Chapter - 5

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Happy reading!!

Ryan, Tia and Amber are now moving to their first destination to check the site. They are gonna check these sites and select the suitable one to start their new idea of function venues. This is Amber's idea. She proposed that it will be good if people can organize their main functions or any parties or special events with a low budget and peaceful environment. Everyone approved of this idea.

So, the trio decided to finalize one of the 2 sites and same goes with the duo too. Later all the five will go to these 2 and finalize the site to implement their new idea. 

In the trio's car,

Ryan was driving his Ford mustang while the other 2 girls are chilling and talking about the tasks they should complete.

Ryan was driving his Ford mustang while the other 2 girls are chilling and talking about the tasks they should complete

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Ryan's phone rang indicating he got a call. He lips curved up when he saw the caller Id. The two girls in the back became attentive and saw who was calling Ryan. Ryan was about to answer when they younger of their friends group, Tia snatched the phone. She answered the call and put it in speaker. Amber smirked and signed Ryan to talk.

This is bullying!! he thought and started to talk. "Hello!! Niha?" he asked. Why isn't she speaking anything ? he frowned. "Hello!" a masculine voice was heard from other side making the trio's shoulders drop in disappointment. "You could have used your phone Piyush." said Amber with a sarcastic tone. She was disappointed that it was not Niha. She wanted to listen to her voice.

Piyush chuckled. "My phone ran out of battery dear." he said. "Is everything ok?" enquired Ryan. "All good bro-in-law. Just called to inform you that we are about to reach our first site. Is everything planned accordingly?" said Piyush. Ryan's cheek was tainted with pink hue making Tia and Amber laugh out loud. 

To save him from the embarrassment Tia answered. "Yup! Piyush everything is set. You know we won't make any mistakes when it is about Niha right ?". "Yeah! I know. But still I want to make sure that everything is perfect. I saw her smiling contently after a long time. I dont want that to fade away again." he said these words looking at the direction of his sister who was now playing with a puppy on the side. 

He don't want his sister to go through the rough times alone again. She is slowly opening up after so long. He hopes everything will be fine. Ryan's eyes dwelled up with unshed tears after listening to Piyush. He was so afraid when Niha shut off everyone from her. She barely talk or ate something. It took a lot of days for them to make her eat properly and even more days to make her talk to them openly again.

To distract everyone from remembering the sorrowful events again Amber quickly distracted them by asking where Niha is? It brought back everyone. " We stopped by a hotel to drink some tea. She saw a puppy here and is playing with it. She is ignoring from past 15 mins for that puppy." he sulked a bit in the end. This brought a smile to the trio's lips. 

"Chill bro! No one is taking your sister away from you." said Tia. "Alright then. Call me when you finalize the site. I will hang up now." said Piyush and ended the call not waiting for them to answer back.

Ryan took the phone back and continued to drive to their destination. Amber in the meanwhile wanted to look the web pages of the site to know the basic info. Tia is contacting their secretary to send mails to the board members regarding the new collab.

They still have a long way to go.

With Piyush and Niha,

Niha came back after playing with that puppy. Piyush smiled at her and asked if she wants anything more. She shook her head as 'no'. "Whom were you talking with?" asked Niha. "With the trio." Piyush simply replied. Niha was angry at them so she doesn't want to talk with them but, she is very much concerned about them. So, she asked about them. "They are all fine sissy. They are about to reach their first site too. Don't worry." Piyush said and patted her head. 

Niha just nodded her head and was about to sit in the driving side of the car but, Piyush was fast enough this time to make her sit in the passenger seat. "Brother!! You can't do that." Niha was fuming. It's her chance to drive. "You need rest Niha. I know you did not sleep well last night." said Piyush with a strict tone. A small pout made it onto her lips. She fastened the seat belt and relaxed into her seat.

She closed her eyes before saying 

"Something doesn't feel right brother". 

So how is it guys??

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