Second introductions

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Chapter 4
Violet sprinted all the way to her first class which of course had to be THE most worst subject ever created:MATH.
She walked in calmly and took a seat at the back of the classroom, hoping to just blend in with the class, but that didn't happen, for the teacher immediately asked for Violet to introduce herself.
Violet winced in fright, for she hated talking in front of a lot of people, especially NEW classmates.
You would think that after all the schools she has been to, that she would be completely fine by now, but she so wasn't.
Violet, shaking all over, stood up with a dry mouth and no voice what so ever.
"I-Im, I-Im...", Violet stuttered with pure nerves running through like electricity, stinging her to the core.
But then the door swung wide open to reveal a late student: her saving grace.
'I must thank whoever just helped me get out of introductions, she thought with a grateful smile.
"So sorry I'm late Mr Barden", the new arrival said, out of breath it seems.
"Thats quite alright Mr Robinson, please take a seat, we have a new student", said the Math teacher with a bright smile.
When Violet heard the name "Robinson", she immediately new who Mr Barden was referring to... Wilbur.

As Wilbur left the office, he could only think about the girl he had just met. She was mysterious, beautiful, amazing... and different.
Normally all the girls would either try and flirt with him or just squeak and run from him because of his name, but she didn't.
'Why didn't she?', he thought over and over again, 'Who is she?'.
He was too busy in his thoughts that he didn't realise that the bell had rung a second time, indicating that students should be in class, but he was still in the corridors!
Wilbur immediately sprinted like lightning to his locker, grabbed his books and ran.
As he ran like Speedy Gonzalez, he checked his schedule to actually see where he was going: the Math rooms.
'Of course', Wilbur thought repulsively, 'Monday morning math, GREAT!'.
He ran the rest of the way at top speed, avoiding the hall monitors who checked to see who was breaking corridor rules. As he entered the room, he said a quick apology and found a seat. But before he did, he looked at a girl that was standing at the back of the class, shaking, and he remembered who she was again... New girl.

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