The Determining Acts of Her Life Part 2

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The next morning, Penny was surprised to hear Anne trot down the steps with a raised sense of fervor.

"Isn't it good to be alive on winter mornings like this?" she called happily.

Penny met her gaze and was surprised to see ribbons woven into her braids. She smiled, thinking Anne looked quite pretty.

Marilla, however, did not share the opinion.

"Anne Shirley-Cuthbert," she gasped. "Goodness gracious, what's happened here?"

"It's decorative," Anne explained kindly. "For beauty's sake. Even birds have pretty plumage, Marilla."

"Plumage, fiddlesticks. Take all of that out of your hair at once. You look ridiculous."

As she sat down at the table, Penny sighed. Here came the weekly dose of Anne and Marilla's completely opposite views.

Immediately, Anne began begging, sitting down next to Penny. "Marilla, please let me wear them to school."

"For the land's sake, that's the last place you want to wear them, believe you me."

"I know you don't understand or imagine, but if you had red hair, you would want to cover it, too!"

"I do not condone unnecessary adornment. Off they come!"

Cautiously, Penny decided to offer her two cents. "Marilla, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing. She's still in her girlhood, after all."

"Absolutely not," she immediately shot down. She turned back to Anne. "Off."

"Marilla, how can you be so unfeeling?" she asked.

"Years of practice," Marilla answered bluntly. "You know I always mean what I say."

"But I need to be beautiful."

"Enough of this foolishness. You'll take them out at once."

Slowly, Anne did so as she pouted.


On the walk to school, Penny nudged Anne's side.

"You are beautiful with and without the ribbons," she reminded her.

Anne didn't reply. Instead, she stopped walking, causing Penny to do the same.

"You wouldn't tell Marilla if I put them back in, would you?" she asked pleadingly.

Penny sighed, knowing this was a bad idea. "If she asks, I told you not to."

Anne smiled and thanked her before tying the ribbons back around her braids. She giggled before looping her arm through Penny's and the two continued their walk.

"I wish I were a tree," she commented. "Then I would have different hair for every season. I would have pretty spring buds, a full head of blossoms in summer, vibrant autumn colors..."

"And winter?" Penny asked, raising her eyebrows.

Anne took on a fearful expression. "Never mind."

She laughed, loving this girl who had become like a sister to her.


Once they got to school, Penny watched with a smile as Cole and Diana worked to adjust Anne's hairstyle. Watching Cole's eye for art translate to hair was an intriguing sight. However, it was clear that everyone else instead seemed to find it amusing.

"Cole Mackenzie!" Mr. Phillips suddenly shouted, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "Since you seem to have such feminine proclivities, we shall indulge your taste of it this morning. You can sit with the girls."

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