But What Is So Headstrong as Youth? Part 3

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The next morning, Penny ate breakfast with her father in his room while Gilbert got ready in the kitchen. The two caught up and Penny tried to drown out her father's every coughing fit.

On the way to school, she was relieved at the returned normalcy.

"I didn't think walking to school with you would be something I would consciously miss," she commented to Gilbert.

Her brother chuckled. "As much as I am not looking forward to seeing Mr. Phillips, I missed all this, too." Suddenly he stopped. "I'm sorry, I just forgot that I wanted to talk to Billy before we make it to school. I'm going to try and find him. Can I meet you at school?"

Penny sighed in disappointment. "I'm still not sure why you decide to associate yourself with him, but alright."

He smiled. "Thanks," he replied before walking off.

"Gilbert Blythe, you confound me," she murmured to herself with a smile.

When she arrived at school, she was surprised to see that Anne had not arrived yet. Even after only one day of knowing her, she could already feel the absence of her presence.

After hanging up her shawl and hat, she walked over to Diana, Josie, Tillie, Ruby, and Jane, who were whispering in a huddle.

"Good morning, girls," Penny greeted politely.

Synchronously, the girls turned to her, all of their eyes immediately widening. All of the girls looked up to Penny, a fact unbeknownst to the latter.

"Good morning, Penny," Diana replied, the least starstruck of the five.

"Have you seen Anne?" she asked, now focusing more on Diana. "I see that the two of you are close, so I thought maybe you would know?"

The room's atmosphere immediately constricted at the mention of Anne's name. Though it was probably just in her mind, she could have sworn that the whole room had gone quiet.

Diana looked around nervously. "I'm afraid I haven't. My sincere apologies."

Though Penny wanted to inquire about her odd behavior, the raven-haired girl shot her a look begging her to let it go.

"A-Alright," she replied in confusion. "I will leave you to it, then."

Walking over to her seat, she was even more surprised to notice the absence of Billy. Considering he thrived on everyone bowing down to him, he was typically at the center of the boys and taunting the girls.

Speak of the devil, Penny turned as he walked in the door, something clearly on his mind for once.

As he sat behind her, she turned to him.

"What's eating you?" she asked, completely lost.

He glanced up at her for a moment, then wordlessly turned his attention to his desk.

What an odd day.

"Gilbert!" the boys called excitedly behind her a few moments later.

Penny turned to the entrance to see Gilbert standing with none other than Anne herself.

And the day just keeps getting odder.

As the boys surrounded Gilbert and pulled him into a conversation, Anne watched them for a moment before turning and walking back outside, the girls immediately following her.

Penny cringed as she watched the girls walk out. Ruby had had a crush on Gilbert for years, so it's safe to assume that Anne was not about to experience a pleasant conversation.

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