Youth is the Season of Hope Part 3

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The single thing that Penny admired Anne for the most was how no moment seemed to go unappreciated. Not even in long carriage rides to the beach

"Ah!" the redhead exclaimed, her knees on the seat as she looked out the back of the buggy. "Isn't this just the most beautiful day there ever was?? I love autumn. I just love it! I'm so glad I get to live in a world where there are Octobers, aren't you?" She turned to look down at Penny.

The young brunette chuckled good-naturedly. "I am never not learning from you, Anne."

Anne giggled and turned to sit back down in between Penny and Matthew.

Addressing her adoptive parents, she wonders, "I'm still trying to understand why you haven't been to the beach since you were children."

"Never really thought of it," Marilla replied honestly.

"Never thought of it?!"

"Never really really had an opportunity, I suppose," Matthew added.

"But you've had every opportunity for 50 years! I love you both very much, but this is positively mystifying. Mystifying! What about you, Penny? Do you and Gilbert come to the beach often?"

A little taken aback, Penny thought. "Well, we did when we first moved here. Then dad became sick. Other priorities surpassed the beach."

Anne's expression sobered. "I suppose that's more of a valid reason than simply never thinking of it." She looped her arm through Penny's. "I've been longing to go for all of my 14 years but I've never had the chance. I can't wait to find out what we've been missing because I'm quite sure we've been missing a lot."

Penny chuckled. "You know, when I was a kid, my dad used to tell me that if you look really, really hard out onto the ocean, you could see the other side of the world."

Anne's eyes filled with wonder. "Was he correct?"

The brunette shrugged. "I was never able to, but I'm sure it's a feat you could manage."

Anne smiled before turning back. "Oh, stop. Stop the buggy!"

Albeit confused, Matthew obliged.

Clambering over everyone, she got out and started running, ignoring Marilla's calls. Penny stood up in the buggy to see her better.

Anne ran to the edge of the cliff that looked over the ocean, her laughter carrying on the wind. She stretched her arms out and let her head fall back.

"What on earth is she doing?" Marilla asked in concern.

Penny smiled genuinely. "She's appreciating every moment."


Finally on the sand, Marilla spread out the blanket while Anne and Penny removed their stockings. Penny had no intentions of going in the water, but she was going to avoid washing sand off her garments where she could.

"Isn't it glorious?" Anne asked before charging forward taking off her dress until she was only in her under garments.

"Anne!" Marilla called, following her with Matthew. "What are you doing? Come back here!"

Splashing around, she turned back, a joyous smile on her face. "Come in! It's wonderful."

Matthew, similarly stripping down, ran into the water after her as she slowly got deeper. Penny chuckled as she met up with Marilla, who was still yelling protests. Matthew, however, seemed to have a lighter attitude about the situation.

Suddenly, all of the laughter stopped when Anne seemed to trip and disappear under the waves. Penny felt her heart stop.

"Anne!" she called, rushing to about knee depth in water.

Marilla was immediately calling for Matthew to go after Anne. He immediately dove trying to find her. Penny decided to give him a few seconds.

"Come on, come on," she whispered, genuinely terrified.

Finally, he came back up carrying Anne in his arms. She immediately began laughing.

"I got so excited I forgot I can't swim!" she exclaimed happily.

"Is she alright?" Marilla yelled. "Anne, are you alright?"

Anne waved to her and Penny. "I'm fine!"

The two women let out a collective breath. They watched with amusement as Matthew have Anne her first swimming lesson.

Marilla only tore her gaze from the sight as Penny surprised her with a splash.

Their wish to stay dry was certainly not granted.


Later, as they all sat on the blanket, Penny stretched out in the setting sunlight, hoping to get at least a little tint.

"Can the first thing we do with all the harvest money be to buy back Burty the horse?" Anne asked Matthew. "I miss him."

Matthew looked up from peeling his apple. "I'm fairly certain that we'll have enough."

Anne smiled. "I love it here. I love looking out at the horizon and imagining all the other places there are in the world and all the possibilities."

She then promptly got up and, with her towel still wrapped around her, walked to the edge of the water and simply stared out.

Penny watched her, believing the redhead was indeed succeeding at seeing the other side of the world.


The next morning was back to Penny's daily routine of feeling emotionally invaded by Nate.

Anne had left to meet with Diana and Ruby, the young Blythe was stuck working on lunch again. And, like the morning before, Nate walked by her. But not before swiftly running a hand through her hair.

The unexpected action caused Penny to gasp and she looked over at him. Already at the doorway, he smirked at her before bringing a finger to his lips and walking out.

As she processed what had just happened, she walked to her blank sheet of paper, holding back tears. She wrote another letter to Gilbert. Only this message contained three simple words.

Dear Gilbert,
       Please come home.

AN: i'm not even gonna say i'm back this time bc bad things happen when i do 😂

so instead i'll just say hi!

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