Sleeping Beauty

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Chapter 16
The fire was contained until firefighters from the nearby town came and diminished the rest of the inferno. Alongside the firefighters, ambulances came and started patching up the injured campers. But there was one certain camper who needed tending too the most.
"Please sir, let me see her", argued an extremely panicked Wilbur Robinson to a bulky firefighter, who was standing in front of the ambulance van that was holding an unconscious Violet Parr.
"I'm sorry mister, but no visitors until she is deemed alright", the firefighter folded his arms in confirmation, showing Wilbur that he was in control.
"I'm sorry, I really am"
Wilbur peered behind the fireman's body, only to see a bunch of doctors and nurses surrounding his precious Violet.
"Alright...", Wilbur sighed in defeat and started to trudge away to the fire truck which was to take them to the nearby town.

~Time Skip~

Wilbur was sitting in a hospital room, reading aloud to his best friend, who was still unconscious. He was reading her favourite story, a story in which she practically forced Wilbur to read himself.
"Well, looks like that book is done...again", the brown-eyed boy sighed as he placed John Green's "Paper Towns" on the bedside table. He had been reading that book for 6 months now, today making it the 10th time finishing it.
Wilbur stared at the sleeping beauty that lay before him and thought 'God she is gorgeous when she sleeps'.
Then he frowned, he had had enough of this sleeping nonsense. He wanted her to wake up, and reveal to him those exquisite mauve eyes that he had fallen in love with over and over again.
The black haired teenager started to tear up, he not only wanted his best friend back, he wanted his saving grace back. She was the one who always kept him up on school, who helped in his sports, who comforted him in his times of needs, and who, just by being there, could light up his entire day.
'But she is not', Wilbur thought bitterly, clenching fists and shutting his eyes tight to prevent salty tears from falling. Over the 6 months, he was utterly depressed. He wouldn't eat properly, or sleep properly, and he wasn't getting good marks in school because his mind was always on his precious and beautiful Violet.
Violet's family visited everyday for an hour or two, just to check up on her. Wilbur and the gang came to look after her everyday, 24/7, taking turns as to who watched over her. Wilbur was the one who volunteered all the time by taking other's positions or shifts. The gang would always protest by say "You have done enough Wil", or "You need to relax man".
But he just couldn't.
Wilbur suddenly felt the urge to grab the shrinking violet's hand, to hold at least a part of her with him for now.
"P-P-Please Vi", he whimpered out, shaking as he went, "come back. Come back to your family, your friends, me...".
He lightly brought her hand up to his lips and gently placed a kiss on her knuckles. A knock at the door indicated somebody was there so Wilbur quietly, but still audible, said "Come in".
The person that came in was Peter. "Hey man", was what he said with a smile, hoping to encourage his friend a little.
"Hey Pete"
"Anything new?"
"Not one..."
"Oh". Peter patted Wilbur on his shoulder as if to say "It's alright".
A weak smile came across his face, his eyes lighting up a bit, but immediately dulling down again.
"Anyway, visiting hours are over. Your parents are to pick you up", and with that, the brown haired teenage boy left the room, silently closing the door behind him.
Wilbur turned back to the unconscious figure in the white bed, letting a stray tear roll down his cheek slowly.
"Well...until tomorrow", just as he stood to go, he felt a strange force, encouraging him to do something. Wilbur gave in and leaned close to her face, but paused above her forehead.

"Come back to me Vi"

And with that, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, letting his lips linger on her delicate skin before reluctantly pulling back. He looked at his sleeping beauty one more time and said 4 meaningful words.
"I love you, Vi", and then opened the door, turned, and left the room.

As if those 4 simple words were magic, the ebony haired teenager's eyes fluttered opened, revealing glossy mauve eyes that were full of emotion. Wilbur didn't know that she heard his 4 loving words, and so Violet replied
"I love you too"

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