Chapter - 10

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Happy reading!!

With trio,

Ryan sped up the car. He is now very much worried about Niha and Piyush. This day isn't supposed to turn out like this. This day was meant to be a beautiful one for all of them especially to him and Niha. A creepy feeling gnawed at him, telling him that something was not right. Only one thought is running in his mind at that particular moment. That is to be with the brother-sister duo right this instant.

Tia and Amber continued trying to trace the location of the duo, their worry evident. Despite Tia being the best in the field, she found it challenging to determine their current whereabouts. Amber attempted to contact the location the duo was supposed to visit, hoping they had gone there.

Finally, after a 15 min drive, Tia was able to find the location of Niha's car. "I found it!" exclaimed Tia. Amber immediately turned to Tia and Ryan asked "Where are they?" without diverting his gaze from the road. "Just a second" informed Tia. "This is suspicious" Tia voiced out her confusion grabbing the other two person's attention. "What's wrong?" asked Amber impatiently.

"Their car isn't moving from past 10 minutes. They took diversion from the route they need to go and drove in completely isolated area for 25 minutes. After that their car stopped." said Tia after looking at the screen of her laptop trying to know the reason of their sudden halt in the drive. Ryan's mind was running at a full speed. He need to analyze the situation and help them. "I think the fuel tank is empty" said Amber.

"That might be possible" said Ryan. "We need to hurry up. They might need our help." Amber said out the words that were running in Ryan's thoughts. Yes! They need to hurry up if they want to help the brother and sister duo whose car was now crashed into a big rock.

With duo,

The way Niha drove was insane. She kept driving so fast that the car kept jerking. She managed to distract the followers and escaped from them for now. She was in pure confusion about who and why they were following them. Who are they? What do they want from us? were the thoughts running through her mind.

Piyush was oddly silent in such a situation. He was the one who always got worried even for a little thing. He was acting strangely, Niha thought to herself. Suddenly, Piyush spoke, making her startled. "Niha, speed up the car. Right now!" Piyush shouted, confusing Niha. She saw in the rearview mirror that suddenly two more cars started chasing them. Her eyes widened, and she sped up the car, suddenly pulling the gear back, making the car twirl and causing the other cars to crash into the mountains on the side.

After driving for a while, smoke started to come out of the engine. She isn't able to control the car anymore. It suddenly hit a big rock to the left causing them to bump their heads to the front but, luckily the air bags opened protecting from getting any injuries. "Damn it!" Niha and Piyush groaned trying to get back from the sudden shock they received. It took them a lot of time to open the doors and finally get down. They tried to understand what happened. Nothing was making sense to them anymore. Piyush broke the car door open and took all their belongings. He passed his phone to his sister. "Call Ryan and inform him. Tell him we are safe and will return soon. Tell them strongly DO NOT COME HERE. It seems dangerous to me" he told his sister, who nodded before dialing his number.

"Not reachable," she said and tried to call Tia and Amber. "Network error," she said again. They thought for a while and looked at their surroundings. "I think we are near the highway," said Piyush. "I think so too. Maybe we could walk for a while and catch a vehicle. We need to hurry before those people chase us again," said Niha.

"There is something big going on," Niha said before they started walking towards the direction of the highway.

Firstly, sorry for the late update. I will try to complete this story soon.

Secondly, Hope you like this chapter .

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Stay tuned for the next update!!

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