The question

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Chapter 20
"A Christmas Ball?!", implied Violet, not believing that this was the case of all the squealing.
"Yes Vi, a ball at the time of christmas", replied Amber, who was more than excited about this.
"It sounds lame, no offence Amber", Monique chirped in with a disgruntled expression upon her dark face.

The rest of the group was silent, some nodding, others not. It was silent until Louise piped up out of the blue.
"How about we go, it would just be a load of fun, right Am?"
The blonde nodded enthusiastically and started bouncing up and down as the rest of the group looked more convinced.
"Alright then, when is it?", Danielle asked as the social queen transferred her information to the others.
"Cool! I have nothing better that night anyways", the dark skinned girl finally gave in and a slight grin spread across her face.

Violet, all the while, stared aimlessly at the floor, thinking it all over. 'I have never actually been to a gathering, let alone a BALL!!', the mauve-eyed girl thought drastically, knowing that she is not really a social butterfly like Amber.
"Are you ok Vi?"
Violet Parr was brought out of her little haze by the kind voice of Louise, who was looking at her with worried written on her face.
"Yeah...just thinking", was all the shrinking Violet could say, before looking at the ground again.

Louise turned back to the group and the group was already staring at at Violet. "Well... You can tell us whats bothering you Vi, just say it", Danielle reassured the ebony haired girl as she placed an arm around Violet's shoulders.
"Its just...", Violet wasn't sure how to put it to them, but in the end blurted it out, "I have never been to gathering, let alone a BALL, before"

Amber nearly fainted. The others either gasped stood silent with a shocked expression plastered on their faces. "Well...", Amber started, "Thats about to change!"
And with that, and a devilish smile, Amber had taken Violet's hand and had started dragging her to the bathroom, where they would talk with the other girls about everything to do with the Christmas Ball.

~Time Skip~

Wilbur, Sam and Peter were all sitting at their usual table, waiting for the girls to arrive. "Where are they?!", complained an irritated and impatient Peter, "They should be here by now"
"Come on Peter", Sam tried to calm the green-eyed boy, but failing, "They're girls, what do you expect?"

"Excuse me, Mr Sam Neale, I heard that", exclaimed a disgruntled, yet light-hearted, Danielle.
"Ah!", Sam jumped, at least, 2 metres in the air when Dani's voice popped up behind him unnoticed.
The odd group burst out laughing at Sam's scare, shedding tears it was that funny. "Where were you guys?", asked Wilbur, as the girls took their resident seats.
"Just talking", Louise answered calmly.
"About what?", the boys persisted.
"Well", Louise anxiously looked at Violet, wondering if she should tell. Vi was all against it. How embarrassing would it be if the boys, ESPECIALLY Wilbur, if they too knew about your lack of social gatherings?! Very embarrassing!

But obviously Monique didn't get the memo. "We were talking about how Vi has never been to a dance before", was out of her loud mouth before Violet could protest. Wilbur and the boys were dumbfounded. How had such a pretty cool and attractive girl like Violet Parr not have been to a dance before? It just didn't seem logical.

Wilbur broke the silence by saying the one question he was thinking of, "Really?"
Violet looked the raven haired boy in the eyes, into the ones she could never lie to, and spoke, "Yeah..."
As the lunch time continued, more Wilbur pondered on why Violet never went to dances. It ate at him, even after the bell rang, even after classes ended, and even as he headed to empty his locker for the day. After closing the locker's door, an idea popped into his head.
Perhaps she didn't go because she was never asked.

~Time Skip~

Violet was just waiting at the school gate when the boy she was waiting for came jogging towards her, as usual, with a smile on his pale, handsome face. "You ready", the girl asked as the boy stopped in front of Invisigirl.
"Sure thing, Vi"
And they started their usual routine home.

The journey was silent mainly, with little comments on their day and questions like "How are you?", but nothing too great. But as the duo turned into their street, Wilbur stopped dead and asked Violet, "Why have you never been to a dance before?"

Violet flinched and stopped as the words rolled off his tongue. She didn't like the topic of conversation at all. The mauve-eyed beauty wasn't a social butterfly and never liked doing things like dances and gatherings like Amber did.

Still having her back to him, Wilbur walked up to Violet and placed his hand on her shoulder, continuing his question from before.
"Is it because you were never asked?"
He didn't expect an answer this quickly from and removed his hand from her delicate shoulder in shock. The teenaged girl turned to face him, straight in the eye, and breathed out, "I never went because I never wanted to"

This was a curious answer Wilbur thought. 'Why would that be?', he questioned in his mind, leaving his mouth shut for now. They both still stood in silence, brown eyes looking into mauve ones, trying to comprehend the situation. But neither knew what to do. It was awkward.

"Why is that?"
Another question flew out of the youngest Robinson's trap subconsciously.
"Because the guys were total jerks. Plus, I'm not exactly a social butterfly like Amber is...", Violet trailed off as she remembered her past experiences with guys.

"Well... I was hoping you would go with me to the ball next month. If, you know, I'm not a jerk in your eyes"
Violet stood shocked in place. 'Did he seriously just ask me to the dance!?', Violet's heart was beating at one hundred miles per hour due to a secret wish, that she didn't know she was wishing, came true.

"Your not a jerk... And would love to Wilbur", was Violet's reply before quickly placing a soft kiss on his cheek and sprinting to her home. Wilbur placed his palm against his now burning cheek and grinned massively as he walked home.

'She said yes!', was all that he cared about right now.

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