Chapter - 13

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Ryan, Tia and Amber were on their journey to find Niha and Piyush unknown to the danger following them close behind. They kept trying to reach anyone of the both mobile phones but, nothing seems to work.

Who would be chasing them? What do they want? Is it because of the deal they got? or Is it something related to the turn over? But, only a few trusted people of the office know about the biggest turn over they are going to have? So, did someone betray them? are the thoughts that were running in their minds.

Luck isn't their side today. Instead of going in one direction they took a wrong direction and went far from the duo who were very close to them if that direction wasn't taken. They would have reached the hotel in 10 minutes. The direction they took is so secluded. Vehicles or even better people rarely pass through that way. 

That's when they found out that they were being followed. But how? Aren't all those people dead when they checked? That's the mistake the trio made. They should have checked properly. Muttering curses under their breath they looked at each other. "What are we gonna do now?" asked Tia. "Let's give them a show that we are pro fighters." said Ryan with a smirk. "Do we have the guns bro?" asked Amber. "Ofcourse we do! Do you think I will ever go out without guns when I am taking to little girls with me?" said Ryan teasingly. "This isn't time to tease you fool." shouted Amber getting irritated. 

Lets put on a show!! they said together and took their guns from the dashboard and under the back seat.

Ryan stopped the car slowly to the side making the car that was following them halt abruptly. The trio got down from the car and walked straight towards the car. Seeing this the people in the car got down as well. "What do you want from us?" asked Tia. "Just your death." replied one of the five men. They looked bulky but, they for sure doesn't have any brain thought Amber to herself. "That's a tough job. May be find something new to do." suggested Amber making the other five people angry. 

"Be ready to pay for your words girl." said a man who was standing at the back. "We'll see." said Ryan and the trio moved forward. The men took metal rods from inside the car and that's when  a fight broke out. Tia and Amber through a small metal piece to Ryan. They three had that metal piece one each. "Are you gonna use them to fight us?" mocked one men and all laughed together. The trio looked at each other and pressed the ending of the metal piece for a few seconds a removed their fingers from the edges revealing a hard metal pipe. 

The laughing faces of the men turned into stoic one and the clam faces of the trio now had a smirk laced on their lips. One of the men ran towards them swinging the metal rod only to get tackled by Tia. She hit his knees making him stumble and locked his arms and bent him down hitting him in the stomach with her leg. The other men looked at each other and all together came running to hit them. 

Amber managed to fight with two people while Ryan fought with the other two. After beating the shit out of the person Tia joined Amber in hitting the other two men. The girls learnt Taekwondo for god sake. Ryan was fighting with two men who are trying to attack him without giving any gap for him to attack. The only thing Ryan was able to do is defend him from the punches. Suddenly he received a blow on his head when he was defending the man in the front. He lost his cool now. He turned around and looked at the man with red eyes before hitting him with his head making the man stumble.

He now looked at the other man and took his gun out from his back pocket. He aimed to the limbs of the man and shot him gaining a scream of agony. He made a back flip when the other man was about him and kicked him on the back making the said person fall forward. He kicked the man from behind locking his arms and limbs resisting the man from any kind of attack. He beat the two men so hard that they started bleeding and were loosing their consciousness. He is letting out all the pent up frustration on the people. He is kicking them without any mercy. 

That's when Tia and Amber ran to him after taking care of the other three men. They quickly pulled him backwards. Ryan is trying to go towards the men and again beat them but, they were trying hard to control him. "Ryan please control yourself. We need to know who sent him before that person hurts does something to Niha and Piyush." pleaded Tia. Listening to that Ryan snapped from his anger and relaxed in their hold. They let him go slowly as to not make him anger again. They moved towards the almost unconscious men and bent to their level.

"Who sent you?" asked Ryan with his deep voice. He is trying really hard not to let out his anger. Silence is the only answer he got. "Tell us. Who sent you?' asked Tia. Silence again. Suddenly a punch hit the men jaw. "Don't make me loose my god damn patience. Tell me before I kill you and throw here in these abandon lands. No one will even find you if you die." said Ryan looking at them with rage filled eyes. Tia and Amber were really shocked to see this side of Ryan. He is the one who never looses his cool anytime. Even Piyush snaps sometimes but, this, they cannot believe Ryan getting angry and even worse threatening to kill someone.

"It... It's... Mr. Wan...Walton." said one of them stuttering and groaning with pain. "Why" Ryan asked again. "We.. We... don't know." said the other man and screamed hard when a fist blew on his nose. "We are telling you the truth. We are just told to kill you. We were only able to find you. Please leave us." he cried before getting hit again and loosing his consciousness. All the five men were laying on the road without any movement. The trio tied them up together and left them behind wild bushes. 

"Let's go to the other side." Ryan said before sitting in the car followed by Tian and Amber. He started the engine and drove the car to the other road which they took diversion at. It might take around half hour to go back to the place. So, he drove the car at a fast speed.

We are coming to you guys. Please be safe.

Hope you guys liked this chapter.

This book is gonna end soon. A few more chapters are left.

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