Chapter - 16

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Piyush is driving the car back to the resort where he and Niha planned to stay. It's safe that they all stay together in times like this. Suddenly there was a loud thunder startling everyone. Fast wind blew making the trees wave. Little drops of water are falling down from the sky as the clouds are unable to hold them back for more time. It began to pour down heavily in few minutes. This made the driving a bit difficult and caused the speed to reduce.

Piyush heard a low groan coming from the back seat. He checked from the rear view mirror and found Ryan struggling in his deep slumber. He is letting out some words with a frown on his face. Piyush stopped the car and turned back. Tia too turned back to know what's going on. All of sudden Ryan sat up shouting Niha's name. Sweat beads are forming on his forehead ready to drop.

"Ryan. Are you fine? What happened?" asked a worried Amber holding the towel to his head. He isn't able to respond. He looked like he was still in daze. Piyush touched his arm and shook him a little bit gaining his attention. "What are you doing here? When did you come? Where is Niha?" Ryan bombarded Piyush with his questions and was busy checking for Niha. He seems to be worried. "You fell unconscious. So I came to take you guys to the resort at which Niha and I are staying." said Piyush in soothing tone trying to calm Ryan.

"Why did you leave her alone?" asked Ryan in anger. "I need to come to you and I probably can't let her see you in this state. She will be worried." said Piyush. "No! No. No." Ryan kept mumbling to himself. Amber and Tia shook him to bring him back into his senses. "Ryan what happened? Why are you behaving like that?" asked Tia. "Niha. She is in danger." said Ryan trying to control his breath.

"What are you talking about?" asked Piyush in confusion. "I just remembered something about Niha's words." said Ryan. "What do you mean?" asked amber. "We all know that whatever Niha says whole heartedly comes to life right? I just remembered one such words of her." said Ryan. "What is it?" asked Piyush.


All the five friends were sitting together in one of their apartments and playing some fun games. It was a day off for them. They enjoyed the whole day. It's about 10 in the night. They are playing truth or dare suggest by Tia and Amber.

The bottle spun, landed on Piyush. "Truth or dare" asked the others curiously. "Dare" said Piyush without any second thought. "Have a shot of curry leaves juice." said Niha with a smirk knowing very well that Piyush hates them a lot. "What?? I don't like them Niha." yelled Piyush surprised from what his sister dared him to do. Meanwhile Ryan brought the juice and poured into a small glass keeping it near Piyush. "Common Yush. Complete your dare." said Tia rubbing her palms. Piyush looked at the glass with a feeling of disgust. He took the glass in his hand and chugged it down his throat in a go. The taste was sooo sour that he kept coughing for a while. Everyone laughed out hard for that.

The bottle was again spun and it landed on Ryan. "Truth or dare" asked other. "Truth" said Ryan. Niha looked at him for a while and looked away. "Who is your current crush?" asked Amber making Niha's and Ryan's eyes to go wide. "Why would you ask that? Isn't it obvious already?" asked Tia. "It is but, I want confirmation." said Amber. Niha is sitting there not understanding what's happening. "What you assume is right and don't spoil it please." Ryan said looking at Amber pleadingly. Amber gave a huge smile and nodded. "Who is that? Why are you talking in secrets?" asked Niha. "We will tell you when the time comes." said Tia.

After a lot of spins, the bottle landed an Niha. "Truth or dare" asked everyone excitedly. "Truth" said Niha. "Whom will you want to spend your last day with?" asked Tia. Niha smiled and said "I will spend the entire day with Yush." "Why not with us? whined the others while Piyush just showed them his tongue. "You are all boring" said Niha gaining some more whines from others. "Tell us the truth sissy." said Amber.

Niha smiled at them and leaned back on the couch closing her eyes. Everyone are looking at her keenly as this is her habit when she was going to say something serious. "Yush is the one who raised me even when our parents are alive. He gave me all the love in this world. So, if it is my last day then I will send the whole day with him. I wouldn't meet any of you guys. I will spend the whole day with him. I will go on long drive with him and have a lot of fun." said Niha having her eyes still closed but, a few drops of tears leaving from the corner of her eyes and leaving a trail of wetness on her cheeks. Piyush just scooted close to her and hugged her tight. He cried. He cried like a baby. Other three joined them in the hug and made a group hug.

They spent the night with lot more fun and slept late having pure smiles on their faces.


"How does that relate to this?" asked Amber. "She said she want's to spend the whole day with Piyush without having contact with any of us if it's her last day. Look at the events occurred from the morning." said Ryan. "She didn't see you guys. She didn't communicate with you guys. I was the only one from our group who have been with her. We went on long drive and we did have fun." said Piyush looking at them.

"We need to move before anything happens to her . Quick!!" yelled Ryan making Piyush start the car and driving towards the resort, as fast as he can without giving any care about the heavy downpour.

Please be safe Niha!! They all prayed in their minds and hoped that she will be safe before they get back to her.

I'll miss you guys a lot. Be happy and safe. whispered Niha before taking a long breath. Soon darkness started to consume her vision and she fell limp on the ground.

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