Memory Has as Many Moods as the Temper

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Sometimes, Penny strongly believed that Mr. Phillips deserved a good slap across the face.

She wasn't trying eavesdrop on Gilbert's conversation with him, but it was a small schoolhouse, and she was definitely trying to eavesdrop on Gilbert's conversation with him.

That morning, her brother had let her know that he had finally decided on medicine for his vocation. He told her that when he delivered the baby in Trinidad, something inside him clicked. Since their mom had died giving birth to Gilbert, being able to help a defenseless woman in the same situation live to hold her baby was euphoric to him.

"I have a strong work ethic, sir," he advocated to Mr. Phillips, who had his back to him. "I've chosen my vocation. Medical school, sir. I know it's for me."

"Riveting," he responded dully and returned to his desk. Penny could already feel her blood heating up but she forced herself to keep her eyes on her work.

Gilbert kept trying. "So I was hoping you could offer me some extra help outside of class, so that I can catch up, make up for the time I missed."

There was a short pause and Penny looked up for a brief moment to see Mr. Phillips ignoring Gilbert and staring at Prissy.

Gilbert scoffed slightly. "It could also be an opportunity to prove wrong all those who think you don't care all that much about your teaching."

In spite of herself, a snort of laughter caught Penny off guard and she covered her mouth as Mr. Phillips shot her a glare. She lowered her gaze as they continued talking, zeroing in on Anne's conversation with the girls across the room to quit eavesdropping, playing with the opal necklace sitting on her chest.

However, her attention snapped back as she heard Gilbert angrily state, "My father's dead, sir."

Mr. Phillips tensed. "Yes. Well, the metaphor still plays."

Gilbert walked back over to their desk and sat down as Penny continued to glare at the teacher, her vision turning red.

Gilbert put his hand on her arm. "Just let it go."

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Anne glancing looking over at them with worry in her eyes.

They were in for a long day.


Later that day, Gilbert and Penny filled Bash in on the incident as they prepared for dinner, allowing their language to be as colorful as they wanted within their own home.

None of the Blythes cursed very often, and it was known to others that if they ever did, the situation at hand was to be treated carefully.

"Well," Bash replied, wincing as he brought his hand to his cheek. "I hope to never see him again after the Panto."

Penny noticed his pain. "Bash, are you alright?"

The man nodded. "Just a bit of a toothache is all. I'll be fine."

She nodded and was about to sit down when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll answer it," she offered and opened the door to a head full of red hair.

She smiled. "Hello, Anne," she greeted. "What can I do for you?"

Anne smiled back. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a weekend adventure with Diana, Cole, and me."

"A weekend adventure? Whatever could that mean?"

"Diana's Aunt Josephine is having a soirée in Charlottetown and I thought you might like to accompany us. It would lighten Marilla's shoulders if we had a young lady who is accustomed to society with us."

Though Penny already had her answer, she was flattered nonetheless. "I greatly appreciate the invitation, but I would be no fun at a soirée. Besides, I wouldn't say I'm accustomed to fancy Charlottetown society."

Anne's shoulders sank slightly as she gave a disappointed smile.

"Will you still be allowed to go without me?" she hurriedly asked, wanting to make sure she wasn't ruining their weekend.

"Yes, we will," the redhead confirmed. "Not to worry. Cole is accompanying us already, so that is working in our favor."

Penny breathed a sigh of relief as Gilbert suddenly appeared next to her in the doorway.

"Anne...hi," he greeted awkwardly. "Is everything okay?"

Seeming a bit caught off guard. "Hi, Gilbert. Yes, everything's fine."

There was a pause as the two looked at each other, so Penny cleared her throat.

"I'll leave you two to talk for a moment," she offered. "I fear leaving Bash alone in the kitchen."

She then walked back inside, smiling to herself at the two of them.


The weekend was a flurry. Since Mr. Phillips refused to help, Gilbert took it upon himself to get fully caught up on his work. He began burying himself in books for hours on end. Between that and teaching Bash the workings of the farm, it was clear he was exhausted.

As for Penny, she was collecting the mail when she saw that her college entrance exam results had come back. With a palpitating heart, she opened up the envelope to find a near perfect score.

She had gotten into Queen's Academy.

Her heart soared and she squealed, dancing around gleefully in her empty house.

She wanted to tell Gilbert and Bash right away, but as she looked out the window and saw them laboring away in the field, her smile faded slightly.

Kissing the paper, she slid it back into the envelope and tucked it away in her room before beginning to prepare dinner.


In class on Monday, Penny fought sleep with the rest of her class as Mr. Phillips gave an impromptu vocabulary test. Gilbert, of course, had his nose buried in some book.

"And a word or phrase that makes clear the meaning of another word or phrase?" Mr. Phillips posed to his silent students.

"Perhaps the good doctor can tell us the answer."

Penny looked over as her brother raised to meet the teacher's eyes. She found herself holding her breath, knowing the two men were still crossed with each other.

Finally, Gilbert answered. "The answer is modifier, sir. And I managed to learn that with no extra time from you."

The class laughed and Penny couldn't help the smile that came on her face out of pride for her brother as Mr. Phillips looked embarrassed.

"Correct," he admitted.

With a smug eyebrow raise, Gilbert went back to reading as Penny held in another snort of laughter.

Normally, she had a rule about being the bigger person, especially when it came to Gilbert.

But all rules had exceptions.


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