Struggling Against the Perception of Facts Part 3

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Penny loved Gilbert and Bash dearly, but she was about ready to put them in their graves. Their trip to Charlottetown wasn't supposed to last longer than the afternoon, and yet here she was, pacing the kitchen the next morning, waiting for them to return.

Finally, the two men walked through the front door, their faces turning sheepish when they saw her.

"And where have you two been?" Penny demanded, her hands on her hips. "You we're supposed to return last night."

"Sorry, Penny," Gilbert offered, shrugging off his coat. "By the time we were done, there weren't any trains back until the morning."

She sighed, turning to Bash. "I trust your tooth feels better?"

He nodded. "Dr. Ward is nothing short of a miracle worker."

Penny smiled. "Yes, he's a very good man. And how was the Bog?"

Bash exhaled, rubbing his hands together. "Eye-opening."

"Bash met a woman there," Gilbert added, a smug smile on his face.

Penny's eyebrows raised. "A woman? Do tell."

Bash shot Gilbert a glare. "Blythe has a habit of revealing my secrets."

"Her name is Mary," her brother continued, unbothered. "She lent us her room for the night. Bash thinks she's angelic."

"Awe!" Penny nearly squealed, putting her hand on Bash's arm. "I turn a proper fool for a good love story. Is she pretty?"

Finally, the man smiled. "Yes. Beautiful."

Penny couldn't help but smile back. "Awe, Bash, I'm overjoyed for you. I sincerely hope this turns into something."

"Thank you, Penny. Now, if neither of you need me for anything, I am off to sleep until dinner."

As he left, Penny meandered over to the table, sitting down across from her brother.

"So how did you find the Bog?" she asked him, twirling a section of her hair around her finger.

Gilbert sighed. "It's unfortunate that not only are they oppressed, but they have to live in poverty, as well. However, they do seem to have formed a true community, almost like a family."

She smiled. "With the Bog, the three of us, and Anne joining the Cuthberts, there seems to be an uprise in nonbiological families lately.

She paused a moment, then, "Gil, I need to talk to you about something."

Although he tended up the slightest bit, his expression didn't change. "What is it?"

Penny took a deep breath. "I've been accepted into Queen's."

Her brother's face immediately lit up. "Penny, that's incredible! When did the letter come?"

Despite his excitement, Penny stayed stoic. "About a week ago?"

The brightness dimmed from his face slightly. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? And why don't you seem excited?"

Penny took a deep breath. "I was at first, and I still am, really. I didn't tell you at first because your life has been so busy with you vocation and the farm. And truthfully...I'm a bit afraid."

Gilbert furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?"

She sighed. "I know it's only Charlottetown and I've been there countless times, but I've never been truly away from this house for more than two days. Even when I was living with the Cuthberts, I was within walking distance. I've always been comforted by that. I'm not like you and dad, Gil. I'm not worldly. I like my domestic life. And truthfully, this house is the only place where I can still occasionally feel like a kid. I'm...scared for childhood to end."

Gilbert offered her a sympathetic smile. "Penny, this house isn't going anywhere. It's not going to disappear when you go to college. You can still come back whenever you want. Besides, you'll get to see me every Saturday."

At Penny's confused look, he added, "Dr. Award had agreed to take me on as an apprentice. It'll help me get a head start in my medical career."

"Gilbert, that's wonderful!"

He reached forward and took her hands in his. "You're always the one comforting me, so I'm not totally used to this, but we are each other's home, Penny. I love this house, too, but there's a reason it felt emptier when dad died. The house didn't change, but it still felt less like home."

Penny smiled softly. "I suppose you're right, which is why you are never traveling the world for an entire year ever again.

Gilbert laughed and the two hugged. Penny had to admit that it was nice to be comforted for once. There was a small pause when they pulled away.

"Are you ready to be a bridesmaid?" Gilbert asked.

Remembering the previous day, Penny sighed and got to her feet. "I suppose so."

"What's wrong?" he asked.

She exhaled. "I've never been fully supportive of Prissy choosing a man as blatantly bigoted as Mr. Phillips, and now it seems he won't even allow her to attend college once they're married."

Gilbert sighed. "I won't fake surprise."

"Prissy is brilliant, Gil! To know she'll be resorting to a life of being only an accessory on that man's arm makes my blood boil!"

Her brother stood up and put his hand on her shoulders, helping to ground her. "At the end of the day, if this is truly what she wants, we need to at least act supportive."

Penny felt herself relax. "I know. I suppose I should iron my dress, then."

AN: hi loves! i wanted to take a chapter to take a break from the show's storyline to really showcase my own writing! hope y'all liked it.

also, penny's speech about not wanting childhood to end was completely from my heart. i am moving states in january and i am so scared of living away from home.

what a thing growing up is.

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