You can do this moonbeam, just a little more and she'll be here!" Mick encourages me.

I hold on to Mick tightly, bearing down once again....and again until a wailing, red-faced and stunning baby girl slides out and is held to where Mick and I can see.

"Oh my god, Mick! Luna, Luna.... She's so small! She's beautiful! And she's got my lungs!" I laugh and cry both, voice, and body very much wrecked but never have I been happier than I am at this moment.

"Thank you! Thank you, Paul!!" Mick peppers my face in kisses before claiming my lips. "This is.... wow, I have no words to deserve how this feels but I LOVE how it feels." Luna is taken to be cleaned, measured and she is NOT happy, me anxious as hell and then FINALLY time stops as Luna is carefully placed in my arms, feeling the warmth of my chest and how I FEEL in this moment.... I can't describe it in words.

Mick with his arms around me and our newborn daughter who begins to calm admire the little angel in my arms, my curls with red lips but otherwise she looks exactly like Mick, and she is fussy, and I can't get over the fact she is in my arms.

I speak albeit tearfully hoping that she will open her eyes, "Luna.... Luna Winter Mars. I've waited for SO long, so long for this moment. You look so much like your father..." Here I gently run a finger along her little cheek, "---and I Love that. You are perfect, perfect. I wouldn't be here without your father; we wouldn't be here together, and we also wouldn't be here without your siblings that sent your father to me. You've shown your love to us for the 9 months you were inside me, and I know you know how very much you are loved my little moonflower. I'm your mommy, your MOMMY." And I peek under her little pink hat to see that she has both ears, relieving me greatly for I'd never want to her to be bullied like I was, yet even if she didn't, she'd still be just as perfect and thanks to Mick I SEE that.

Mick carefully kisses me, before kissing our daughter's forehead and it is that that causes her to open her little eyes, staring up at me and they are my beloved's 'moon' eyes, and I hardly breathe for a moment.

"My little moonflower...." Mick reaches out and gently 'grabs' her little hand. "Luna, its...its daddy. You've already got me wrapped around your little finger, for you are very much wrapped around my heart and I have your amazing, stunning, perfect mother to thank for giving me you. I love you; I love you so much.... welcome into this world, Luna Winter Mars." Softly, tearfully. Luna, I swear looks at Mick, looks at me making cooing noises my heart melting and I know, FEEL that Mick's is much the same way.

A/N: Luna Winter Mars is here!!! Next will be part 2! 

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