Chapter - 17

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This chapter contains violence, blood and mention of murder. Skip it if you are uncomfortable.

Happy reading!!

With Niha,

Niha dodged the hit she was about to get and hit the man in the groin making him fall down. She did a spin and kicked the person on her left on the face and did a flip to escape the blow of a vase. She almost took down everyone there when a sudden pain surged through her body from the back. She gasped feeling the pain intensifying more and turned back to look at the  cause of it.

There stood Walton holding the knife that was stabbed in her back, having a smirk on his face. He pulled the back knife making the girl to release another gasp and fall down on the floor. Niha looked at the man with disbelief and said "Such a co___ward you a___ are to at__tack a person from the back." and coughed out a little amount of blood.

Walton laughed out loud and bent down to match her level. He held her jaw tightly looking into her eyes. Those eyes which still didn't held any fear in them. He chuckled and said "Still the same I see. You still didn't learn your lesson little girl. You should have known not to mess with me." His face jerked to the side with the punch he received from Niha.

"You thi__ink I fear for a being like you?" asked Niha with a scowl and disgust written on her face. "Same as your father you are. Doesn't bow down to anyone so easily. Tsk" he said looking into her eyes which turned wide. Niha was shocked at the mention of her father. Does he know about him?  "My__My father?" she asked in confusion. She needed answers.

"Oh! You didn't knew??" Walton asked and looked at Niha who is confused about what he was talking about. "Let me tell you something. Your parents death isn't an accident." said Walton looking at her face. "Wh__What?" asked Niha. "As everyone thought it was an accident, in real it wasn't one. I was the one who killed them and made it look like an accident." he said with a smile on his face. This made Niha shocked to her life. Her parents were killed!! and she was stunned to even speak.

"Why??" she asked with a broken voice with eyes turning moist every passing second. She wanted answers. Walton stood up and turned his back to her. "Your father was an officer who tried to interrupt my doings Niha. He had solid proofs of my each and every illegal work and wanted to handover those details to his officials. Luckily one of his friends is my men. He informed me about this. I went to him and tried bribing your father. But, as I mentioned he is a very stubborn person. So, I killed him." he said without a sight guilt and held immense pride.

Soon a painful groan left his lips. He turned back just to see Niha standing on her feet with the abandoned knife. She hit the side of his head with the back of the knife. When he turned around she punched him in the face making him fall down. She straddled his body and bent down giving repeated punches. His mouth started to bleed. He tried to block out the punches with his hands but, couldn't. He used his legs to turn her around pinning her to the ground.

"I thought to atleast leave you by just having a normal talk but, seems like you have a death wish just like your father." he said and plunged the knife into her stomach repeatedly causing a lot of blood to flow out her body. "Goodbye little girl. Have a nice death." he said and walked away shooting the security cameras present there. He knew her friends might return. So he left as soon as he could leaving the sole purpose of his arrival behind.

Niha kept taking deep breaths and pressed her hand to the place where the knife was plunged into. She slowly dragged her body to the sofa where her mobile is lying. She tried grabbing it only for it to fall at a distance. Her eyes kept tearing up. She wanted to to fight back and surrender the person for killing her parents but, she couldn't. She wanted to live a happy life with the only love she had but, she will not be able to. She wanted to hug her friends, her brother and cry out loud but, she couldn't. 

Why??? Why every bad thing happens to me??? What sin did I commit??

Her life kept repeating infront of her eyes. She recalled each and every moment. The time, when she met her friends. The time, her family was lively. The time, they went to picnics. The time, she and her friends had enjoyed in school. The times where she fought with her parents. The time, she wasn't opening up to anyone. The time where she fell in love. The time her friends changed her back into a person. The time she spent with them. The times, she wanted to propose to the love of her life and lead a happy life. Everything. She wanted to lie on her brother's lap and enjoy the warmth of him. She wanted to hug Tia and listen to all her complaints. She wanted to cuddle Amber and let her use her as a pillow. She wanted to be a part of Ryan's life.

"I am sorry mu__mma and pa__ppa. I coul__dn't get justice to you. I am co__ming so__on." she said while completely lying on the floor. Her breathings are ragged and her vision started to get blurry. She lost a lot of blood. "I love y__ou guys s_o_o much. Please be ca_refu_l. I wi__ll miss you all." she said and looked at the chain she is wearing. A small smile crept on to her face remembering the person who gave her the present on her last birthday. 

She took it out and looked at the chain and the ring

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She took it out and looked at the chain and the ring. The ring which was gifted by her dear brother "Th__ank yo__u for the gi__ft Ryan. I wi__ll miss you Yush." She looked towards the direction of her phone which kept ringing and Ryan's name was being displayed on it. She wanted to reach it but, wasn't able to drag her body. "I lo__ve you!!" 

I wish to say one final goodbye to you all. 

She said before darkness consumed her vision and her body fell completely limp on the ground covered by her own blood while clutching the chain in her hand.

I hope you liked this chapter. 

There are just few more chapters left for this book to complete.

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