Chapter 2: The Friendship

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"Same thing, Sandwich A," Hanni told the barista impatiently, stomping her feet. "You know, I'm here every day, you should really get used to seeing this face and what I order."

The barista rolled her eyes discreetly, not trying to let Hanni know. Surely, if Hanni found out that she was giving her attitude, she would not let her live.

Just then, someone tapped Hanni on her shoulder.

"Ugh, what do you want?" Hanni said angrily before turning around, "I've had a bad morning, and I still have to go to scho..."

Hanni stopped when she found out it was Minji tapping her shoulder. She saw Minji awkwardly retracting her hand back, regretting that she had ever tried to get the attention of the shorter girl.

"Oh Minji!" Hanni smiled warmly, her personality seemed to flip 180 when she saw the taller girl. "Sorry I was not use to seeing someone I know here."

"Well you did just meet me yesterday, and I saw you yesterday in here too," Minji chuckled.

"You were here? Surely I would've noticed such a pretty girl like you in the cafe," Hanni replied, half jokingly, but half flirtingly. Hanni was like this with every pretty girls, but she never committed to any one of them, it was basically in her system to flirt with every girl that got her attention at some point.

"Oh... Thanks Hanni, you're not too bad yourself too," Minji said uneasily, not knowing what to reply to that.

"Here's your sandwich," The annoyed barista finally came back with a paper bag that looked like it had gotten stepped on at least 10 times before handing it to the short-tempered girl. Hanni didn't seem to notice, or maybe she didn't care. She playfully hit Minji's shoulder with her fist, causing the girl to yank back in pain. Who could've guess that a little girl like her could've punched that hard?

"Gotta get going Minji, don't wanna be late!" She said as she ran off to school as usual.

Minji looked at the running girl, who has a sandwich in between her bunny-like teeth, as she laughed sweetly.

"I'll have a cup of Black Coffee with..." She instructed while hovering her doll-like eyes on the menu above her, she then looked back at the barista, who was clearly captivated by her beauty, "And the sandwich the girl in front of me was having, it looked good."

The barista nodded as she came back not 30 seconds later, causing Minji to grin in surprise as she praised, "I didn't know you guys take orders so fast, you took like 10 minutes to take my friend's order."

The barista's cheeks blushed pink, hearing the smooth, almost butter-like voice come out of the beauty's mouth as she talked about Hanni's order. "I didn't know you two were friends?"

"I just met her yesterday, she seems nice," Minji shrugged as she grabbed the food on the counter.

"Trust me honey, that girl is anything but nice," The barista said, probably thinking about how rudely Hanni treated her every day.

Minji laughed at the barista's comment and said goodbye before she went on her taxi that was waiting for her outside of the cafe as usual.

As she reached the school, she saw the sweating Hanni behind her.

"Minji! Wai... Wait... U... Up!" She screamed as she panted.

Minji leaned on the railing as she saw the cute girl coming towards her, clearly out of breath.

"How did you get here earlier than me?" She asked in disbelief, looking at the taller girl's elegant body, not even protruding a single drop of sweat from her body.

"I took a taxi here," She explained, pointing at the taxi that was about to drive away.

Hanni smirked, "So you're like rich?"

Minji shrugged innocently, "Well, I guess?"

Hanni, with a sly smug on her face, "Young and rich, tall and pretty, Kim Minji, you're one of a kind."

"Oh stop it Hanni!" She chuckled as her face lit up and heated up a little bit after hearing the girl's comment. She then held her hand up to her face as Hanni closed her eyes, preparing for a kiss.

Instead, Minji wiped off the stains of the sandwich she had eaten earlier out of the corner of her mouth.

"What are you doing?" Minji questioned Hanni with a weird and almost disgusted face.

Hanni patted the back of her head awkwardly as she thought Minji was going to lean in to kiss her. "Nothing, just playing," She lied, why was she feeling disappointed? She had flirted with many girls before, but Minji was making her feel something else.

Minji then slapped the back of her head, "Don't get any stupid ideas from your stupid head."

"Hey!" She argued, "I'm not stupid! And how dare you call me that after one day!" She said furiously.

"I'm just playing," Minji quickly shook her head in defence.

"Well it wasn't funny," Hanni said, crossing her arms, pretending to be a baby throwing a fit.

Minji then suddenly put her head on Hanni's forehead, rubbing and stroking it gently.

"Oh I wish I was taller so I can touch your big forehead too," She joked as she rolled her eyes playfully, trying to get a reaction out of the taller girl.

"My forehead's not big! It's normal size!" She shouted angrily, covering her forehead, embarrassed. If Hanni was testing the water, the water was tested.

"That's what you get for calling me stupid," Hanni pulled her tongue out as she put a finger, dragging her eye socket down, teasing her. She then suddenly bolted away.

Minji quickly followed, "Come back Hanni!" She shouted as she chased her all around school before the bell rang and they both arrive back in class, just in time before lesson starts.

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