Discovering truths

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Chapter 14
The cars of the two families followed each closely, so as not to lose each other through the mountain passes, and were at the campsite within 5...AGONISINGLY LONG hours of nothing but sitting.
Violet immediately jumped out of tge car to stretch (being cramped between a fidgety Dash and tonnes of luggage bags isn't what Vi calls "A day in Paradise"). Once she finished with her back, she looked around at the absolute AWE!
There were log cabins EVERYWHERE! Trees, rocks and dirt was the majority of the setting. Campfire sites were scattered unevenly throughout the camp, surrounded by rocks to sit upon. Violet was amazed at out untouched this place in America was. It was all natural (3/4 of it to be specific) and and all beautiful.
The ebony haired girl closed and breathed in deeply, taking in the scent of the forest. She suddenly heard running water.
'That can't be right...', she thought, following the graceful sound. She rounded a tall tree and found the source of the wonderful sound.
There was a canyon right below her, with clear, beautiful water flowing down the middle of it! All Violet could do was stare, sigh, and stare even more at the amazement of it all.
"Its beautiful, isn't it?". Violet quickly turned in pure shock, but only finding her good friend, Wilbur, there.
"Wil! Don't scare me like that!", she tutted him, wagging a finger in disapproval," But yes, it is". As she turned back to the glorious site before her, the brown-eyed teenager was looking at another glorious site.
'Wow...', breathlessly, he thought, 'She looks...*content sigh*'
His content sigh was over heard by his friend and so she turned to find him staring amazed at HER!
"Wilbur...?", this was like before at her house, him acting all weird and unusual to her, and ONLY her.
Wilbur realised what he was doing and straightened up quickly before further...awkward things happened. "Um...we should probs head back to um...unpack, I guess".
"Um...yeah! Probs...", was all the mauve-eyed beauty could spit out. She was lost in those kind, brown, MAGNIFICENT eyes of his that could practically absorb all your attention to him. 'Wait...what!', the girl thought crazily in her mind, 'Did I just really think that?!'
She kept pondering about this as the two teenagers walked back to the vehicles, the rest of the family already unpacking.

Once everyone was settled in and had a tour round the site, it was about time for dinner. "Alright everyone!", called Mr Parr, "Time for some sausages on the fire!".
At the word "sausages", all the campers came rushing out of their cabins to be first in line for food. The first in line was, of course, Dash and Wilbur's cabin. Most of the teenage boys were packed into one cabin while the adult males were shoved into another. Unfortunate for the adults, they were on the furtherest side of camp while the younger boys were a fraction closer. Same thing happened with the girl (Poor Vi, stuck with Tallulah and Billie, who are both kinda terrifying).
Anyways, Dash and Wil's group came sprinting out, looking like they were gonna tackle poor Bob. "Hey Dad, whats up? Are they ready? Im starving!", the speedy blond said all of this in less then 5 seconds with one breath! Bob just laughed at his hungry 12 year old who was just about drooling when his napkin was filled up with a big fat as sausage, drenched in BBQ sauce.
The rest of the boys received their meals politely and went to find seats around the still vacant fire, which Cornelius Robinson was STILL trying to light after about half an hour.
Since he was an inventor, Lewis relied on technology mostly, not hands on work. Luckily, his wonderful wife, Franny, wasn't into the whole "Inventing" thing and actually grew up on a farm, knowing how to start fires easily. So she gently took the flint and stone from her frustrated husband, and easily had a fire warming up the cold night.
Violet's lot finally came out of their cabin after Tallulah fell asleep and Billie and Vi had trouble waking the red head up. Once getting their food, finding a spot that WASN'T on the ground was pretty hard. But, fortunately and unfortunately for Vi, Wilbur had saved her a seat on the log beside him. She gave a weak smile, feeling as though her legs would give way if that gorgeous smile of his grew any bigger. Violet slowly but steadily waddled over to her raven haired friend, and plopped onto the reserved seat. Instead of eating her food, she played with it. This is because she was realising something extraordinary, but was trying to deny it.
'I can't actually... Theres NO way that... Is it actually possible tha-'
Train of thought cut off by a certain brown-eyed boy, she turned her head to face him and almost fainted.
His pale skin shone with the light of the flames dancing upon him, also twirling in and out of his slicked, black hair. But most of all, his eyes. Oh God, his eyes! So full of happiness and kindness that it almost caused her to cry.
What Violet didn't know was the fact that Wilbur was thinking EXACTLY the same thing as his best friend. The light waltzing in her hair and upon her ivory skin, the kindness and caring look in her EXQUISITE mauve eyes, all this practically made me die inside.
And both thought the exact same thing that they were trying to deny all this time:
'I like Wilbur'
'I like Violet'

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