Chapter 7: Cold War

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"Hey Hyein,"  Minji arrived the school, she was dreading this day. She tried to text Hanni throughout the weekend, but Hanni just left her on seen.

"Oh hi Minji!" Hyein waved enthusiastically, "how was your waterpark date with Hanni?" She smirked.

"Hey Hyein!" Hanni walked in on them just then as she shot a daggering glance at Minji.

"Hey Hanni..." Minji tried to wave at her before getting ignored by the girl.

"So not great..." Hyein stuttered, "Got it..."

Minji walked towards her seat, with Hanni already being next to her. "I got you breakfast," She told the girl, hoping that she would accept her apology.

"I'm not hungry," Hanni rejected. But in fact, she was very hungry, she was late to school today again, that's why she didn't get her breakfast in this morning.

"Well, I'm going to leave it here if you ever need to take a quick bite," Minji remarked as she placed the bread in between their 2 tables.

Hanni stared at the bread, before looking at Minji, then back at the bread again before she hesitantly took it, "Thanks."

Minji smiled at the girl as she leaned in to kiss her cheek, before Hanni flinched away.

"Sorry," Minji apologised.

Hanni just nodded coldly. She was awfully quiet during class today. Usually, Hanni would be all talkative, talking to everyone she could see during class, much to the teacher's annoyance, but today, she just stared at her work blankly. Even the teacher was shocked at her sudden change of behaviour.

"Hanni, are you sure you're okay?" The teacher asked.

"I'm fine," She said.

After school, Minji stopped Hanni.

"Hanni, can we talk about it please?" Minji begged with puppy-doll eyes.

Hanni ignored her and continue walking.

"Please Hanni, you're my best-friend," Minji pleaded, feeling hopeless.

Hanni continued to say nothing.

"I'll buy anything for you, anything you like," Minji compromised as she took out her credit card and wave it around Hanni's face. The temptation was making Hanni go crazy but she tried her best to not react.

"Come on Hanni..." Minji said, defeated.

That's when Hanni turned around, "Stop!" She said, crossing her arms on her hips, despite her mean demeanour, she sounded extremely hurt.

"I'll forgive you when I will," She told Minji as she walked away.

Minji ran towards her, flagging a taxi on the way.

"At least text me when you reach home safely?" She asked, opening the taxi door chivalrously.

Hanni rolled her eyes and got into the taxi before Minji paid $100 to the driver, reminding and requesting him again and again to take Hanni home safely.

On the way home, the driver can't help but to ask. "The girl who paid, who is she?"

"Just a classmate, why?" Hanni was taken aback by the sudden question during the silent drive.

"She just seems to care a lot about you. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought she was your girlfriend," The driver chuckled, leaving Hanni to wonder why did Minji suddenly care about her so much, especially after she said those hurtful words to her.

Author's Note: This chapter is a bit slow but I promise next chapter will be Minji crawling back for a second chance :D Minji pls crawl to me I'm begging I love you

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