Here comes the bullies

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Chapter 6
"What are we going to do in class today Mr Barden?", Wilbur quickly burst out, hoping the teacher would change his focus from Violet and onto his favourite subject.
"Why...we are going to be learning more about the linear equations that we started last lesson, Mr Robinson!", Mr Barden said with utter joy, happy to see at least 1 of his students taking interest.
The rest of the class groaned and Violet saw this chance to quickly sit down unnoticed by everyone else but Wilbur.
'I REALLY must thank him now!', Violet thought to herself with utter relief, hoping to catch Wilbur after class.
As usual, Math was boring and annoying, everyone was practically asleep by the time the bell rung except for Violet who, when the bell rung, packed up her books and ran out the door faster than 'The Flash'. Wilbur saw her sprint from the room and decided to catch her, to talk to her. As he exited the room, Peter caught up to him. Wilbur inwardly groaned because he didn't want to see Violet with his mate, ESPECIALLY Peter, with him.
"Say Peter...", Wilbur said with a hint of amusement, "I heard Lucinda Mounting talking about you, wanting to talk to you, I think you should go talk to her". Knowing that Peter had a crush on Lucinda since year 7, he told his friend a small, but partly true, lie. It was true, she had been talking about him admiringly, but she never said she wanted talk to him, so this should be interesting.
"'R-R-Really?!", Peter stuttered out with surprise that Wilbur had a hard time keeping a straight face and from laughing out right. Wilbur managed a simple nod and as soon as Peter was out of sight, he scanned the throng of people in the corridor hoping to see her. He couldn't at first, but just as he was about to head to his second class, he heard someone being slammed against the lockers and a few snickers from the local bullies of the school: the Ice boys
Wilbur wondered who was their unfortunate prey this time, but when he rounded the corner, he made eye contact with the last person he thought to see... Violet Parr. She looked frightened, and he once again saw the invisible shimmer from before. He then couldn't stand looking at her pained face and did something he never would have done in his lifetime, stand up to a bully.
"Hey Jack!, stay away from her!".

Violet was terrified, that was for sure. But not for herself, but for them. They had never experienced one of her 'accidents' before and if she didn't calm down now, or get some help, there will be broken bones and bad scars for sure.
"So... YOU'RE the new girl, huh?", a boy, who looked to be the leader of the gang, said with slight amusement. "Well...things are ruled differently here and if you want to survive, you are going to have to bow down to the kings of the school, Us!", he said with such spite that I almost vomited at how despicable he was.
"Oh yeah?!", Violet said, putting on a brave face. She was not going to let someone ruin her first day.
"Yeah girlie...", the boy to the right said with the same sneer as the ring leader.
I tried to walk around them but a boy to the left of the head boy grabbed her and slung her against the lockers. She gasped in pain and was then pulled by her hair to look into the ring leader's ice cold eyes.
"Listen to me girlie", he said so close to Violet's face that she could feel his breath on her porcelain face. "You don't want to be messing with us, you think you can just waltz in here and ignore us? Well you are dreaming!".
Violet suddenly felt another 'accident coming on that was going to explode any second now if no one were to come help, for these boy's sakes.
She turned her to escape the ring leader's hard gaze but that also was a bad move. Violet made eye contact with the last person she expected to see in the halls right now... Wilbur Robinson.
'No!,'she thought despairingly, 'Anybody but him!'. Of course it had to be the boy that she didn't want witnessing her power. She just kept staring at him to go away with a desperate look, but he obviously took it the wring way and ended up doing the stupidest thing ever to do right now. He shouted "Hey Jack! Stay away from her!".

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