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Here is the epilogue of this book.

Happy reading!!

After 6 months,

It's been half an year since that deadly day which almost took Niha's life. Everyone thought it might be the last day for her but, here she is, happy with her current life. She started to enjoy the moments of her day. She started to understand the value of these precious moments. After almost loosing herself in the brisk of death, she understood the meaning of living. She lived for her loved ones. The thing no one knew is that she started to believe in the moments of her life till date. She is taken care like a little baby in the home. The other four didn't even let her work a single thing even after the doctor declared that she is completely fine. They only allowed her to work once they are sure that she is completely fine but, they imposed few conditions too. So she had to abide all those conditions to satisfy them. Initially she was angry at that but, she understood their fear and went with the flow.

After having her way with Walton she asked her brother to surrender him to the police. The police got caught of him and arrested him. The proofs of all his deeds were submitted to court which declared him as guilty and ordered him lifetime imprisonment. All his properties were seized and his company collapsed. Many people were free from his torture. Turns out that he was also a loan shark who threatened many people for the money.

During his transfer to the central jail Walton managed to escape from the police. "You think you can live happily after ruining my life Niha. I will kill you before I go down." he said to himself when he found a car parked on the road side. He broke the from window of it and unlocked the car. Since it is an auto control one, he started drive it to escape the police. Within two minutes he was chased by 4 police vehicles. He raised the speed of the car and drove fast between the vehicles making it impossible for them to catchup. 

Suddenly, his car was shot in the tire and it made the car to crash into the divider making him to bump his head to the steering. His focus was hazy. Blood was dripping down his forehead. He blinked open his eyes and tried to focus on the front. He somehow managed to get down the car and fell on the road. He turned his head to the side to see a car halt within a few feet distance. He was confused on whose it is. It wasn't the police. They aren't even near. Then whom it might be? 

Slowly a person got down the car and walked towards him and bent down to his level. Walton's eyes widened at the site of the person. "W--what do you want?" he stuttered in nervousness. Slowly another person got down from the driving seat of the car with a metal rod in his hand. Walton looked at the two with horror filled eyes. "Why are yo--you here?" asked Walton. The other two only chuckled. "I will give you what ever you want. Please leave me. Please leave me." he kept begging them.

"You must have thought of this before thinking to kill my sister again." said Piyush with a dark tone. "You realized a bit too late Walton" said Ryan from the other side. Walton started to slid backwards to reach something to balance his body. The both boys looked at him with a sadistic smiles on their face. "You didn't learn your lesson did you? We will give you the consequence of it now." they said in unison before standing up and hitting him with the rod making him scream his lungs out.

After getting satisfied with the beatings. They took a knife and stabbed the man the same way he did to Niha making him screech and loose consciousness. They put him into the car and went to the police before giving them nod as thank you. After loosing a lot of blood Walton lost his life. The police released a statement saying that Walton had a car crash and died while escaping from the police. 

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